Escolas de Mistérios

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Desde a expulsão do homem e da mulher do Jardim do Éden (a Escola de Mistérios do Senhor Maitreya), devido ao mau uso do fogo sagrado na aplicação incorreta do livre-arbítrio, a Grande Fraternidade Branca tem mantido escolas de mistérios, ou retiros. Eles servem como repositórios para o conhecimento do fogo sagrado que é outorgado às chamas gêmeas, quando estas demonstram a disciplina necessária para se manterem no caminho da Árvore da Vida.

Após a Queda (descida intencional para os planos inferiores da consciência), a Grande Fraternidade Branca patrocinou as escolas de mistérios na Lemúria e na Atlântida, onde as verdades espirituais superiores eram ensinadas àqueles que quisessem seguir as disciplinas dos adeptos. A Sangha do Buda, a comunidade essênia em Qumran e a escola de Pitágoras em Crotona encontravam-se entre as escolas de mistérios mais recentes. Outras escolas localizavam-se nos Himalaias, no Extremo Oriente e no Egito, bem como na Europa e na América do Sul.

In medieval Europe, the guilds were mystery schools. The cathedrals that they built reflected the mysteries of an inner law of the soul in architecture, in their design, far beyond the comprehension of medieval man. The artisans were skilled in raising the consciousness of those who entered these cathedrals by building around them a structure that reflected the inner geometry of divinity that is God. Many of the secrets of the temple of Solomon and of the Great Pyramid are evidenced in the teachings of these mystery schools. The romances of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table are also the reports of one of the mystery schools of the Brotherhood.

One by one, these mystery schools were destroyed or disbanded. And wherever this happened, the ascended masters who sponsored them withdrew their flames and sacred shrines to their retreats on the etheric plane. Here their disciples are trained between embodiments and in their finer bodies (during sleep or samadhi) in order that they might attain that Divine Self-knowledge which, until Saint Germain once again advanced it in this century, has not been available to mankind en masse in the physical plane for centuries.

In 1984, Lord Maitreya reestablished his mystery school at the Royal Teton Ranch in southwest Montana.

Known mystery schools

The Garden of Eden

Pythagoras’ school at Crotona

The Sangha of Gautama Buddha

The Essene community at Qumran

King Arthur’s Camelot

Maitreya’s Mystery School

See also

Etheric retreat


Elizabeth Clare Prophet, December 31, 1976.

Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Saint Germain On Alchemy: Formulas for Self-Transformation.