Michael and Faith/fr: Difference between revisions
(Created page with "L’Archange Michel et ses légions descendent quotidiennement dans le plan astral entièrement vêtus de leur puissante armure bleue, port...") |
(Created page with "Lui et ses anges de la délivrance travaillent continuellement à ces niveaux pour sauver les âmes de l’accumulation de leur propre création humaine au cours des siècles...") |
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L’Archange Michel et ses légions descendent quotidiennement dans le [[Special:MyLanguage/astral plane|plan astral]] entièrement vêtus de leur puissante armure bleue, portant leurs boucliers et leurs [[Special:MyLanguage/sword|épées]] de flamme bleue. Ils vont y libérer ceux qui ont quitté la scène de la vie et qui se trouvent incapables de s’élever dans les plans supérieurs du service et dans les [[Special:MyLanguage/retreat|retraite]]s des maîtres. | L’Archange Michel et ses légions descendent quotidiennement dans le [[Special:MyLanguage/astral plane|plan astral]] entièrement vêtus de leur puissante armure bleue, portant leurs boucliers et leurs [[Special:MyLanguage/sword|épées]] de flamme bleue. Ils vont y libérer ceux qui ont quitté la scène de la vie et qui se trouvent incapables de s’élever dans les plans supérieurs du service et dans les [[Special:MyLanguage/retreat|retraite]]s des maîtres. | ||
Lui et ses anges de la délivrance travaillent continuellement à ces niveaux pour sauver les âmes de l’accumulation de leur propre création humaine au cours des siècles et aussi des projections des êtres des ténèbres. Ils rendent ce service depuis de nombreuses époques, et Michel affirme toute sa détermination à ne jamais abandonner jusqu’à ce que le dernier enfant de lumière sur cette planète soit monté jusqu’à la Source divine dans le rituel de l’ascension. | |||
To assist in cutting the lightbearers free from astral entanglements, Archangel Michael has a sword of blue flame that has been fashioned from pure light substance This sword of blue flame is a rod of blue-flame power that he has used for the protection of mankind since the descent of the [[laggard]]s and the [[Luciferian]]s to the earth plane. Michael tells us that this sword is God’s sword. It has come from the [[Great Central Sun]], a gift from the very heart of God himself, and has been passed to him from the mighty Elohim [[Hercules]]. When this sword of blue flame blazes into a negative manifestation, nothing can stand against it. | To assist in cutting the lightbearers free from astral entanglements, Archangel Michael has a sword of blue flame that has been fashioned from pure light substance This sword of blue flame is a rod of blue-flame power that he has used for the protection of mankind since the descent of the [[laggard]]s and the [[Luciferian]]s to the earth plane. Michael tells us that this sword is God’s sword. It has come from the [[Great Central Sun]], a gift from the very heart of God himself, and has been passed to him from the mighty Elohim [[Hercules]]. When this sword of blue flame blazes into a negative manifestation, nothing can stand against it. |
Revision as of 22:34, 11 August 2022

L’Archange Michel est l’archange du premier rayon consacré à la protection, à la foi et à la volonté de Dieu. Il est le Prince des archanges et des Armées angéliques, le Défenseur de la Foi, l’Ange de la Délivrance. Le livre de Daniel l’appelle « le grand Prince qui protège les enfants de ton peuple ». [1] Son complément divin est l‘Archée Foi.
Récits historiques
L'Archange Michel est connu comme le plus grand et le plus révéré parmi les anges dans les écritures et les traditions juive, chrétienne et islamique. Dans la tradition musulmane, il est l’ange de la nature qui apporte la nourriture et la connaissance à l’homme. Dans la tradition mystique juive, l’Archange Michel est identifié comme étant l’ange qui a lutté avec Jacob, détruit les armées de Sennachérib et libéré les trois jeunes hébreux de la fournaise ardente. L’Archange Michel est l’ange qui est apparu à Josué quand celui-ci se préparait à mener les israélites au combat à Jéricho. [2].
L'apôtre Jean parle de l’Archange Michel dans le livre de l’Apocalypse, il y raconte que c’est Michel qui a chassé le diable et ses anges du ciel et ils furent précipités sur la terre. [3]. C’est ainsi que nous savons que les anges déchus se sont incarnés sur la terre et que les ennemis du Christ existent dans le monde physique. C’est donc l’Archange Michel et ses légions d’éclairs bleus qui servent avec lui et qui défendent les enfants de Dieu de l’ennemi qu’est l’Antéchrist.
Son épée et son armure
L’Archange Michel et ses légions descendent quotidiennement dans le plan astral entièrement vêtus de leur puissante armure bleue, portant leurs boucliers et leurs épées de flamme bleue. Ils vont y libérer ceux qui ont quitté la scène de la vie et qui se trouvent incapables de s’élever dans les plans supérieurs du service et dans les retraites des maîtres.
Lui et ses anges de la délivrance travaillent continuellement à ces niveaux pour sauver les âmes de l’accumulation de leur propre création humaine au cours des siècles et aussi des projections des êtres des ténèbres. Ils rendent ce service depuis de nombreuses époques, et Michel affirme toute sa détermination à ne jamais abandonner jusqu’à ce que le dernier enfant de lumière sur cette planète soit monté jusqu’à la Source divine dans le rituel de l’ascension.
To assist in cutting the lightbearers free from astral entanglements, Archangel Michael has a sword of blue flame that has been fashioned from pure light substance This sword of blue flame is a rod of blue-flame power that he has used for the protection of mankind since the descent of the laggards and the Luciferians to the earth plane. Michael tells us that this sword is God’s sword. It has come from the Great Central Sun, a gift from the very heart of God himself, and has been passed to him from the mighty Elohim Hercules. When this sword of blue flame blazes into a negative manifestation, nothing can stand against it.
