[Fleirtölu af hebresku Eloah, „Guð“] Eitt af hebreskum nöfnum Guðs eða guðanna; notað í Gamla testamentinu um 2.500 sinnum, sem þýðir „Máttugur“ eða „sterkur“.
Í Biblíunni
Elohim er ein-fleirtölu nafnorð sem vísar til tvíburaloga Guðdómsins sem samanstendur af „Guðdómlegu Okkur“. Þegar talað er sérstaklega um annaðhvort karlkyns eða kvenkyns helming, er fleirtöluforminu haldið eftir vegna skilnings þess að annar helmingur hinnar guðdómlegu heild inniheldur og er androgynja sjálfið (hin guðdómlega okkur).
Hinn sjö voldugi Elóhím og kvenlegar hliðstæður þeirra eru formsmiðirnir; þess vegna er Elohim nafn Guðs sem notað er í fyrsta versi Biblíunnar, „Í upphafi skapaði Guð himin og jörð. Þjóna beint undir Elohim eru fjórar verur frumefnanna, „fjórir kosmískir kraftar,“ sem hafa yfirráð yfir frumefnin – gnomes, salamanders, sylphs og undines.
Hinir sjö voldugu Elohim eru „andarnir sjö Guðs“ sem nefndir eru í Opinberun[1] og „morgunstjörnurnar“ sem sungu saman í upphafi, eins og Drottinn opinberaði þær þjóni sínum Job.[2] Það eru líka fimm Elohim sem umlykja hvítan eldskjarna Meginsólarinnar miklu.
The Skipan í helgivaldinu
In the order of hierarchy, the Elohim and cosmic beings carry the greatest concentration, the highest vibration, of light that we can comprehend in our state of evolution. They represent, with the four beings of nature, their consorts and the elemental builders of form, the power of our Father as the Creator (the blue ray).
The seven archangels and their divine complements, the great seraphim, cherubim, and all the angelic hosts represent the love of God in the fiery intensity of the Holy Ghost (the pink ray).
The seven chohans of the rays and all ascended masters, together with unascended sons and daughters of God, represent the wisdom of the Law of the Logos under the office of the Son (the yellow ray). These three kingdoms form a triad of manifestation, working in balance to step down the energies of the Trinity.
The intonation of the sacred sound “Elohim” releases the tremendous power of their God Self-awareness stepped down for our blessed use through the Cosmic Christ.
Elohim of the seven rays
Following are the names of the seven Elohim, the rays they serve on, and the locations of their etheric retreats:
Ray | Elohim | Etheric retreat |
First Ray | Hercules and Amazonia | Half Dome, Sierra Nevada, Yosemite National Park, California, USA |
Second Ray | Apollo and Lumina | Western lower Saxony, Germany |
Third Ray | Heros and Amora | Lake Winnipeg, Canada |
Fourth Ray | Purity and Astrea | Near Gulf of Archangel, southeast arm of White Sea, Russia |
Fifth Ray | Cyclopea and Virginia | Altai Range where China, Siberia, and Mongolia meet, near Tabun Bogdo |
Sixth Ray | Peace and Aloha | Temple of Peace, Hawaiian Islands |
Seventh Ray | Arcturus and Victoria | Near Luanda, Angola, Africa |
There are also five pairs of Elohim in inner manifestation within the Great Central Sun who manifest the five secret rays. While they have not released their names, their power and authority can be invoked by addressing “the Elohim of the five secret rays.” Their momentum can be used to develop the bands of the secret rays in the causal body of man and to magnetize the flaming potential of the white-fire core of each atom of being.
Cassiopea is an Elohim of the Central Sun holding a focus of great illumination on behalf of the Godhead.
For more information
Spoken by Elohim, Pearls of Wisdom, 1978, vol. 21.
The Seven Mighty Elohim, “The Chalice of Elohim,” in Pearls of Wisdom, 1989, vol. 32, nos. 9–15.
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats.
See also
List of ascended masters, cosmic beings and angels.
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Saint Germain On Alchemy: Formulas for Self-Transformation.
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats.