Alfa e Ômega

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Alfa é a manifestação mais elevada de Deus no Grande Sol Central. O seu complemento é Ômega, a personificação da chama da Mãe como Deus. No Apocalipse, João Evangelista referiu-se a eles como “O Princípio e o Fim”. Juntos, focalizam o princípio e o fim de todos os ciclos da vida. Eles governam no Centro na the Cidade Quadrangular e presidem diretamente sobre as doze hierarquias do Sol.

Para as evoluções deste sistema de mundos, Alfa e Ômega representam o Deus Pai-Mãe no coração do Grande Sol Central, respectivamente, no primeiro e no sétimo raios. Estas chamas gêmeas são a individualização mais elevada que conhecemos das polaridades masculina e feminina da Divindade.

Alpha is the personification of the God flame as Father in the core of consciousness we call life. Alpha has said:

As we have declared: Within your hearts and your minds will we write our law.[1] The Law of God, the Law of adoration is reflected in the words “I AM.” For I, Alpha, am the one who signifies the source, the numeral 1, and the word “I.” Omega, my beloved, represents the “AM” and is therefore called “Ah-m-ega.”

I/Amega—the beginning and the ending[2]—declare that the pulsating lifewaves by which the entire cosmos is created are a boon to sharing our love with all systems of worlds and binding them together in a great divine unity of eternal happiness and solicitude.[3]

Although Alpha and Omega are the highest-ranking members of the hierarchy in our universe, they are also the most humble. Their flame is represented in the forget-me-not, for they are the most humble of all manifestations of the Godhead and, therefore, the most worthy to rule.

See also

Great Central Sun

Alpha Crystal


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Alpha and Omega.”

  1. Jer. 31:33; Heb. 8:10; 10:16.
  2. Rev. 1:8, 11; 21:6; 22:13.
  3. Alpha, “A Replica of the Crystal Atom,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 25, no. 51, December 19, 1982.