Sodom and Gomorrah

We can learn many lessons from the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. Sodom was a city so caught up in fleshly pursuits that its inhabitants even tried to seduce two angels who were sent to warn Lot to flee the impending destruction of the city.
When Abraham learned that God intended to destroy the corrupt city, he bargained with God to spare Sodom and its inhabitants. God agreed to save the city if Abraham could find fifty righteous men among its population. Abraham continued bargaining until God finally agreed to spare the city if Abraham could find just ten righteous men.[1]
This ancient account shows us the mercy, love and kindness of God. It does not please God to allow the full impact of our karma to descend upon us. But because he sees that we are jeopardizing our own souls and because he respects our free will, God allows our karma to descend so that we can quickly learn our lessons and progress spiritually.
Unfortunately, even though Abraham was successful in his negotiation with God, he could not find even ten righteous men. Consequently, the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed when God rained “brimstone and fire” out of heaven upon them.
The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah
The cities of the plain were soon ashes, burned by atomic holocaust that descended at the Word of God. God needed no radioactivity of the human. He needed no uranium. He needed no physical substance. He could take the mere atoms of the air and speak the Word into the air, and there descended upon the plain fire and brimstone as it were from God out of heaven.
It was a huge atomic fireball that engulfed the whole city and destroyed it. And it carried and conveyed such a tremendous transmutative effort because God desired to wipe the record of Sodom and Gomorrah from the face of the earth. Only atomic energy, the fires of God, the fires of creation, could actually transmute it.
Archaeological evidence
Confirming the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah by nuclear energy, Zecharia Sitchin writes in his book The Wars of Gods and Men that when Abraham “looked toward Sodom and Gomorrah, and toward all the land of the plain, and beheld, and, lo, the smoke of the country went up as the smoke of a furnace,”[2] he was witnessing “a ‘Hiroshima’ and a ‘Nagasaki’—the destruction of a fertile and populated plain by atomic weapons.”
He bases his conclusions on accounts of the cataclysm in biblical, Babylonian, and Assyrian texts and also notes recent scientific research:
Leading archaeologists, such as W. F. Albright and P. Harland, discovered that settlements in the mountains around the region were abruptly abandoned in the twenty-first century B.C. and were not reoccupied for several centuries thereafter. And to this very day, the water of springs surrounding the Dead Sea has been found to be contaminated with radioactivity, “enough to induce sterility and allied afflictions in any animals and humans that absorbed it over a number of years.”[3][4]
Elizabeth Clare Prophet with Patricia R. Spadaro and Murray L. Steinman, Saint Germain’s Prophecy for the New Millennium.
Mark L. Prophet, May 21, 1967.
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Lost Teachings on Finding God Within.