Forma de Pensamiento Curativo
La forma de pensamiento curativo se compone de tres esferas concéntricas: una esfera blanca en el centro rodeada de una esfera azul y el fuego sagrado del verde esmeralda. Está científicamente creada por el Arcángel Rafael para la curación física y espiritual.
Cómo usar la forma de pensamiento curativo
Cada vez que recéis pidiendo curación, sabed que el llamado obliga la respuesta. Entonces, invocad al Señor y sabed que responderá:
En el nombre de Jesucristo y de su presencia conmigo en la Persona de mi Yo Crístico, invoco al corazón de mi propia amada Presencia YO SOY y a los ángeles de curación para que la bella forma de pensamiento curativo me selle en la perfecta luz de la conciencia que Dios tiene de mi salud, ¡manifestada ahora!
Entonces visualizad esferas de fuego sagrado que descienden como la presencia pulsante del Espíritu Santo. Visualizad el núcleo de fuego blanco centrado en la centelleante llama de azul zafiro, envuelta en los fuegos de color verde esmeralda.
By your unspeakable love for the Holy Spirit, magnetize this healing thoughtform from the mind of God first to your heart and then to any distressed, disturbed, or diseased area of the body. You can even see your entire form enfolded in God’s healing presence. The healing process takes place through the restoration of Christ’s wholeness—first in your soul (both spiritually and emotionally), then in your mind (mentally and visually), and finally in your body, which will always reflect the state of your “higher” vehicles.
The science of the healing thoughtform
The white-fire core, always interacting with the violet flame, is the energy of Alpha and Omega which transmutes the conditions (physical, mental, and emotional) that cause the disorder—i.e., the dis-ordering of the altogether natural flow of harmony in your life.
The blue sphere—again in combination with the violet fire—is the action of the will of God which summons by divine decree the atoms, molecules, and cells into conformity with the inner blueprint of the Son of God in whose image you were and are “fearfully and wonderfully made.”[1]
The green sphere—blending with the “scrubbing, scouring” action of the violet flame—is the miracle of God’s immortal Life that restores the flow of Spirit through Matter and makes it whole. See in your mind’s eye the healing thoughtform alternating with the surging/resurging violet flame, burning through all substance blocking the flow of the Life-force.
As the whirling (clockwise) thoughtform magnetizes the flow of your lifestream into the matrix of Nature’s original design, the debris of centuries of misqualified thought and feeling substance is thrown off, by centrifugal force, into the violet flame, where it is stripped of all discord and transmuted by the alchemy of the Holy Spirit back to the crystal clarity of the River of Life.
See also
For more information
For more information on using the healing thoughtform and the flames of God for healing, see Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Science of the Spoken Word.
Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 31, no. 56.
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Science of the Spoken Word.
- ↑ Ps. 139:14.