Translations:Dark night/5/en

From TSL Encyclopedia

The dark night of the soul, karmically created by individual free will, is the test of the soul’s confrontation with its own karma of relative good and evil (the sin that can be forgiven); the dark night of the Spirit is the initiation of the soul’s encounter with the Great God, Absolute Good, and, by that Good which he has become, of the vanquishing of Absolute Evil, its antithesis. This is experienced as the presence and the absence of Light, as Christ and Antichrist, as well as the active and passive participation of the Son of man in the cycles of Armageddon within and without. This initiation deals with the sin against the Holy Ghost which is unforgivable[1]—the deification of Absolute Evil and the nonsurrender of the dweller-on-the-threshold in the very face of the living God.

  1. Matthew 12:31.