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A message from an ascended master, an archangel or another advanced spiritual being delivered through the agency of the Holy Spirit by a messenger of the Great White Brotherhood.

The office of messenger

Elizabeth Clare Prophet describes the process of receiving a dictation in The Astrology of the Four Horsemen, chapter 4:

I received my training from the ascended master El Morya under the tutelage of Mark Prophet, and I was anointed messenger for the ascended masters by Saint Germain. My commission is to deliver God’s prophecy and the ascended masters’ teaching for the age of Pisces as well as the everlasting gospel[1] for the new age of Aquarius.

I receive this prophecy through the power of the Holy Spirit in the manner of the ancient prophets and apostles. When the transmission is about to take place, I enter a meditative state and attune with the LORD God or his representative. The LORD’s presence or that of an ascended master, a cosmic being or an archangel comes upon me and the words and the light flow in a power and a personality not my own.

This congruency of my soul with the living Word of God I call a dictation, for the words are being dictated to me even as I am speaking them in the vibration of the divine speaker. It is truly a divine happening of which I am but the instrument. It is a gift of the Holy Spirit and not something I can make happen.

The only way to describe this experience is to say, in the words of the prophet: “The Spirit of the LORD God is upon me, because the I AM THAT I AM hath anointed me to preach....”[2] Jesus spoke of the role of prophet, or messenger, when he said, “He that believeth on me, believeth not on me, but on him that sent me. And he that seeth me seeth him that sent me.”[3]

I don't call myself a channeler because, as far as I'm concerned, channeling is just another word for spiritualism. Seeking advice from departed spirits has been going on since the witch of Endor conjured up Samuel the prophet for King Saul[4]—and a long time before. While Samuel was a high soul, you can never be sure what you’re going to get with channeling.

A discarnate entity is a disembodied being who has not ascended to God; hence he is not karma-free nor is he free from the wheel of rebirth. Since such a soul has not passed through the ritual of the ascension and become fully God-identified, he is as subject to error as anyone in embodiment. Still possessed of elements of a human ego as well as momentums of negativity, he may transmit these intentionally or not.

Discarnate entities may be benign but they are not omniscient. They may impart truth but they can be opinionated, proud and self-seeking. They are known to use people to achieve their ends and to take people’s light.

Discarnate entities consume vital soul energies, draining the channeler as well as those present of the spiritual essence necessary to true progress on the Path. Some well-known channelers admit they are exhausted after their channeling sessions, and many people report feeling depleted after attending a “séance.”

By contrast, the energy released by the God-free ascended beings who speak from the highest octaves of light, one with universal mind, is stupendous. It is exhilarating. It charges and recharges the body, mind and spirit of each person in the congregation, clears the chakras and draws the soul nigh to her own inner God-Reality.

Dictations are not self-fulfilling psychic predictions, nor are they centered on building up the personalities or the egos of those present. They are the Word of God delivered by fully integrated immortal beings who are counted among the hosts of the LORD.

These beings come to initiate us in the ancient mysteries of Christ and Buddha and the Everlasting Gospel for the New Age of Aquarius. And they come to exhort us so that we will rise to the great God flame within ourselves and defeat the momentums of returning karma that are coming upon the age.

The ascended masters present a path and a teaching whereby every individual on earth can find his way back to God. The books that Mark Prophet and I have written and the weekly Pearls of Wisdom that we have sent to the ascended masters’ students throughout the world since 1958 are intended to give people the opportunity to know the Truth that shall make them free.

My purpose in life is to help all people become acquainted with their own God-Reality—the I AM Presence who overshadows them—that they may walk the Homeward path with Jesus, our Lord and Saviour, and the ascended masters.

I do not claim to be a master nor do I claim to be perfect in my human self. I am but the instrument of the ascended masters. My mission is to take true seekers, in the tradition of the Masters of the Far East (which Jesus exemplified), to the level of consciousness where they can meet their teachers face to face.

Methods of receiving dictations

La Jerarquía se comunica con el Mensajero a través del rayo de luz y sonido. Los mensajes se reciben de varias maneras:

1. Con letras de fuego vivo que aparecen ante el mensajero, que las lee como uno leería las letras que aparecen en el edificio Times Square de la ciudad de Nueva york. Invisibles para la audiencia, estas letras se mueven por la pantalla de la mente del mensajero como si estuvieran sobre una cinta transportadora.

2. Ex cátedra, de la boca de Dios. El maestro ascendido pone su Presencia Electrónica sobre el mensajero, haciendo que su laringe se corresponda con la del mensajero y utilizándola como si fuera la suya. Es este caso, la transferencia del pensamiento de la conciencia del maestro a la del mensajero es instantánea y no hay ningún proceso intermedio por el cual el mensajero deba discernir o leer. Esta forma de dictado llega con gran rapidez y es normalmente impecable.

3. Con formas de pensamiento. El maestro emite de su conciencia a la del mensajero cápsulas que contienen matrices para el dictado. Estas se decodifican en el cerebro del mensajero mediante un proceso computarizado y, por medio de claves que han sido insertadas en los cuatro cuerpos inferiores del mensajero, los modelos del Maestro se traducen a la longitud de onda del mensajero y después se formulan con palabras. Este es un proceso complicado que tiene lugar, independientemente del continuo espacio-tiempo, en ese punto donde la mente de Cristo, puesta como un halo sobre el mensajero, es congruente con la mente de Dios individualizada en el maestro ascendido.

4. Por telepatía. Los modelos mentales se emiten del maestro al mensajero a través de la mente de Cristo. Esta forma de dictado se utiliza cuando el maestro no está presente, sino que está en su retiro o en otro punto de este sistema solar. Este método también se usa durante breves momentos que el mensajero puede preguntar al maestro sobre problemas organizativos o asesoramiento personal a los estudiantes. Por el hilo de contacto que conecta al mensajero con todo el Espíritu de la Hermandad Blanca mientras está conectado con cada miembro individual de la Hermandad, este puede recibir de forma telepática cualquier información que el maestro considere vital para su servicio en el mundo de la forma.

Cada método de recibir dictados sirve a un propósito distinto. El método ex cátedra es la forma más elevada y mejor, porque da al maestro la capacidad de extender su aura con una mayor intensidad hacia la atmósfera de la sala y hacia las auras de quienes están presentes físicamente. Así, estos pueden asimilar con todas sus facultades el mensaje del Maestro, así como la emisión de su radiación.

Sin embargo, cuando hay elementos perturbadores en la sala, como personas escépticas o en desarmonía con los maestros, los mensajeros o sus enseñanzas, es posible que ello interfiera con la transmisión del dictado ex cátedra hasta tal punto en que el Maestro considere conveniente dar el mensaje o bien de forma telepática o bien con letras de fuego.

Véase también



Mark L. Prophet y Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Path to Immortality (El sendero hacia la inmortalidad), capítulo 5.

  1. Rev. 14:6.
  2. Isa. 61:1.
  3. John 12:44, 45.
  4. 1 Sam. 28.