Обитель Ройял Тетон
Обитель Ройял Тетон совпадает с горной грядой Тетон, расположенной около Джексон Хоул, Вайоминг; это главная обитель Великого Белого Братства на Североамериканском континенте. Иерархом этой физической-эфирной обители в горе Гранд Тетон является Конфуций. Обитель — древний фокус великого света, где закреплены семь лучей Элохим и Архангелов.
Владыки Кармы, Гаутама Будда и все члены Великого Белого Братства часто бывают в этом месте встреч Вознесенных Владык и их учеников, в то же время продолжая выполнять определенные функции в своих собственных обителях.
Эта обитель очень древняя. Именно в этом месте сошли в форму первая и вторая коренные расы под покровительством Архангела Михаила и других Архангелов. Исполняя свой индивидуальный план и возносясь, члены первой коренной расы занимали посты в иерархии, укрепляя собранные на Земле моментумы в созидательном труде на Небесах.
По мере того, как члены первой коренной расы возвышались и занимали посты, необходимые для постоянно растущего привлечения света на планету, здесь начали постепенно образовываться обители и фокусы Великого Белого Братства. На заре существования первой коренной расы обитель Ройял Тетон была открыта как дом для Ману и как фокус семи возлюбленных Архангелов и их дополнений, которые также закрепляли свои пламена на планетарном теле.
Встречи в обители
Дважды в год, в период зимнего и летнего солнцестояния, Владыки Кармы собираются в этой обители для обзора прошений от сыновей и дочерей Бога и дарования космических диспенсаций, исходящих из сердца Альфы и Омеги в Великом Центральном Солнце — порций энергии для просветления и развития человечества.
В канун каждого Нового Года мыслеформа года высвобождается от Безмолвного Наблюдателя этой солнечной системы Владыке Мира — Гаутаме Будде. В свою очередь, Гаутама Будда высвобождает эту мыслеформу невознесенным эволюциям Земли из обители Ройял Тетон. Мыслеформа содержит ключи к отображению воли Бога на планете в грядущем двенадцатимесячном цикле.
Мы подходим к скрытому входу в обитель Ройял Тетон в сопровождении Вознесенного Владыки, перед которым раздвигаются огромные валуны горного склона и широко распахиваются массивные бронзовые двери. Мы спускаемся на лифте на глубину шестисот метров, в само сердце горы. Войдя в приемную, мы созерцаем великолепные гобелены, щедро украшенные шелком и драгоценными камнями, изображающие основателей Священнообители в тот момент, когда они призывают колоссальную энергию из Солнца.
В начале двадцатого века Гай В. Баллард (ныне Вознесенный Владыка Годфри) посещал обитель Ройял Тетон в сопровождении Вознесенного Владыки Сен-Жермена. Он описал путешествия в эту обитель и в Пещеру Символов в книгах «Раскрытые Таинства» и «Магическое Присутствие».
Большой зал для совещаний
Он рассказал, как его проводили в Большой зал для совещаний и священных церемоний, который насчитывает в длину не меньше шестидесяти метров, тридцать метров в ширину и около пятнадцати в высоту. Боковые стены и стена в дальнем конце зала снизу были из белого оникса. За ониксом шла натуральная золотая жила шириной более полуметра. Выше золотой полосы шел голубой гранит, но со стороны входа гранит был розовый. Стены, потолок и пол — гладкие, словно полированные.
In the center of the arched ceiling is a disc of gold, twelve feet in diameter. A seven-pointed star formed entirely of dazzling, yellow diamonds fills the center of the disc and emits a brilliant golden light. Surrounding this focus of the Central Sun are two twelve-inch rings—the inner ring is rose pink and the outer is a deep iridescent violet. Seven smaller discs also surround the Central Sun focusing the seven rays of the Elohim that contact and invigorate the seven chakras in man and the ganglionic centers in animal life. The currents the Elohim direct through these focuses also benefit the elemental kingdom and plant life on earth. The tremendous currents released by the Elohim are stepped down by the ascended masters and made available to mankind and the elementals.
Focused in the wall at the far end of this hall is a large eye, representative of the All-Seeing Eye of God. Through it, mighty currents are directed for the realignment of the forces upon earth with the immaculate pattern God holds for all of his creation. The seven rays of the Elohim are enshrined at this retreat, and the rays are concentrated and anchored in this large image of the All-Seeing Eye of God in the great council hall.
