В книге «Бытие» записано, что Енох был седьмым от Адама, что «…ходил Енох пред Богом; и не стало его, потому что Бог взял его».[1]
Енох был жрецом священного огня и священником по чину Мелхиседека.
Вот что Енох сказал о трудностях той жизни:
Я никогда не сожалел ни о своем шаге, ни о шагах, предшествовавших ему, поставивших меня на грань свойственного людям поражения, где моя жизнь, по оценке моих сограждан, была сочтена неудавшейся. И все же перед Владыками, перед великими Братьями Света я был признан достойным совершить вознесение и более не быть [в воплощении], потому что Бог взял меня. И я не сожалею об этом, потому что те короткие мгновения, когда человечество выставляло меня на посмешище, быстро прошли, а слава будущего в царстве света оказалась столь чудесной, что даже одного мгновения этой славы хватило, чтобы вся боль и мука от человеческого осуждения были стерты и сгинули навсегда.[2]
I have walked with God. For many a century, I have walked along the highways and byways of life carrying his flame as an emissary of the Great White Brotherhood. Oh, the walk with God upon earth and in the heavenly cities in the kingdoms of our Lord to sow the seeds of the Christ that they might spring up in the hearts of all men. You, too, may walk with God if you will but give thought to the fact that as you go about your daily tasks, mundane though they may be, you are engaged in a walk with God, and that walk becomes closer, an inner communion, the rhythm of his footsteps and his heartbeat, of his fire breath.[3]
So completely absorbed in his Divine Selfhood was Enoch, that the ritual of the ascension took place on one of those walks with God. So it can take place with each one who builds the momentum of the sacred fire with each footstep, each heartbeat. For with each inbreathing of the sacred fire from the throne of God, one can draw a little nearer to the goal of oneness with him.
Enoch and the fallen angels
There are a number of writings that have been attributed to Enoch. The most well-known of these is the Book of Enoch, whose main theme is the final judgment of a certain band of fallen angels, whom Enoch called the “Watchers” and their progeny. In one early chapter of the book, Enoch was himself sent to the Watchers to convey God’s message that they shall have neither peace nor forgiveness on account of their sins against him. The Watchers, terrified and trembling, asked Enoch to petition God on their behalf, which Enoch did. Nevertheless, God’s judgment remained against the Watchers, “Nevermore shall you ascend into heaven.” Enoch set forth this book for our wisdom, our admonishment and our warning.
We can call to the ascended master Enoch to judge the fallen angels and the origins of evil. Enoch says:
My beloved, I have petitioned the Father that I might speak to you from my heart and on behalf of Saint Germain. Some of you were with me in my life as Enoch. Some of you saw Atlantis with me. You remember vividly the temptations of the fallen angels, which had begun long ago in Lemuria. You know, beloved, that these fallen ones have drawn mankind in this hour to depths of degradation not thought possible.
Surely, then, all that I have written of the judgment of the Watchers must come to pass. Let my knowledgeable ones, well-taught by the messengers, understand the directing of sacred fire and legions of Astrea into the earth for the uprooting of the roots of wickedness and karma of these fallen ones as they are bound and taken from the screen of life and, following transition, clearly removed from the astral plane and from the planet.[4]
The closeness of Enoch to us
Lord Maitreya has spoken of our relationship with Enoch:
The treasure of the book and the many books written by your Father Enoch is still held within the very heart of the earth. Three hundred sixty-six books did Enoch write in the presence of God when he was taken up to the highest heaven.[5] But after this, the Flood came and no one yet has found these lost books of Enoch. Yet, they were read by his children before the coming of the Flood.
I desire you to understand that all of heaven has conspired together to deliver the Word of God, which God gave to Enoch, through these two witnesses. For this teaching to Enoch was for you personally—for all the descendants of light who came through Adam and reincarnated again, for every embodied angel who embodied for the rescue of the lightbearers. And these teachings now published in these publications are the very message which God secured to Enoch before his ascension into heaven.
I pray that you will pursue a study of this text of the Secrets of Enoch and that you will realize how close you are to that ascended master[6] and how dearly he loves you as Father and father figure in your midst, and how determined he is to promote your calling, your mission, and the spreading of the Word of these books and teachings until all for whom they have been secured may have them and make the choice to ascend to God as he did.
There is great fervor among all the hosts of the LORD, but there is no greater fervor in any than the fervor of your Father Enoch to deliver to you the writings which he himself wrote in the presence of God as his messenger. Do you see how you were all born to be messengers of Shamballa, to carry some portion of that Word—to live it, to internalize it, to be it as a pulsating light on earth? Remember the calling.[7]
For more information
The Book of Enoch and other Enoch texts, with commentary by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, are included in the book Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Fallen Angels and the Origins of Evil.
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Enoch.”
- ↑ Бытие 5:24.
- ↑ Енох, “Transfigured by Christ’s Immortality,” 17 июня 1962 г.
- ↑ Enoch, “The Walk with God,” April 5, 1969.
- ↑ Enoch, “I Have Chosen to Walk the Earth...” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 30, no. 9, March 1, 1987.
- ↑ See The Book of the Secrets of Enoch 23:1–3; 36; 47:1–4; 68:2, 3, in Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Fallen Angels and the Origins of Evil, pp. 431, 443, 450–51, 466.
- ↑ For your meditation on the message of Enoch: Enoch’s Rosary MP3 audio album (M10027), which includes every dictation by the ascended master Enoch, the “Enoch Rosary,” readings from works by and about Enoch including The Book of the Secrets of Enoch, and a lecture by Mark L. Prophet, “The Mysteries of Enoch and the Meaning of Arhatship”; and Enoch music CD (D99010).
- ↑ Lord Maitreya, “The Living Book,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 59, no. 5, March 1, 2016.