You may also call for his sword of blue flame. Visualize it as the sparkling electric blue that is seen in the blue flame in the burner of a gas stove. Take this sword in your own right hand. Swing it around you daily as you give your dynamic decrees to be cut free from all that binds you and keeps you from your victory. Then maximize your decrees to include calls for the freedom of all on our planet and even the salvation of the planet itself. Daily calls to Archangel Michael for protection and for his momentum of faith and devotion to the will of God will ensure the protection of those who go forth in his name and service as defenders of the faith.
Students may also call to Archangel Michael for the cloak of invisibility, invincibility and invulnerability and for the mighty blue armour when they go forth to do battle with the forces of evil. Archangel Michael is part of the fraternity of lightbearers known as “Shield,” whose members serve twenty-four hours a day to protect the image of the Christ in every man, woman and child embodied upon this planet.

Archangel Michael’s service
Archangel Michael is a very special angel to us. He, with his legions of light, has dedicated himself for thousands and thousands of years to the safety, the security, the perfectionment of our souls and to our protection; caring for us, sponsoring us, rebuking us, teaching us the way of God’s holy will, giving us to understand that we each have a blueprint in life, that we have a divine plan. So tender and so present is the love of God for us, and he makes that known to us especially in a most personal way through his angels.
The Goddess of Liberty says: “Archangel Michael is at your side and does answer your call and does answer it best when you keep a daily momentum” of prayers to him. “Your call for help will be answered instantaneously when you have built this momentum.”[4] Archangel Michael has made the commitment to each and every one of us that if we will give our decrees and songs to him for twenty minutes each day, he will keep an angel with us until the hour of our victory.
Archangel Michael also offers to give us his momentum of faith, as he says, “Give me your doubts. Give me your questionings. I will indeed give you my faith. And my faith is a power to transform and direct into the world the great blue-lightning love of the infinite Father of all. This power and this faith is real.”[5]
Sometimes all that is necessary for us to successfully pass through a difficult moment of testing is to know that we have friends of light who are upholding us and praying for our overcoming. However, when an archangel offers his faith to humanity, it is our responsibility to accept his gift, invoke his flame and his intercession, and make it a part of our lives. He says, “When sight is obtained, of what need is faith? It is not I who need faith then—except to give it away—but it is you who require it.”[6]
In most cases, the battle of life is not won on momentous decisions but on the little day-to-day experiences whereby, when you turn your heart to God in faith and trust, you receive the grace that cuts you free from the negative aspects of life in which your consciousness has momentarily become trapped. We can visualize the pathway of faith as a “mighty shimmering ribbon of light substance connecting the individual with his God Presence.”[7] Sometimes a simple thoughtform like this is all that will be needed to free us from the negative facets of life.
Dispensations from Archangel Michael
Archangel Michael has offered us another great gift from his heart of love—a dispensation given in Boston on April 22, 1961:
Blessed and beloved ones, some of you are of advancing years, and it will not be long before you shall vacate your body temples. Some of you shall do so by the ascension and some shall enter the realms of our world in the other manner called death.... I will make you one promise: If you will call to me secretly within your heart and ask me to come to you at that hour, I, Michael, will materialize to you at the hour of your passing and you will see me as I AM. And I will promise you that I will help to cut you free from the remaining portions of your karma and will help you to enter the realms of light with less of the attendant pain that results from human fear in their passing.
This is a privilege and a gift I give you from my heart. I flood it forth to the people of Boston and to those throughout the world who have the faith to accept and to realize that God walks and talks with men today in the same manner as of old. I AM Michael, Prince of the Archangels, rendering for the earth a cosmic service.[8]
Archangel Michael released the following dispensation in 1992:
In the name of Almighty God, I, Archangel Michael, assign to each and every one of you a member of my legions, one single mighty angel who shall stay with you as long as you give the call to Archangel Michael and any of our decrees to Archangel Michael for twenty minutes each day. So long as you sustain that which is the absolute minimum requirement of the Great Law, this angel of my bands shall not leave you until the hour of your ascension in the Light.[9]
► Article principal: Temple de la Foi et de la protection
Archangel Michael’s etheric retreat is in the Canadian Rockies at Banff, near Lake Louise. He also has a focus of light over Central Europe. His keynote is “The Navy Hymn” (“Eternal Father, Strong to Save”). The music of the “Bridal Chorus” from Lohengrin may also be used to invoke the radiance of the archangels and the angelic hosts.
Archangel Michael is the sponsor of police departments and law enforcement agencies around the world.
Voir aussi
Pour l'être cosmique Foi, voir Foi, Espérance et Charité.
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Michael and Faith.”
- ↑ Dn 12, 1.
- ↑ Jos 5, 13-15
- ↑ Ap 12, 7-9
- ↑ Elizabeth Clare Prophet, “How Angels Help You to Protect Yourself and Those You Love,” February 21, 1993.
- ↑ Archangel Michael, “Hail, Children of the White-Fire Sun,” July 4, 1971.
- ↑ Archangel Michael, “When the Heart Cries Out to God,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 13, no. 35, August 30, 1970.
- ↑ Ibid.
- ↑ Archangel Michael, “A Divine Mediatorship,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 25, no. 45, November 7, 1982.
- ↑ Archangel Michael, “Meet Us Halfway” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 35, no. 50, November 8, 1992.