
From TSL Encyclopedia
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[Latim para "mãe"] Matéria é a mater-rialização da Chama Divina, o meio pelo qual o Espírito adquire, ‘fisicamente’, a dimensão e forma quádrupla através da polaridade feminina ou negativa da Divindade. Termo usado de forma intercambiável com “Matéria” para descrever os planos do ser que se conformam e compreendem o cálice universal, ou matriz, para a descida da Luz de Deus que é percebida como Mãe.

It is through this Mother aspect of himself that the Spirit of God, the Father, evolves the consciousness of the Christ, the only begotten Son of God, in his children as a developing Christ-Self awareness through the threefold flame—divine spark and signet of their joint-heirship to be.

The soul that descends from the plane of Spirit abides in time and space in Mater for the purpose of its spiritual/physical evolution that necessitates self-mastery of the energies of God through the judicious exercise of free will.

The four lower bodies of man, of a planet, and of systems of worlds—as the four planes, quadrants and cosmic forces—occupy and make up the frequencies of Matter.

See also



Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Saint Germain On Alchemy: Formulas for Self-Transformation.