Храм Славы
Храм Славы – это эфирная обитель Богини Света в Андах, Южная Америка. Она излучает мягкое белое сияние, в котором тонко проступают цвета семи лучей.
Главный вход в обитель украшен четырьмя колоннами. Архитектура выполнена в стиле, известном нам как греческий, но на самом деле это стиль, существовавший еще на Атлантиде. Мы входим в большой зал, вырубленный в горе, в котором находится фонтан, излучающий сияние Богини Света. Шесть ступенек вниз – и мы входим в мраморный зал высотой пятнадцать метров; двери с обеих сторон зала ведут в аудитории и комнаты для совещаний, в которых собираются члены Братства.
Hanging from the vaulted ceiling is a large chandelier made of white diamonds that reflects the flame of light focused here by the Brotherhood who serve with the Goddess of Light. Wearing robes of white, these brothers and sisters of the retreat work with the pure white light, the precipitation of the elixir, the action of the light rays and the direction of their currents throughout nature and the evolutions of the planet. The vibration of light is so intense in this retreat that noise does not register, and only the pure emanations that come forth through the throat chakras of those who serve here are audible. In the same manner, all discordant vibrations, thoughts and feelings are filtered by the intensity of the light waves, and only harmony is sustained within the retreat.
The forcefield of light from this retreat extends over the entire planet as an antahkarana, a network of filigree light patterns from the heart of the Goddess of Light herself and her flame that is focused there. The filigree pattern of radiation that emanates from the retreat connects with the Holy Christ Selves of all mankind and gives impetus to men’s longings for greater light.
This retreat has a physical focus in a beautiful home in the mountains not far removed from the etheric retreat.
See also
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Shrine of Glory.”