O Mighty Threefold Flame of Life

From TSL Encyclopedia

Zarathustra has requested that his decree 0.06, “O Mighty Threefold Flame of Life,” be given daily for six weeks prior to Christmas each year. It can be substituted for the “Heart, Head, and Hand Decrees” in your morning decree ritual. Give it nine times with great fervor and intensity in preparation for the celebration of the birth of the Christ in you and all Lightbearers on Christmas Eve.

O Mighty Threefold Flame of Life
by Zarathustra

O Mighty Threefold Flame of Life,
Thou gift of God so pure,
Take my thoughts and energy
And make them all secure.

Under bond of Brotherhood
And understanding fair,
Send thee forth unto my soul
The gift of holy prayer.

Communication’s strands of love,
How they woo by heaven’s law
A tender blessing for the good,
Releasing holy awe

That draws me near the throne of grace
To now behold thy sacred face
And without fear dispense aright
The passions of pure God-delight
Which set me free from all that’s been
The sinful nature of all men.

Christ, raise me to self-mastery,
The living passion of the free.
Determination, now arise
And lift me ever to the skies!

Enfolding life and being all
With the God-command
“Amen!” that shatters human pall.

The free—no bondage holds me back;
I AM the fullness of Love’s law
Supplying every lack,
And consecration in full measure
Is my will and God’s own pleasure.

Saint Germain and Jesus dear,
Hold my hand with Morya’s here
And let the love of Mary then
Be the wings to raise all men.

Until they all unite in Love
To serve that purpose from above
That comes to earth at any hour
Responding to the call of Power;
Send thy shining Wisdom then
That is God’s love
Expanded for all men.

I thank thee and I accept this done right now with full power. I AM this done right now with full power. This is the full manifestation of the Law of Love that raises me to my eternal Victory, now and forever!

Zarathustra has said of his decree:

This mantra, beloved, will call my Electronic Presence around you. It is not short, because through your giving of the mantra, whilst you are giving it, I am realigning your chakras, assisting you to balance the threefold flame at all costs and to bring God-control to every aspect of your life.

Thus, some mantras work well as a line or two of affirmation. But when I wish to activate in you the spirals of the rainbow rays of God, then I must have this mantra. And while you give it, beloved, I can sustain the Presence. Thus, if it become a perpetual mantra in your heart, see where the increase of fire will bring you—closer to all of my chelas at inner levels and on the outer, closer indeed to the members of the priesthood of beloved Melchizedek. Thus, the mighty threefold flame of Life is the gift of God so pure![1]


Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 35, no. 36, September 6, 1992.

  1. Zarathustra, “Thou Purging Fire!” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 35, no. 36, September 6, 1992.