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Kuthumi explains the meaning and purpose of meditation in the book Prayer and Meditation:

Prayer and meditation are like twins framing the pathway to holiness and delight. Just as prayer or entreaty makes contact with God, drawing down into the world of the seeker the rays of divine intercession, so, meditation lifts up the Son of man that he may be bathed in the radiance of the Eternal.

Meditation is an aerating of the mind, a flushing-out of silt and misconception. Meditation is for purification. It is the thought of man about his Creator. The dust of the world must be blown away, the threshing floor of the heart of man swept clean. In prayer man makes intercession to God for assistance; in meditation he gives assistance to God by creating the nature of God within his own thoughts and feelings.

Many pray from the standpoint of the sinner asking forgiveness for sin. But after forgiveness what? After forgiveness for the sin must come the re-creation of the Divine Man. As man was framed in the mortal image, so must he be formed now in the image of the Eternal. It has not been enough that the image of God, from its lofty position, has been vouchsafed to every man. The gift has not been received in manifestation.

Therefore, to meditate upon the gift is to draw the attunement of the soul toward the harmony of God realization. If man has been a thief, now he becomes the giver. If he has thought evil of others, now he becomes the mediator, the intercessor, the meditator upon their perfection as well as upon his own, reaffirming by his acts the mission of the Christ. The universe is a many-stringed lute. The infinite range of its harmonies can be enjoyed by all; but newness of sight and of hearing, newness of education, the schooling of the vision to transmit lofty thoughts and to transform them that they may come within the reach of the outstretched fingers of man—all of this man must make his own. God has proposed; his laws have disposed. Man has rejected; now he must perfect.

The admonishment of your beloved Hilarion, known unto many as Saint Paul, was “Think on these things.”[1] To meditate, then, is to let the thoughts of God that flow into the heart rise into the head, that the Knower may also become the known. Meditation is an exchange of man’s imperfect thoughts about himself and his Creator for the perfect thoughts held for him by the Creator. Identifying now with the eternal God, who is his Creator, the highest in his nature becomes the joint creator of himself. Thus, in a very real sense, as man draws the perfection of God into his world, he becomes the arbiter of his own destiny—a co-worker in the sublime—and he becomes as God is, self-created and creating.[2]

See also

Spoken Word


For more information

Jesus and Kuthumi, Prayer and Meditation


  1. Phil. 4:8.
  2. Jesus and Kuthumi, Prayer and Meditation, chapter 9.