Chohan/is: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "Royal Teton athvarfið, Grand Teton, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, Bandaríkjunum")
(Created page with "Þriðji geisli")
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|[[Royal Teton athvarfið]], Grand Teton, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, Bandaríkjunum
|[[Royal Teton athvarfið]], Grand Teton, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, Bandaríkjunum
|Third Ray
|Þriðji geisli
|[[Paul the Venetian]]
|[[Paul the Venetian]]
|[[Château de Liberté]], southern France, with a focus of the threefold flame at the Washington Monument, Washington, D.C.
|[[Château de Liberté]], southern France, with a focus of the threefold flame at the Washington Monument, Washington, D.C.

Revision as of 16:48, 29 March 2024

Drottinn eða meistari; höfðingi. Hver geislanna sjö hefur chohan sem einbeitir sér að Kristsvitund geislans, sem er svo sannarlega lögmál geislans sem stjórnar réttlátri notkun hans í manninum. Eftir að hafa andað og sýnt fram á þetta lögmál geislans í gegnum fjölmargar holdgervingar og tekið vígslu bæði fyrir og eftir uppstigningu, er frambjóðandinn skipaður í embætti chohan af Maha Chohan, „mikla Drottni,“ sem er sjálfur fulltrúi Heilagans anda á öllum geislum.

Athafnasvið chohan-meistaranna

Chohanarnir eru valdir úr hópi hæfustu uppstigningarvera sem hafa risið upp úr skólastofu jarðarinnar. Þeim er aðstoðað við verkefni sitt af hersveitum englas, elementals og annarra uppstigningar bræðra sem framkvæma áætlun Guðs um sem fullkomnustu tjáningu geislanna sjö sem mögulegt er fyrir mannkyn jarðar . Chohanarnir hlýða alltaf kosmískum lögum; samt er þeim gefið ákveðið svigrúm, í samræmi við einstaka þróun þeirra, getu og hæfileika, til að beina mannkyninu á sem mest hæfileikaríkan hátt og veita ástríka aðstoð og andlega leiðsögn sem krafa stundarinnar getur verið.

Chohan-meistararnir sjö

Fyrsti geisli El Morya Athvarf guðsviljans, Darjeeling, India
Annar geisli Lanto Royal Teton athvarfið, Grand Teton, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, Bandaríkjunum
Þriðji geisli Paul the Venetian Château de Liberté, southern France, with a focus of the threefold flame at the Washington Monument, Washington, D.C.
Fourth Ray Serapis Bey The Ascension Temple and Retreat at Luxor, Egypt
Fifth Ray Hilarion (the apostle Paul) Temple of Truth, Crete
Sixth Ray Nada Arabian Retreat, Saudi Arabia
Seventh Ray Saint Germain Royal Teton Retreat, Grand Teton, Wyoming; Cave of Symbols, Table Mountain, Wyoming. Saint Germain also works out of the Great Divine Director’s focuses—the Cave of Light in India and the Rakoczy Mansion in Transylvania, where Saint Germain presides as hierarch.

Definitions and origins

“A Lord or Master. A high Adept. An initiate who has taken more initiations than the five major initiations which make man a ‘Master of the Wisdom’” (Alice A. Bailey, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 66, n. 24).

“A Rajput term used by Indian writers to denote high spiritual rank” (Christmas Humphreys, A Popular Dictionary of Buddhism, p. 57).

“Chief, Cho-Khan, ‘Rock of Ages’” (The Mahatma Letters to A. P. Sinnett from the Mahatmas M. & K. H., index, p. 9).

“Chohans, Tibetan? [Lord]. Seven Mighty Beings who, having passed the Sixth Initiation, have the power to focus within themselves the Ray-Streams or Attributes of Logoic Consciousness” (H. P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, 5th Adyar ed., 6:452).

Chohan may be related to the Tibetan chos (pronounced cho), meaning dharma, religious doctrine, or religion, especially the doctrine of Buddha. In a general sense, the meaning of chos encompasses all phenomena, matter, and knowledge of worldly and spiritual things. The Tibetan word jo-bo (pronounced chō) means lord or master, Buddha or the image of Buddha. The Mongolian word khan or qan (pronounced hahn) also means lord, ruler, emperor, or king. The Tibetan chos-mkhan (pronounced chĭ-kĕn or chō-kĕn) means one who practices or is skilled in the dharma.

See also

Universities of the Spirit

For more information

Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Lords of the Seven Rays

Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and the Spiritual Path, chapter 4.


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Saint Germain On Alchemy: Formulas for Self-Transformation.

Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and the Spiritual Path, p. 256.

Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 31, no. 29, June 19, 1988. Footnote 1.