Tower of Babel

Babylon (Hebrew babel) was one of the most famous cities of antiquity. Its history has been traced by archaeologists back as far as the 5th millennium B.C. It became the capital of southern Mesopotamia and was so dominant as to give its name to the entire area—Babylonia.
According to Genesis 11:1–9, the Tower of Babel was a structure built in the land of Shinar (Babylonia) after the Flood of Noah. Various attempts have been made to identify the site of this tower. Those most frequently cited are Birs-i-nimrud at Borsippa (really built by Nebuchadrezzar); Babil near Hillah; and the tower of Etemenaki in the city of Babylon, frequently mentioned in Babylonian literature.
The significance of this event
The Biblical account says that the Tower of Babel, built by Nimrod. The ascended masters have described him as a rebel angel whose ambition was to control the world. The ruby ray of the LORD’s judgment came down through Archangel Chamuel, and in an instant, the people were speaking in different tongues. All was chaos, and fright turned to anger—anger against the LORD and his avenging angel. Because the people could no longer communicate with each other, they could no longer conspire to do evil, and the confounding of tongues prevented the rapid spread of the evils of society. Thus, God’s love keeps mankind separated until they are perfected in love.
Chamuel speaks of this event:
I have stood in the atmosphere of earth, high over the city of Babylon. I was present when the great love ray of God descended over the Tower of Babel to cause confusion of speech to enter into the hearts of those who were there present, to divide them and separate them from one another because of the manifestation of wickedness.
I beheld how the great love/wisdom of God scattered men, that they should not continue to learn wickedness from one another but that rather in their scattering they should find more opportunity to commune in the quiet places of the world, finding solace in the inner radiance of their being.
Beloved ones, countless dawns have I beheld. But the dawn over the Tower of Babel, the day of the confusion of speech, was a memorable one in the chronicles of earth. It was a memorable one even to the heart of an archangel.[1]
Chamuel also speaks of the lessons of that event for today:
We speak, then, of the oncoming karma of the nations. Harking back, then, to the judgment of God and his love upon Nimrod and the Tower of Babel, we say to you that that [part] of civilization that is raised up in the ambitions of the fallen ones must come to naught. And by and by you will see that the only thing that may be retained by the soul beyond this life is that which is acquired in the love of the Universal Christ in all little ones.[2]
See also
Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 25, no. 47, November 21, 1981.
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Chamuel and Charity.”