Господь Мира
The hierarchical office of Lord of the World is vested with the highest authority of the Godhead on behalf of a planet and its evolutions. Upon the recommendation of the Lords of Karma, the one who holds this office is selected by the Solar Logoi from among those who have passed the Buddhic initiations and qualified under the laws of hierarchy as the most advanced initiates on a particular world.
The Lord of the World receives the divine blueprint for the world from the planetary Silent Watcher and guards the threefold flame on behalf of angels, elementals and men, serving to externalize the flame of the Christ in the planes of Spirit and Matter. He also focuses all of the planes of God’s consciousness, including those of the five secret rays. Having mastery in both the inner planes (the planes of the five secret or passive rays) and the outer planes (the planes of the seven color or active rays) of the Great Causal Body, he holds the balance of peace in the four lower bodies of the planet.
Gautama Buddha, the current Lord of the World
Должность Господа Мира, который в «Книге Откровения» (11:4) назван Богом Земли, занимает Гаутама Будда, пришедший недавно на смену Санату Кумаре, занимавшему этот пост десятки тысячелетий. Это самая высокая должность в духовной Иерархии планеты, а Господь Гаутама - воистину самый смиренный среди Вознесенных Владык.
На внутренних уровнях он поддерживает трехлепестковое пламя - божественную искру ради тех жизнепотоков, которые утеряли прямую связь со своим Я ЕСМЬ Присутствием и создали так много негативной кармы, что стали неспособны примагничивать достаточное количество Света из Божественного Начала для поддержания физического воплощения своей души на Земле. Через филигранную нить света, соединяющую его сердце с сердцами всех детей Божьих, Господь Гаутама питает трепетное пламя Света, которое должно пылать на алтаре каждого сердца со всевозрастающим величием любви, мудрости и силы, поддерживаемое Христосознанием людей.
Sanat Kumara, the previous Lord of the World
Гаутама Будда принял мантию Господа Мира 1 января 1956 года у Саната Кумары, иерарха планеты Венера, который занимал пост Господа Мира со времен черных дней истории Земли. Известный как Ветхий Днями, Санат Кумара вызвался прийти на Землю тысячи лет тому назад, когда космические советы приняли решение о ликвидации планеты. И таков был отход человечества от космического закона, что Солнечные Властители решили больше не давать людям, по собственной воле пренебрегшим Богопламенем в своих сердцах и забывшим о нем, никакой дальнейшей возможности. По Закону для спасения Терры (Лат. – Земли) требовалось, чтобы кто-то в качестве «Агнца» во плоти присутствовал в физической октаве для поддержания равновесия и сохранения трехлепесткового пламени Жизни ради каждой живой души. Стать этим «кем-то» решил Санат Кумара.
В «Открытие Седьмой Печати» Санат Кумара рассказал историю о том, как венерианские подвижники вызвались сопровождать его и воплотиться среди людей, чтобы содействовать хранению пламени:
Радость от осознания возможности [служения] смешалась со скорбью, которую приносит разлука. Я выбрал добровольную ссылку на темной звезде. И хотя ей было суждено стать Звездой Свободы, все знали, что это будет для меня длинной темной ночью души. Тогда же из долин и с гор вдруг появилось великое собрание детей моих. Это были сто сорок четыре тысячи душ, приближавшиеся к нашему дворцу света. Двенадцатью группами, поющими песнь свободы, любви и победы, они подходили все ближе и ближе... Наблюдая с балкона, Венера и я увидели тринадцатую группу облаченных в белое. Это было царственное священство Ордена Мелхиседека...
When all of their numbers had assembled, ring upon ring upon ring surrounding our home, and their hymn of praise and adoration to me was concluded, their spokesman stood before the balcony to address us on behalf of the great multitude. It was the soul of the one you know and love today as the Lord of the World, Gautama Buddha. And he addressed us, saying, “O Ancient of Days, we have heard of the covenant which God hath made with thee this day and of thy commitment to keep the flame of Life until some among Earth’s evolutions should be quickened and once again renew their vow to be bearers of the flame. O Ancient of Days, thou art to us our Guru, our very life, our God. We will not leave thee comfortless. We will go with thee.[1]
Thus, they came to Earth with Sanat Kumara and legions of angels, preceded by another retinue of lightbearers who prepared the way and established the retreat of Shamballa—the City of White—on an island in the Gobi Sea (now the Gobi Desert). There Sanat Kumara anchored the focus of the threefold flame, establishing the initial thread of contact with all on Earth by extending rays of light from his heart to their own. And there the volunteers from Venus embodied in dense veils of flesh to see Earth’s evolutions through unto the victory of their vow.
The first from among these unascended lightbearers to respond to the call of the Lord of the World from the physical octave was, understandably, Gautama and close with him was Maitreya. Both pursued the path of the Bodhisattva unto Buddhahood, Gautama finishing the course “first” and Maitreya “second.” Thus the two became Sanat Kumara’s foremost disciples, the one ultimately succeeding him in the office of Lord of the World, the other as Cosmic Christ and Planetary Buddha.
Transfer of the office
At the moment of the transfer of the mantle of Lord of the World on January 1, 1956, Gautama Buddha assumed the responsibility for sustaining the lifeline to Earth’s evolutions through his own heart flame, and Sanat Kumara, as Regent Lord of the World, returned to his home star, Venus, where he maintains an intense activity of involvement with the Great White Brotherhood’s service on planet Earth.
Gautama’s former office of Cosmic Christ and Planetary Buddha was simultaneously filled by Lord Maitreya. In the same ceremony, which took place at the Royal Teton Retreat, the office of World Teacher, formerly held by Maitreya, was passed to Lord Jesus and his dear friend and disciple Saint Francis (Kuthumi). Lord Lanto took the chohanship of the second ray July 1958, which had been held by Kuthumi, and beloved Nada assumed the office of chohan of the sixth ray, which had been held by Jesus during the Piscean age of which he was also the hierarch.
Saint Germain with Portia assumed the rulership of Aquarius on May 1, 1954. While Maitreya represents the Cosmic Christ and Planetary Buddha, Jesus holds the office of the personal Christ as the great exemplar of each one’s own Holy Christ Self.
Representatives in the world
Lord Gautama presides as Hierarch of Shamballa, now on the etheric plane, to which the physical retreat has been withdrawn. Throughout the ages, the messengers of the Brotherhood, known and unknown, have held the balance in the physical octave for the flame and the Buddha of Shamballa. Thus Jesus, as the anointed messenger of Lord Maitreya, the Cosmic Christ, was the open door through his Sacred Heart for the light of the Father represented in the persons of Maitreya, Gautama, and Sanat Kumara to be anchored in the hearts of the multitudes of Earth’s people.
The Lord Jesus Christ defined his office in the physical octave according to cosmic law when he said: “As long as I AM in the world, the I AM that I AM, the Word which I incarnate, is the Light of the world.”[2] It was this anchoring of the Light of the I AM Presence in his heart chakra that enabled Jesus to take upon himself planetary karma, “the sins of the world,” in order that souls of Light might follow him on the path of Christhood until they, too, should bear in their body temples the Light of the Son of God.
See also
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and the Spiritual Path, chapter 4.
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Saint Germain On Alchemy: Formulas for Self-Transformation.
- ↑ Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Opening of the Seventh Seal: Sanat Kumara on the Path of the Ruby Ray, chapter 2.
- ↑ John 9:5.