'Reencarnación' , a la que los maestros ascendidos a veces se refieren como 'reencarnación' , es el renacimiento de un alma en un nuevo cuerpo humano. El alma continúa regresando al plano físico en un nuevo templo corporal hasta que equilibra su karma, alcanza el dominio de sí mismo, supera los ciclos del tiempo y el espacio y finalmente se reúne con la Presencia YO SOY a través del ritual de la ascensión.
Evidencia de la reencarnación
Uno de los apoyos más fuertes para el concepto de reencarnación es el niño prodigio, el niño que a una edad increíblemente temprana muestra cualidades de genio. La diferencia entre un niño promedio y uno de genio no radica en los genes sino en el espíritu dentro de la casa de barro. Como Jesús y Kuthumi han explicado, el niño prodigio ha desarrollado su talento a través de muchas rondas de encarnación en la tierra, así como a través de la formación en el mundo celestial.
En preparación para tal encarnación, el alma trabaja de la mano con la Junta Kármica y los futuros padres para asegurarse de que ella crezca en el entorno terrenal más propicio para la expresión de su talento.
De hecho, todos tenemos la mayor oportunidad posible para desarrollar nuestro potencial espiritual. La Junta Kármica y los Poderes Superiores que actúan en nombre de la humanidad bajo la guía de Dios determinan, dentro de los límites de la ley kármica, los padres y la naturaleza del templo del cuerpo que se crea para albergar el alma en progreso. En la mayoría de los casos, la memoria se embota misericordiosamente por decreto divino para que el individuo no tenga los lazos con un padre, una madre o una situación familiar anterior. El alma tampoco está tan fuertemente sujeta a viejos patrones de hábitos limitantes de los que deseaba escapar, aunque ciertas características pueden recrearse y presentarse vida tras vida.
Universalidad de la creencia en la reencarnación
La creencia en la reencarnación es antigua y está muy extendida. Antes del advenimiento del cristianismo, la reencarnación era parte de las creencias espirituales de muchos de los pueblos de Europa, incluidas las primeras tribus teutónicas, los finlandeses, islandeses, lapones, noruegos, suecos, daneses, alemanes, primeros sajones y los celtas de Irlanda, Escocia, Inglaterra, Bretaña, Galia, Francia y Gales.
En el siglo VI A.C ., Pitágoras enseñó que el alma tenía muchas encarnaciones, que eran oportunidades para que el alma se purificara y se perfeccionara a sí misma. En los siglos IV y V A.C ., Platón enseñó que el alma es inmortal y que sus circunstancias en su vida actual dependen de su disposición formada en una vida anterior.
Según algunos eruditos, las declaraciones hechas por el historiador judío del primer siglo Josefo indican que los fariseos y los esenios creían en la reencarnación.
Algunas tribus de indios americanos, así como numerosas tribus de América Central y del Sur, han creído en la reencarnación.
La reencarnación también fue enseñada por estudiantes de la Cabalá, un sistema de misticismo esotérico judío que surgió en el siglo XIII. La reencarnación sigue siendo parte de las creencias religiosas del movimiento jasídico judío, fundado en el siglo XVIII.
Hoy en día, la creencia en la reencarnación también existe entre más de cien tribus en África, así como entre las tribus esquimales y de Australia Central y muchos pueblos del Pacífico Sur, incluidos los hawaianos, tahitianos, melanesios y okinawenses.
Los conceptos de reencarnación más elaboradamente desarrollados se encuentran hoy en las tradiciones religiosas de la India, especialmente el hinduismo, el budismo, el jainismo y el sijismo. En estas religiones, la reencarnación está vinculada con la ley del karma. De acuerdo con la ley del karma, tal como se enseña en Oriente, sus pensamientos, palabras y acciones en vidas pasadas han determinado las condiciones de su vida presente, y sus pensamientos, palabras y acciones en esta vida determinarán su destino en vidas futuras.
El hinduismo y el budismo enseñan que la ley del karma es una ley universal de causa y efecto que afecta a todos. Como dice la Tercera Ley del Movimiento de Newton: Para cada acción hay una reacción igual y opuesta. La ley del karma opera automáticamente y sin prejuicios. Según las enseñanzas orientales, el karma necesita el renacimiento simplemente porque no puedes cosechar todos los efectos de tu karma en una sola vida.