The Cosmic Mirror
► Main article: Cosmic Mirror
On another wall is a panel of precipitated substance used as a mirror for the instruction of initiates of the ascended masters and members of the Brotherhood. Here the masters project the akashic records of activities upon earth or any other planet on which they may desire to give instruction—past, present and future.
Other rooms
Also in this retreat are record rooms containing spindles on which are recorded in pressed gold the records of many civilizations that have existed upon the earth since its earliest days. Other rooms contain gold and jewels that the ascended masters have rescued from the lost continents and civilizations that have fallen.
In the center of the room where the gold is kept is a focus for the precipitation of sunlight. In another room, the threefold flame is focused. There is also a violet-flame chamber as well as departments of science and rehabilitation and council halls where there is continual planning and development of projects to be carried out by souls in embodiment.
In many classrooms those who attend this retreat in their finer bodies during sleep are received. Other areas are provided for those who, after passing from physical embodiment, must remain in a state of sleep until it is time for them to be awakened to make preparation for their next embodiment. A music room with beautiful instruments that have been perfected by the ascended masters sends forth to the world the music of the spheres. The perfected patterns of some of these instruments have been released as ideas into the minds of some musicians in the world, and more will be released in the golden age. Many new inventions, scientific formulas, techniques in art and in every field of human endeavor—already developed by the ascended masters—will also be released from this retreat when mankind have demonstrated their predisposition to use them honorably and morally according to the golden rule.
The Royal Teton Retreat is the focus for the precipitation of the culture of the Divine Mother. Precipitation is necessary in order to have a golden age, and the flame of precipitation is anchored here—Chinese green tinged with gold and yellow, the flame of illumination focused by Confucius and Lord Lanto. This retreat, working in conjunction with the illumination of the retreat of Elohim Apollo and Lumina in Western Europe, gives impetus to the scientific inventions of the Western Hemisphere.
Attending the retreat
Conclaves are held at the Royal Teton Retreat attended by thousands of lifestreams from every continent who journey here in their finer bodies through soul travel while they sleep. There are also smaller classes and tutorials. Saint Germain and Lord Lanto with the ascended master Confucius conduct their Universities of the Spirit here—courses of instruction being given by the lords of the seven rays and the Maha Chohan at their respective retreats for tens of thousands of students who are pursuing the path of self-mastery on the seven rays. In the etheric realm over this retreat, a large amphitheatre has been built to accommodate those lifestreams who, by recent dispensation, have been permitted to come to the retreat in their finer bodies for instruction.
Confucius has expanded on some of the purposes of attending the retreat:
In coming to the Royal Teton Retreat many purposes are served, notably that many of the evolutions of ancient China have reembodied here in America. These ones are the quiet Buddhic souls, the diligent ones, the ones who have also laid the foundation of the family in America and of the basic loyalty of the family, the code of ethics, the gentleness, the sweetness and the desire for learning as the means to God-awareness.
Many of these have responded also to the teachings from Tibet and from Gautama and Maitreya. Out of the East they have come. They have come for an embodiment that their wisdom might be fired with freedom, that they might assist America in the grand turn of the centuries whereby the mechanization of a false materialism might be turned about and there might manifest instead an etherealization, a spirituality, a conquering of self, of society and of the energies of time and space.[1]
Lanto also invites us to attend the classes in this retreat:
In the chambers of the Royal Teton, where the golden hue of victory saturates the atmosphere hallowed by the victorious ones, I stand to lecture to those who keep the flame of the World Mother and to the remnant of her seed who have forsaken the ways of the world in preference for her mantle. I invite all who pursue Wisdom—though her veils and garb be varied as she passes through all levels of learning—all who seek her knowledge as that true knowledge that comes forth from the fertile mind of the Creator.
To you I say, Come to Wisdom’s fount and make ready while there is yet time for you to become all that Wisdom has held in store for you throughout the ages. And with the holy oil of deodar, the Mother shall anoint you to consecrate you for reunion in the Flame.[2]
The music of the retreat is “Song to the Evening Star” from Tannhäuser.
See also
Alphas, gatekeeper of the Royal Teton Retreat
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Royal Teton Retreat.”
- ↑ Confucius, “In the Golden Light of the Golden Age of China,” June 13, 1976.
- ↑ Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Opening of the Temple Doors, chapter 9.