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No dia primeiro de janeiro de 1974 na Cidade do México, Mãe Maria falou sobre uma mestra ascensa conhecida por Maria.

Portanto, este é um ponto de origem da liberação de ciclos aqui na Cidade do México, onde há um foco antigo do chakra do coração. E esse foco foi estabelecido por uma alma que viveu aqui que dedicou a sua vida ao coração de Deus, que era uma santa antes que se soubesse o que um santo era ou é ou pode ser. Pela sintonia interna, pela intuição, mas principalmente pelo amor a Deus, a quem ela personificava à luz do sol e aos raios do sol, essa alma conquistou a ascensão pela sua união com o coração de Deus, o coração de Cristo e até o coração de toda a humanidade.

Thus [is] the record and the memory of one of those ancient priestesses who kept the flame in one of the twelve temples that surrounded the central temple of Mu. One life has left a record, and that one priestess did not fall with the others, did not forsake her duty and her calling to keep the flame. And she reembodied after that period of the temple experience and after the fall of Mu. And that final embodiment was the capstone whereby, you see, having been severed from the culture of Mu and from the precise memory of the rituals of the sacred fire, she nevertheless retained devotion, and devotion in itself, moving with harmony, became her victory and her crown.

Now you see why North Americans are often drawn to Mexico and Mexico City, because they desire also to find balance, which is the balance of heart. Yet you also have a focus of the heart chakra in St. Louis and in Canada at the retreat of the Elohim Heros and Amora. There at Lake Winnipeg, the release of love forms an arc to St. Louis, another arc to Mexico City and other arcs to South American cities, where some have kept the flame of devotion. And many have kept that flame, although not quite to that degree which was held by this soul.

Therefore I have brought with me this ascended lady master this day, whose name has not been revealed by the Brotherhood, whose name shall not be revealed this day. But in her devotion to my flame, to the Cosmic Virgin, many have called her Maria—Maria for Mary, for Mother-ray.

And that name will always be the impersonal-personal action of the feminine ray for all who espouse the raising of feminine life, feminine energies, for the exaltation of the masculine and of Spirit’s release.[1]


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Maria.”

  1. Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Mary’s Message of Divine Love, part 3, chapter 10.