Reencarnación en la Biblia
Cuando Jesús reunió a sus discípulos a su alrededor, discutieron las enseñanzas de la reencarnación libremente y con familiaridad. Se registró una de esas discusiones, y parece que se pasó por alto en el cuidadoso proyecto emprendido para eliminar grandes verdades de las Escrituras. Quizás se pasó por alto, o quizás se dejó porque se sintió que la mayoría de la gente no tomaría las palabras literalmente.
Jesús y los discípulos estaban hablando de la venida del profeta Elías. Para los discípulos, la palabra venida significaba la venida del alma a la manifestación o el nacimiento. Las escrituras dicen que un precursor que tenga el espíritu y el poder de Elías el Profeta debe preceder a la venida de Jesús. Los discípulos estaban especulando sobre si Elías había nacido o no. Jesús les respondió: “'Os digo que Elías [Elías] ya ha venido, y no le conocieron, pero hicieron con él todo lo que quisieron ...' Entonces los discípulos entendieron que les hablaba de Juan. el Bautista ”. [1]
Reencarnación en el cristianismo gnóstico
Reincarnation was an important part of Gnostic theology. The Gnostics claimed that Jesus had taught it both explicitly (in his private teachings to his disciples) and implicitly (in his sayings and parables).
Reincarnation appears in the Book of Thomas the Contender. In it the Saviour tells his disciple Thomas that after death those who were once believers but have remained attached to things of “transitory beauty” will be consumed “in their concern about life” and “will be brought back to the visible realm.”[2]
At the end of the Book of Thomas, Jesus says: “Watch and pray that you may not be born in the flesh, but that you may leave the bitter bondage of this life.”[3] In other words, pray that you are not reborn on earth but that you return to higher realms.
The Secret Book of John places reincarnation at the heart of its discussion of the salvation of souls. Here is Secret John’s perspective on reincarnation: All people have drunk the water of forgetfulness and exist in a state of ignorance. Some are able to overcome ignorance through the Spirit of life that descends upon them. These souls “will be saved and will become perfect,”[4] that is, escape the round of rebirth.
John asks the Saviour what will happen to those who do not attain salvation. They are hurled down “into forgetfulness” and thrown into “prison,” the code word for new bodies.[5] The only way for these souls to escape, says the Saviour, is to emerge from forgetfulness and acquire knowledge. A soul in this situation can do so by finding a teacher or saviour who has the strength to lead her home. “This soul needs to follow another soul in whom the Spirit of Life dwells, because she is saved through the Spirit. Then she will never be thrust into flesh again.”[6]
This passage from Secret John shows the importance of reincarnation in Gnostic theology.
The Gnostics used the concept of reincarnation to explain pain, suffering and the inequities of life. The Christian philosopher Basilides, who taught in the early second century and probably before, said that reincarnation explains why seemingly innocent people suffer martyrdom.
Another Gnostic text, Pistis Sophia, outlines an elaborate system of reward and punishment that includes reincarnation. The text explains differences in fate as the effects of pastlife actions. A “man who curses” is given a body that will be continually “troubled in heart.” A “man who slanders” receives a body that will be “oppressed.” A thief receives a “lame, crooked and blind body.” A “proud” and “scornful” man receives “a lame and ugly body” that “everyone continually despises.”[7] Thus earth, as well as hell, becomes the place of punishment.
According to Pistis Sophia, some souls do experience hell as a shadowy place of torture where they go after death. But after passing through this hell, the souls return for further experiences on earth. Only a few extremely wicked souls are not allowed to reincarnate. These are cast into “outer darkness” until the time when they are destined to be “destroyed and dissolved.”[8]
But Gnostic Christianity does not emphasize the idea of eternal punishment as much as orthodox Christianity does. Although the Gnostics believed some souls can be lost, the goal is always progress. The series of reincarnations is meant to be consummated by a final lifetime in which union with God is achieved.
Reincarnation denied by orthodox Christian dogma
En brutal contraste con este plan misericordioso de Dios está la doctrina que dice que el hombre solo vive una vez. Según esta errónea creencia, el individuo no tiene ninguna esperanza en el próximo mundo a no ser que acepte el credo fundado por el hombre que le garantiza la inmortalidad debido a que otro ha pagado por sus pecados. Y si no acepta este credo de todo corazón, no puede regresar y aceptarlo en otra vida una vez que fallece.
