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La sustitución del oro por plata y metales más comunes, y finalmente la sustitución por papel como medio de intercambio, es un complot de los manipuladores para magnetizar la conciencia de la gente hacia las vibraciones inferiores de estos metales y privarla de las cualidades benignas, saludables y estimulantes del oro.
La sustitución del oro por plata y metales más comunes, y finalmente la sustitución por papel como medio de intercambio, es un complot de los manipuladores para magnetizar la conciencia de la gente hacia las vibraciones inferiores de estos metales y privarla de las cualidades benignas, saludables y estimulantes del oro.

The God of Gold has explained:  
El Dios del Oro ha explicado lo siguiente:  

<blockquote>The action of the God of Gold is the instantaneous precipitation of the mind of God through the alchemy of the emerald and crystal ray. Thus, the second and the fifth rays<ref>i.e., the ray of wisdom (yellow, gold) and the ray of truth, science, abundance (emerald and crystal).</ref> become twin flames for the precipitation of God’s will as the flow of supply and demand, which, from this night forward, we direct that children of God must demand as the abundance of God upon earth.... All of life—as a flow of energy, of commerce, of interchange and of consciousness—depends upon the proper working of that supply and the medium of exchange in the economies of the nations.</blockquote>
<blockquote>The action of the God of Gold is the instantaneous precipitation of the mind of God through the alchemy of the emerald and crystal ray. Thus, the second and the fifth rays<ref>i.e., the ray of wisdom (yellow, gold) and the ray of truth, science, abundance (emerald and crystal).</ref> become twin flames for the precipitation of God’s will as the flow of supply and demand, which, from this night forward, we direct that children of God must demand as the abundance of God upon earth.... All of life—as a flow of energy, of commerce, of interchange and of consciousness—depends upon the proper working of that supply and the medium of exchange in the economies of the nations.</blockquote>

Revision as of 19:01, 20 April 2020

Other languages:

El Dios del Oro aparece en una resplandeciente luz dorada, con rayos de oro ígneo saliendo de su cabeza y manos. La emanación de su aura y su llama del corazón es de una destellante luz blanca, casi demasiado brillante para mirarla. Presta servicio con el Dios Tabor, el Dios de la Naturaleza, el Maha Chohán y los jerarcas de los cuatro elementos para precipitar o reducir la tasa de la frecuencia de la sustancia electrónica del sol, atrayéndola a la manifestación en la Tierra como oro.

El Dios del Oro, al magnetizar las corrientes del sol y dirigirlas hacia la Tierra, mantiene la más activa y brillante sintonización con Helios y Vesta de entre todos aquellos que sirven al reino de la naturaleza. Habiendo prestado servicio durante muchos siglos en el rayo de la pureza, el Dios del Oro eligió amplificar la radiación dorada del sol que había contactado gracias a su devoción por la pureza. Hoy da testimonio de la pureza y la iluminación desde el corazón del sol. Dirige estos rayos como una acción vivificante y purificadora a través del metal que precipita.

Debido a que el oro es imprescindible para el equilibrio de la luz en la naturaleza y en el hombre, el Dios del Oro ocupa un puesto muy importante en la jerarquía. El oro tiene como fin ser el estándar de intercambio por toda la Tierra; pero debido a que la humanidad lo ha reunido desorbitadamente y ha abusado de él, los maestros no han revelado la riqueza del oro que hay oculta en la Tierra. Las minas más ricas que el mundo ha conocido jamás serán abiertas a medida que la era de oro aparezca y los gobiernos de las naciones vuelvan al estándar del oro y a una política fiscal sana basada en la regla de oro.

En cada civilización en la que el oro ha estado en circulación como medio de intercambio y ha sido llevado por la gente, ha habido un correspondiente logro de gran iluminación, abundancia, salud y maestría propia. (La costumbre de utilizar oro como adorno en las tribus primitivas proviene de las civilizaciones antiguas de las que son un último remanente.)

La sustitución del oro por plata y metales más comunes, y finalmente la sustitución por papel como medio de intercambio, es un complot de los manipuladores para magnetizar la conciencia de la gente hacia las vibraciones inferiores de estos metales y privarla de las cualidades benignas, saludables y estimulantes del oro.

El Dios del Oro ha explicado lo siguiente:

The action of the God of Gold is the instantaneous precipitation of the mind of God through the alchemy of the emerald and crystal ray. Thus, the second and the fifth rays[1] become twin flames for the precipitation of God’s will as the flow of supply and demand, which, from this night forward, we direct that children of God must demand as the abundance of God upon earth.... All of life—as a flow of energy, of commerce, of interchange and of consciousness—depends upon the proper working of that supply and the medium of exchange in the economies of the nations.

The term golden age did not derive from nothing. Golden age means an age based upon the gold standard, the standard of the gold of the Christ consciousness, of the golden rule, of gold as precipitated sunlight for the balance of the mind and the emotions and the flow of life even in the physical temple. Gold, beloved ones, is necessary for the stability of consciousness as well as for the stability of the economies of the nations. Unless there be a certain portion of gold even in the temple, the balance of the elements is not held. When the people no longer hold gold in their possession or wear gold, there is far greater mental and emotional disturbance.

Gold is the lodestone of Alpha and Omega. It is a reminder to every child of God at the soul level of the great throne of grace, of the great throne room that is white and gold in the Great Central Sun. It is from this room that souls of light took leave of the octaves of Spirit, descending into the planes of Mater.

It was my commission from Alpha and Omega aeons and aeons ago to establish the focuses of gold in the Matter planes among the galaxies and thus to teach elemental life under the four hierarchies and through the Elohim how the balance of forces in the four planes of Mater would be anchored through the magnetic quality of this precipitated sunlight. Thus, the elementals learned to precipitate gold. And thus, gold does grow in the earth. Veins expand, and this balancing of energy corresponds directly to, first of all, the blueprint of the Christ consciousness of the evolutions of earth or of a system of worlds and then to that which has been outpictured through the threefold flame.

That which is the gold in circulation represents attainment in the outer. Gold that remains undiscovered represents that portion of potential of the Christ mind that remains to be brought forth. You cannot have a demonstration of light and of the consciousness of the Christ without a corresponding manifestation of gold in your world.[2]

The masters have advised that we should all have some gold upon our person at all times to magnetize the fire of the sun. They have also asked us to call to the God of Nature and the God of Gold, as well as to Saint Germain and the Goddess of Liberty, to restore the free flow of gold coins throughout the world.

See also


Gold standard


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “God of Gold.”

  1. i.e., the ray of wisdom (yellow, gold) and the ray of truth, science, abundance (emerald and crystal).
  2. The God of Gold with God Tabor, “The Flow of Energy in the City Foursquare: Children of God, Demand and Supply the Abundance of the Mother!” October 10, 1977.