Perles de Sagesse

From TSL Encyclopedia
This page is a translated version of the page Pearls of Wisdom and the translation is 60% complete.

Instructions hebdomadaires sous forme de lettres dictées par les maîtres ascensionnés à leurs Messagers Mark L. Prophet et Elizabeth Prophet à l’intention de ceux qui étudient les mystères sacrés partout dans le monde.

Depuis 1958, le Conseil Darjeeling de la Grande Fraternité Blanche a parrainé la publication de leurs enseignements par le biais de messages dictés à leurs intermédiaires, les messagers Mark et Elizabeth Prophet. The Summit Lighthouse (Le Phare du Sommet) a depuis publié sans interruption les Perles de Sagesse / Pearls of Wisdom. Ces lettres sont un contact intime, de cœur à cœur, entre le Guru et le chela. Cet enseignement contient des données avancées et essentielles sur les lois cosmiques, visant l’application concrète des vérités spirituelles aux problèmes personnels et planétaires.

How to read the Pearls

Pearls of Wisdom are intended to be read daily for the seven days of the week in which they are received. As you assimilate this ‘Body’ and ‘Blood’ of the Universal Christ of the Great White Brotherhood, you become that portion of your own Higher Consciousness which is captured in the teachings of the ascended masters for that week. And it is the assimilated Word and Work of the Lord, your daily bread and Holy Communion, which is the nucleus for God-Self mastery culminating in the ascension in the Light at the conclusion of a fruitful life lived to the glory of God in service to all.

The ascension is the assimilation of the soul unto the universal Light. Each Pearl of Wisdom truly assimilated by the devotee is a stepping-stone in this lifetime of pyramid building by the lively stones. May you devour the living Word and enjoy the bliss of becoming Whole! And may the Lord’s Work through you bless and heal many souls!


Mark L. Prophet et Elizabeth Clare Prophet, L’alchimie selon Saint-Germain

Archangel Gabriel, Mysteries of the Holy Grail.

Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 32, no. 1, January 1, 1989.