Los dogmáticos proponen la idea del infierno como un lugar de castigo eterno, destruyendo así el concepto de un mañana en el que los pecados de hoy pueden expiarse. Ellos eliminaron el concepto de la oportunidad del alma para aprender mediante ensayo y error. De esta forma, lograron un control eficaz sobre las masas. En lugar de transmitir la plena Verdad viva que Jesús ejemplificó, quienes niegan el concepto de reencarnación suprimieron las aspiraciones del alma. Le negaron la oportunidad de seguir completamente a Jesús hasta el perfeccionamiento en Dios.
Irónicamente, en los siglos posteriores solo se vio un progreso limitado para la Iglesia y sus miembros, al margen de la acumulación de riquezas materiales. Debido al escaso conocimiento (que se volvió peligroso), tanto la Iglesia como sus miembros se vieron privados del enorme poder de la Verdad que se encuentra en las enseñanzas originales del Cristo.
La opinión del mundo estaría más inclinada hacia el Cristo y que al anti-Cristo de no haber sido introducidas estas falsas enseñanzas por un sacerdocio que quería obtener control mediante el temor. Su deliberada confusión sobre la Palabra de Dios destruyó la vitalidad de la fe y el plan divino de muchas almas.
Si se hubiera explicado la ley del karma (en lugar de la errónea doctrina de la expiación indirecta a través de otro) y se hubiera engendrado en la humanidad el respeto por la Ley de Dios, habría habido una mayor disposición a obedecer la regla de oro.
The science of rebirth
Los procesos de la reencarnación son esenciales para la evolución espiritual del hombre y, cuando se los entiende adecuadamente, pueden ser una clave para su libertad inmortal. Cuando el hombre desgasta el abrigo con que se ha vestido durante un tiempo, Dios le dará otro, y al final le dará la vestidura sin costuras, un cuerpo imperecedero e incorruptible en el que morará para siempre, sujeto solo a las leyes de progresión eterna que conducen al hombre hacia adelante y hacia arriba, hacia el reino del día perfecto.
Al Padre Celestial no le resulta ni extraño ni difícil tomar un alma que se haya marchado de su templo corporal y ponerla en una nueva y saludable forma corporal. La finalidad es proporcionar una continuidad a la experiencia en la escuela de la Tierra, aunque el cuerpo viejo se gaste.
Las flores nacen y maduran, mostrando su belleza brevemente; después, los pétalos caen para mezclarse con el polvo. Con la llegada de la primavera, vuelven a aparecer. ¿Quién puede negar que el alma de la flor no sobrevive y permanece entre los bastidores de las etapas de la vida, esperando la señal del apuntador para hacer otra entrada? Y así es que vuelve a brotar para agradar los ojos y el corazón de los hombres.
Así, el registro kármico de una corriente de vida se transfiere a un nuevo templo corporal. El principio de la vida en ese templo corporal con un nombre nuevo y una situación distinta se convierte en una oportunidad reciente para que el niño-hombre vuelva a expandir sus bracitos y trate de alcanzar las estrellas de virtud cósmica que, en el pasado, pudieran habérsele escapado.
The purpose of reembodiment
Cuando se entiende correctamente, la verdad de la reencarnación (más extraña que la ficción de una vida) ofrece la mayor esperanza para la humanidad. La reencarnación no es ni una excusa ni una liberación de la total responsabilidad y obligación kármica por los errores propios. Al contrario, la reencarnación provee una continuidad de la experiencia en la Tierra, la cual (aunque se mueve en secuencias interrumpidas) es el medio por el cual el alma puede evolucionar progresivamente hacia la victoria, la maestría sobre sí misma y el logro.
Se puede hacer la pregunta: ¿Cuál es el propósito real de la reencarnación? La propia naturaleza dará la respuesta. Cuando Dios creó al hombre a su propia imagen, fue a imagen de la inmortalidad. La caída del hombre desde esa imagen superior hacia la esclavitud de la carne dio como resultado un registro kármico negativo y, si el hombre solo tuviera una encarnación, le habría evitado manifestar la vida eterna.
La verdadera finalidad de la reencarnación es la de proporcionar la oportunidad —los ciclos de años y acontecimientos— para que el hombre pueda vivir y aprender a actuar bien. ¡Qué espantoso sería si los millones y millones de almas que han ido y venido a este planeta sin haber tenido la oportunidad de escuchar las enseñanzas del Maestro Jesús no tuvieran esperanza de una futura oportunidad de seguir sus pasos!
Transfer of the life record
Through a special process that takes place at the close of each embodiment, the life record is transferred to an electronic envelope that holds the aggregate substance of the individual’s world. This he is required to pick up and deal with in his next life. When he reembodies, the records that correspond to the emotions, the thoughts and the memory are placed within their respective vehicles. The soul continues to evolve from the place where she left off in her previous life.
