Anjo da Escuta
Este amado anjo, que incorpora a chamas rosa e dourada, e as legiões sob o seu comando, receberam de Alfa e Ômega a missão de escutar as preces, os chamados do coração e os pensamentos mais íntimos da humanidade da Terra, e de levar as orações para o Todo-Poderoso, em asas de luz.
O Anjo da Escuta e as suas legiões são consoladores sagrados, amigos que nos escutam nos momentos de necessidade e oferecem a sabedoria e a compaixão dos seus corações à humanidade, quando esta lhes expõe os seus problemas. A chama da compaixão do Anjo da Escuta está ancorada no Templo do Sol, sobre a ilha de Manhattan, em Nova York, EUA .
Podemos aprender muito com o Anjo da Escuta que diz:
As orações mais preciosas que ouvimos na Terra, são as que as crianças fazem, enquanto os seus corações se expressam, por intermédio das suas almas, depois que deixam o corpo físico, à noite, durante o sono. As crianças oram pedindo graças, não brinquedos.
Elas lembram-se de Deus porque ainda são pequenas e conseguem espiar o seu lar de luz através do véu e para além das oitavas. As crianças vêm com o desejo de consolar os pais, pois têm plena consciência de que estão sobrecarregados com os muitos cuidados e preocupações do mundo. Ó, que bênção é nutrir a sensibilidade pura das crianças e o sentimento de proximidade de Deus que os anjos lhes propiciam!
I AM indeed your Listening Angel, and I have numberless bands of angels who are listening not only to the prayers but to the many types of expressions of the people of earth: their frustrations, their angers, their self-pity, their feelings of aloneness in a wide, wide world where there is no real depth and no longer the capacity for intimacy in spiritual matters, in communion with God or with another heart. And are not these prayers also?
Many people on earth suffer, as you know, and they do not pray. Therefore, we must listen to the expressions of the soul that may not be articulated, for their pain is so great. Listening angels are there when people pass from life in agony and when there is the joyous birth of children.
Listening angels are there to comfort souls whose bodies are being aborted, and therefore, whose missions are being aborted. Oh, we tend these souls with greatest care that they may not be scarred when they must enter once again the womb of life and perhaps make another try and another before someone will receive them instead of closing the door and snuffing out the breath of life.
Earth, then, and her people are dealing with more karma than they have dealt with in many centuries (if it were possible, and it is indeed possible that this is so), and therefore the weight that people feel in their bodies is a weight of anguish.
Some have accommodated themselves and created accommodations with life, and therefore they consider themselves well-balanced, happy—having all that they want of creature comforts. Yet, many of these have lost contact with their souls, and they do not experience God. For they have cut off their soul faculties, and although they consider themselves rich and increased with goods and having no wants whatsoever, they do not know that their souls feel naked and without anything.
There are many who cut off not only their own soul but their own divine spark, their own reason for being, and they cut off the angels and God also. And they are very, very sure that they are right in every position they take—social, economic, political.
All of their views are, of course, right. Yes, beloved ones, so sure are so many who ought not to be sure at all, for they have not the real and living contact with their own soul or with God.[1]
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Listening Angel.”
- ↑ Listening Angel, “Teach the Children!” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 35, no. 60, December 4, 1992.