Gevallen engel

False Hierarchy
Gevallen engelen zijn diegenen die Lucifer zijn gevolgd in de Grote Rebellie en wiens bewustzijn daarom is ‘gevallen’ naar lagere niveaus van vibratie en bewustzijn toen zij door de wet werden ‘neergeworpen op de aarde’[1] door de hand van Aartsengel Michaël – gebonden, door het karma van hun ongehoorzaamheid aan God en zijn Christus en hun godslastering van zijn kinderen, om dichte fysieke lichamen aan te nemen en zich hierin te ontwikkelen.
Angels and free will
The free will of angels is the free will of God. Angels are required to fulfill God’s will, for unlike man, they are not given the liberty to experiment with God’s energy. Although angels do make mistakes that produce results which are contrary to God’s will, they can later rectify their mistakes and realign that energy with God’s will.
Angelic rebellion against God’s will is of a different order than the karma-making exercise of free will in man. Free will is central to man’s expanding God-identity within the framework of the Great Law. Man is given the liberty to experiment with his free will, for he is a god in the making.
On the other hand, angels, who partake only of the free will of God, remove themselves from their lofty estate if they rebel against the will of God that they are charged to carry out. Thus, if an angel chooses to act against God’s will, he must be banished from the angelic realm to the footstool kingdom and embody in the kingdom of man.
Man, who is made a little lower than the angels,[2] is already confined to the lower spheres of relativity. So when he creates negative karma, he simply remains at his own level while he balances it. But an angel who rebels against God’s will is removed from his high estate of complete identification with God and is relegated to the lower spheres of man’s habitation to balance the energy of God that he has misqualified.
Hier lopen ze rond, zoals Petrus zei, op zoek naar wiens zielen en geesten en lichamen zij zullen verslinden, terwijl zij onder de mensen zaden van onrust en de Luciferiaanse rebellie zaaiden door de subcultuur van rockmuziek en drugs, de media, en hun Babylonische cultus van verafgoding. Zij staan afwisselend bekend als de gevallen, Luciferianen, Wachters, Nephilim, ‘reuzen in de aarde’,[3] Satanisten, Serpenten, zonen van Belial enz.
Many different fallen angels
Sanat Kumara speaks of the bands of angels that followed Lucifer:
In the Great Rebellion against the LORD God Almighty and the hosts of his heavenly hierarchy, Lucifer seduced no small number of angelic bands led by his cohorts. Their names are mentioned in the Book of Enoch, and in other books of the Apocrypha, and in the codified scriptures of East and West.
More notable are the names Satan, Beelzebub, Belial, Baal, etc. One such name, that of the more shrewd and subtil leader of a band of fallen ones, has come to be lowercased in the lexicon of sacred scripture and it has taken on a symbolic rather than personal connotation. It is that of Serpent.
Whereas the term “great dragon”[4] refers to the conglomerate of the entire Luciferian false hierarchy arrayed against the Great White Brotherhood, its individual members and hierarchs specialize in certain phases of the “dragon’s” persecution of the Woman and in the war waged by the Luciferian false hierarchy against the remnant of the Woman’s seed.
Whereas Satan is known as the original Murderer using the murder of the lightbearers to thwart the divine plan of God in the earth, Serpent, who is also “called the Devil and Satan,”[5] is the Archdeceiver, the original Liar and the father of lies whose philosophy of deception, based on fear and doubt, is his modus operandi in his warfare against the true Christs and the true prophets.
Serpent is the Wicked One whose seed, along with Satan’s, is sown as tares among the good wheat of the Christic seed. It is this seed who are called the offspring of the vipers. “Viper” is from the Greek translation of the proper name “Serpent” who, together with the fallen ones of his band, was cast out of heaven and took embodiment on earth where they have continued to reincarnate since the Great Rebellion.[6]
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Individuele gevallen engelen:
Voor meer informatie
Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Fallen Angels and the Origins of Evil
Mark L. Prophet en Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Saint Germain over Alchemie.
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Path of Self-Transformation.