The record and the substance of the personality are transferred to the physical structure of man through the genes, the chromosomes, the hormones, the blood, the fluids, the nerves, the bones and the brain. Man’s unredeemed substance is deposited not only in the atoms of the physical body but also in the atoms of the emotional, mental and etheric bodies and in the energy mass that is called the soul.
It is through the patterns that man has stamped on the four lower bodies and on the soul that he retains his personality from one embodiment to the next. Until he has found his spiritual identity through the highest yoga, he retains the patterns of his personal momentums. Often physiological similarities are noted from one embodiment to the next. For these traits are merely a reflection of the soul personality, which remains unchanged.
According to the law of attraction (like attracts like), parents often draw to themselves souls of similar personality traits. Thus the incoming lifestream may pick up through the genes and chromosomes of his parents those traits that are also native to his own evolution. In those cases where parents and their offspring seem to have nothing in common, one may conclude that karmic ties drew them together for the sole purpose of balancing wrongs that were mutually imposed.
Here we see the operation of the law of opposites, intuitively felt by Job when he said, “The thing which I greatly feared is come upon me.”[9] If we are honest enough to look beneath the surface of our own worlds, we often find that those characteristics we despise in others (especially in members of our own family) are the very weaknesses we were sent into embodiment to overcome in ourselves.
Until we get rid of our antipathies and our anathemas, we cannot overcome them. For the energy that is qualified with repulsion becomes the magnet that draws the object of our disdain to us. How true it is that what we see in others, we are likely to become.
The continuity of life
The Ascended Masters Jesus and Kuthumi give us the following instruction concerning reembodiment:
There is much to be gained from a correct knowledge of karma and reembodiment. Your life, blessed ones, is continuous. It does not end, nor does it come in sharp spurts and gaps. Your life is a majestic stream of cosmic energy composed of the consciousness of God and the energy of his heart. To you is entrusted a portion of the Divine Selfhood. Thus it was spoken long ago, “Your life is not your own.”[10] We say to all mankind, life is given into your keeping that you may master your destiny and the fulfillment of divine purposes within the sphere of Selfhood.
It is sad to mortal thought, but not to divine thought, that the memory of the continuous stream of life is broken upon the altars of death. There are many reasons for this, and one by one these reasons will be made known to you as you study the laws of reembodiment and understand that there is nothing strange at all about this fact of man’s evolution. For in reality, blessed ones, the concept of reembodiment is no more difficult to understand than the consideration of life as one’s sole opportunity to find God and to fulfill his purposes.
It would be far more strange if God were to create mankind without equal opportunity for salvation—some ignorant, some wise, placing some in circumstances of wealth and culture and others in conditions of abject poverty without the benefit of formal education. Strange indeed if the Creator expected all to rise from the various states in which they found themselves and in the space of a few short years come to that mature comprehension and judgment which would cause them to accept Christ as their Saviour and to find soul-release in the fulfillment of their divine destiny....
All of life is cyclic. Even the cycles of the centuries, the decades and the years are broken into months and weeks and days. Each twenty-four-hour cycle is divided into the night and the day—periods of regeneration and rest and periods of creativity.
The Master Hilarion declared when embodied as Saint Paul, “I die daily.” Although he was referring to the mortification of the ego—the putting off of the human consciousness and the putting on of the divine consciousness[11]—this statement may also be applied to all mankind as they close their eyes at night for a period of sleep, when there is a loss of contact with the realities of the day’s activities and a separation of the soul from the memory patterns of the personal self. This breaking of the thread of consciousness, which is reestablished with each coming dawn, gives man the opportunity to die daily and to begin life anew.
As an act of mercy, the memories of the past are blotted out of the conscious mind each time the soul reembodies. This is a deliberate action of the Lords of Karma taken to prevent contact with the sordid aspects of previous lives that would mar the opportunity for a new beginning in the new cycle. However, now and then as subconscious memories spiral to the surface of awareness, people do receive impressions of having done before the same act that they find themselves doing for the first time in their present embodiment. Because the memory of old experience patterns is broken at birth, the possibility for deliverance is always present, and the soul can be raised out of its own imperfections and transformed into a higher state of the Christ consciousness.
