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Guy W. Ballard

El maestro ascendido Godfre estuvo encarnado como Guy W. Ballard, el mensajero de Saint Germain. Él trajo la enseñanza de la Gran Hermandad Blanca, la Ley de la Presencia YO SOY y mantuvo el foco de la conciencia Crística para el planeta hasta que ascendió en 1939. Su esposa y llama gemela fue Edna Ballard, ahora la maestra ascendida Lotus.

Statue of Richard the Lionheart outside the Palace of Westminster, London


Golden age in the Sahara Desert

Main article: Golden age in the Sahara Desert

Godfre estuvo encarnado como hijo del gran rey (Saint Germain) que gobernó la civilización que floreció en lo que hoy día es el desierto del Sáhara, hace más de 50 000 años. Guy, su esposa, Edna Ballard, y su hijo, Donald, estuvieron encarnados allí como hijos de Saint Germain.

George Washington, by Gilbert Stuart (1797)

Later embodiments

Entre sus otras encarnaciones están uno de los caballeros de la Mesa Redonda, Ricardo Corazón de León (1157–1199) y George Washington (1732–1799).

Guy W. Ballard

El momento clave de su misión y la clave de su victoria en esa encarnación ocurrió mientras iba caminando por Broadway, en Los Ángeles. En aquel momento, cuando todo parecía estar en su contra, se detuvo repentinamente e hizo un fíat al morador del umbral, el remanente de su propia creación humana no transmutada: «Es la última vez que me asustas. No tienes poder».

Soon thereafter on Mount Shasta he met the master Saint Germain, who took him into the retreats of the Brotherhood and gave him the training for his world mission. These experiences are recorded in the three books that he subsequently brought forth as an expression of the threefold flame of the master’s consciousness, Unveiled Mysteries (yellow), The Magic Presence (pink) and the The “I AM” Discourses (blue).

Although the requirements for his ascension had been completed several years before he actually ascended, he volunteered to continue in the service of the Brotherhood as their point of contact in the world of form. Through the assistance given him by the Great Divine Director in the Cave of Light, his four lower bodies were aligned and his threefold flame balanced, enabling him to be the channel for many miracles and healings before his ascension. As part of his final service while in embodiment, Godfre took on world karma and expiated it through his physical form, thus sparing humanity great suffering that he himself chose to bear, even as Jesus bore the crucifixion for the sins of mankind.

Lessons from his life

From Godfre, we learn that unfailing obedience to one’s ascended guru and to the Great Law of Life is essential to individual victory and to the completion of the cosmic timetable for the golden age. Each act of disobedience sets back the plans of the Brotherhood for the victory of the planet, a victory for which each person is individually and collectively responsible.

The second great lesson we learn from Godfre is that it is not until we cast down the idol of the human consciousness that we begin the trek up the mountain of our initiations. The rejection of the human ego and consciousness should be made each time it attempts to assert itself. One need only say, “In the name of my mighty I AM Presence, I refuse to accept the tyranny of my human consciousness!” Of other individuals one may say, “In the name of my mighty I AM Presence, I refuse to accept (his or her) human consciousness. Beloved Holy Christ Self, you step forth in your blazing Reality and be the only Presence acting here!”

Godfre won his freedom through obedience to the law of Being. He teaches us to ascend moment by moment by raising our thoughts and feelings, our energies and actions. The ascension is the goal of life not only for the few, but for the many.

See also


Mary Lou


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Godfre.”