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== Afra’s embodiment on Africa ==
== Afra’s embodiment on Africa ==

Afra lived 500,000 years ago when the people of this ancient civilization had reached a crossroad. [[Fallen angel]]s who had invaded planet Earth divided the people. These evil angels set out to destroy the blue and the violet races. They distorted the once-sacred rituals and art forms of this people, opening the door to [[witchcraft]], [[voodoo]] and [[black magic]]. They turned the people toward hatred, superstition and a vying for power.
Афра жил 500 000 лет назад, когда для людей этой древней цивилизации наступил момент выбора. [[Fallen angel|Падшие ангелы]], вторгшиеся на планету Земля, разделили их. Эти злонамеренные ангелы решили уничтожить «голубую» и «фиолетовую» расы. Они извратили некогда священные ритуалы и формы искусства этого народа, открыв дверь [[witchcraft|колдовству]], [[voodoo|вуду]] и [[black magic|черной магии]]. В результате люди обратились к ненависти, идолопоклонству и борьбе за власть.

As the people began to divert their attention from their [[God Presence]], they became more and more vulnerable to the divide-and-conquer tactics of the fallen angels. The civilization became divided by the warring factions of its tribes. The people were losing the inner spiritual battle between the forces of light and darkness within them. And their division, both within and without, allowed them to become enslaved under the powers of darkness.
As the people began to divert their attention from their [[God Presence]], they became more and more vulnerable to the divide-and-conquer tactics of the fallen angels. The civilization became divided by the warring factions of its tribes. The people were losing the inner spiritual battle between the forces of light and darkness within them. And their division, both within and without, allowed them to become enslaved under the powers of darkness.

Revision as of 09:57, 10 July 2021

Other languages:
The ascended master Afra

Афра был первым представителем черной расы, совершившим вознесение. В далеком прошлом он предложил Богу свою славу и имя, чтобы оказывать покровительство обширному континенту и проживающему там великому народу. Когда он вознесся, то попросил называть его просто «брат » (frater на латыни), отсюда и произошло его имя Афра. Африканский континент получил свое имя от Афры, который и сегодня является покровителем Африки и черной расы.

The ancient history of Africa

В то время, когда Африка была частью континента Лемурии, там царили древние золотые века, а люди жили под сенью света великого Каузального Тела Великого Божественного Направителя. Великий Божественный Направитель и сейчас продолжает спонсировать божественный план африканского континента, а также оказывает покровительство в осуществлении божественного плана потомкам Афры в Америке.

Многие представители черной расы совершили вознесение, хотя, с духовной точки зрения, не существует такого понятия, как раса черная или белая. На Небесах Владык отмечают не по цвету кожи или исповедуемой прежде религии. Все расы на Земле вышли из сердца Бога на семи лучах, или семи путях посвящения.

Те, кто принадлежит к «белой» расе, пришли для овладения желтым (мудрость), розовым (любовь) и белым (чистота) пламенами – отсюда различные сочетания и оттенки цветов их кожи. Этим эволюциям было предназначено возложить на алтарь Бога дар самоовладения на пути мудрости, любви и чистоты. Эволюции «желтой» расы – жители Китая – служат на луче мудрости, тогда как тем, кто имеет «красный» оттенок кожи, назначено усиливать розовое пламя божественной любви.

Люди «черной» расы пришли на голубом и фиолетовом лучах. В древней цивилизации, существовавшей на африканском континенте, кожа людей на самом деле имела голубой или фиолетовый оттенок. Эти цвета идут от Бога Отца Матери, Альфы и Омеги, начала и конца, Первого и Седьмого лучей.

Так же, как каждый человек служит на определенном луче, так и отдельные народы имеют свое призвание, или дхарму. Каждая нация призвана Богом выразить особую добродетель, чтобы исполнить определенную судьбу. Члены так называемой «черной расы» были посланы на Землю для овладения качествами силы, веры и воли Бога (на голубом луче)и качествами свободы, справедливости и милосердия Бога (на фиолетовом луче).

На протяжении многих веков после ухода из Эдемского Сада человек все больше отходил от своего высокого состояния, и чистые цвета радужных лучей уже не находили отражения ни в оттенке его кожи, ни в ауре. Начались разногласия и раздоры, вызванные внедрением тактики падших «разделяй и властвуй». Вместо братского отношения одной расы к другой возникло разделение: одна раса порабощала другую, и великое единство всех детей Божьих и их единство в пламени стало разрушаться.

