
From TSL Encyclopedia

The ascended masters teach that it is not necessary to actually raise the physical body in order to ascend. The soul itself may take flight from the mortal coil and be translated through the ascension process, while the physical remains may be consigned to the sacred fire through the ritual of cremation. Although there are instances of a physical ascension noted in the scripture (Enoch and Elijah), the physical ascension does require the balancing of between 95 and 100 percent of one’s karma; whereas through the dispensation of the Aquarian age the Great Law exacts the 51 percent balance of karma, thereby enabling the soul to balance the remaining 49 percent after the ascension. In this case, the ascension process is almost never a physical one, but it is just as real and can be observed by the clairvoyant or those caught up in the extrasensory perception of the Holy Spirit.