Afra’s embodiment on Africa

Афра жил 500 000 лет назад, когда для людей этой древней цивилизации наступил момент выбора. Падшие ангелы, вторгшиеся на планету Земля, разделили их. Эти злонамеренные ангелы решили уничтожить «голубую» и «фиолетовую» расы. Они извратили некогда священные ритуалы и формы искусства этого народа, открыв дверь колдовству, вуду и черной магии. В результате люди обратились к ненависти, идолопоклонству и борьбе за власть.

As the people began to divert their attention from their God Presence, they became more and more vulnerable to the divide-and-conquer tactics of the fallen angels. The civilization became divided by the warring factions of its tribes. The people were losing the inner spiritual battle between the forces of light and darkness within them. And their division, both within and without, allowed them to become enslaved under the powers of darkness.

Seeing the plight of his people, Afra took embodiment among them in order to rescue them. First, he pinpointed the one missing trait that he perceived to be the Achilles’ heel of his people. He identified the point of vulnerability as their lack of brotherhood. Allegorically speaking, they followed the example of Cain rather than following the example of Abel. When the LORD asked the people of Afra if they would be willing to lay down their lives for their kinsmen and friends, their answer was the same as Cain’s: “Am I my brother’s keeper?”[1] The one who answers no to that question is dedicated to his ego. He will never be his brother’s keeper, and eventually the divine spark within him, the threefold flame, will die.

Afra knew that many of his people had lost their threefold flame, even as many blacks and whites, through anger, are losing it today. He also knew that in order to regain that flame, they would have to follow a path of brotherhood. They had to care for one another. The only way he could teach them to be a brother to all others was to be a brother to all himself. And for this, he was crucified by his own people. He was the Christ in their midst, but they knew him not. They were blinded by their greed for power.

His service today

The ascended master Afra spoke on “The Powers and Perils of Nationhood” in Accra, Ghana, in 1976, stressing the theme of unity and of dissolving our differences in the fire of the Holy Spirit. He said:

We are brethren because we are of the same Mother. I am your brother, not your lord, not your master. I am your brother on the Path. I have shared your passion for freedom. I have shared with you the hours of crisis when you beheld injustice, when you prayed to the Lord for justice and the Lord gave to you the divine plan for this nation and for this continent.

I have lived in your hearts for hundreds of years as you have toiled under the burden of oppression self-imposed from within and put upon from without.

The people of Afra have the supreme opportunity to learn from every civilization and every history. When materialization reaches its peak, there are only two courses open to a civilization: either material decline and decay because of indulgence, or spiritual transcendence through the alchemy of the Holy Spirit.[2]

In a later message, Saint Germain asked Afra to convey the following message to the descendants of Afra in America:

In this moment, those who call themselves the blacks of America can rise to new dimensions of freedom and liberty. But this can only come to pass through the mighty heart flame, through the understanding of the path of initiation under the Holy Spirit, through submitting yourself, your soul, to the altar of God and calling upon the Lord for an acceleration of light, a purging of inner darkness.

Though there were successes through the civil rights movement, there have been setbacks. For those successes in many instances were outer. Having gained them, the people did not understand that they must go within to the inner light in order to sustain them. We would seek the equality of all souls whatever their outer ‘color.’ We would teach you a spiritual path of true advancement on the path of initiation.

Though they know it not, the black people of America today are at the eternal Y. They must choose this day whom they will serve—whether gains in the line of material comfort and increased well-being and higher-paying jobs, or the real gain of the eternal light of Sonship and the path of immortality with all of its challenges. In this land of abundance, it is natural for all people to expect and to live according to a higher standard of living. It is when this higher standard obliterates the inner longing for the higher light and the higher way that it becomes dangerous. I would tell you that God has chosen this people as those who have become rich in Spirit.[3]

You can call to Afra for unity and for the dissolving of racial tensions through the true understanding of universal brotherhood.

Afra, our brother of light, like all ascended masters, has true humility. Kuthumi spoke of Afra’s humility:

This giant soul with his tremendous devotion was one of the unknown brothers. So long as individuals feel the need to expound upon their own personal achievements, they may well find that they are not truly a part of us.[4]


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Afra.”

  1. Gen. 4:9.
  2. Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Afra: Brother of Light, pp. 25–26.
  3. Ibid., pp. 29–30.
  4. Ibid., p. 35.