You must take into account that souls coming to earth for the first time often do not manifest great brilliance of achievement, even in the simple things of life. Some maintain for a number of embodiments states of consciousness that are not comparable to those of individuals who have returned to earth’s schools hundreds and even thousands of times to fulfill their divine plan. The stairway of evolution, therefore, represents lifestreams and life patterns of mature as well as young souls, all having equal opportunity to excel in the magnification of God-qualities, but not all equal in achievement.
Opportunity to build a nobler temple
Even as “one star differeth from another star in glory,” so the Causal Body of each son of God reflects the harvest of good works gleaned from each successive opportunity in the Father’s vineyard. Thus the talents multiplied by each laborer accrue to his benefit with interest, whereas those who bury [in the electronic belt] that portion of God’s energy entrusted to them find no accumulation of good karma to enhance their future lives,[12] but only the burden of imbalance that must one day become the balance of light’s perfection.
As the opportunity for embodiment is awarded to the soul again and again, each succeeding experience in the world of Matter-form is intended to be used to build a “temple nobler than the last.” Those who avail themselves of the opportunities for self-mastery that are presented in each lifetime receive a greater portion of the Holy Spirit as grace for the needs of the hour. Thus there occurs a fashioning of the Christ-nature in those who give preeminence to their higher calling.
Those who in the period between death and rebirth become devotees of the Masters in the temples of beauty and music often return as geniuses of the arts, or so mankind have called them. Those who elect to study in the etheric temples of science and healing may glean enough of the flame of Truth to bring forth inventions and techniques for the health and well-being of mankind. Disciples who apply themselves in the Temple of God’s Will return to guide the destiny of nations through an inner knowledge of God-government and economics taught to them by statesmen of the Spirit serving on the Darjeeling Council.
The art of bringing healing and comfort to life and upholding the honor code of the Masters, as well as their educational standards, is taught by the Maha Chohan, Mary the Mother, and the brothers of the wisdom schools. Archangel Raphael, together with Mother Mary, conducts classes on child development and child care and the training of both parents and children “in the way they should go”[13] that they might make a worthy contribution to their communities, at the same time making the most rapid spiritual strides in their individual lives.
The Lords of Flame school would-be priests of the sacred fire who are destined to return to earth to bring a revitalizing surge of resurrection’s flame to the various churches of the world. Thus not by chance but by divine direction there flows into the octave of mankind’s evolving consciousness the organization and sustenance of heaven.
Since the veil is drawn during sleep as well as at birth, individuals do not always retain in their outer consciousness an awareness of that which has been vouchsafed unto them at inner levels. Nevertheless, there is a lodestone, a magnet, an animus of spiritual power that draws each one to his appointed course even as stars and galaxies are guided by the unseen hand of cosmic destiny.
As mankind rise to the place where they consciously, willingly call for the transmutation of their past errors and deviations from the Law, little by little the doors of memory are opened and all of the knowledge and training of past lives, as well as the teachings of the Masters given on the inner planes, are recalled for the benefit of the individual as an assistance toward his attainment of self-mastery and the completion of his mission unto his ascension in the light.
It is useless for mankind to attempt to refute through scriptural means the great eternal cycles and the ongoing tides of life. Those who do will find that at the end of the road, at the end of each cycle, they are taken by angelic ministrants to a place of rest, regeneration and instruction, preparing them for a new adventure in the world of form. Their denials of the laws of life have no power to alter the divine intent. For it is the mercy of God that continually outbreathes the breath of life into the nostrils of men that he may stimulate the Christ Flame within the heart, until the fragrance of the Only Begotten of the Father—of the Holy One of Israel (of the God of all that is real)—does flow through them to fulfill the divine plan.[14]
A Cosmic Perspective
In his Trilogy on the Threefold Flame of Life, Saint Germain explains:
It would be most beneficial if the human monad would refrain from prejudgment in matters of cosmic doctrine and even better if he could universally accept the reality of reembodiment. For it is in the acceptance of this fact of life that he will truly discern the wisdom of the ages and more easily understand his reason for being.
It is most difficult for people in any age, observing in the life span of a comparatively few short years a series of events relative to the personal self, to be able to judge the world in which they live and the society from which they have derived both bane and blessing, and then to be able to perceive matters pertaining to the spirit and properly assess them.
By correctly understanding and accepting his own reembodiment, the individual develops a cosmic sense of the continuity of self—past, present, and future—and is better equipped to see behind the surface effects of today’s circumstances the underlying personal causes that stretch back across the dust of centuries....
How great is the suffering that Christians have endured through the elimination of this one point of spiritual truth! By denying reembodiment they have denied their souls the keystone in the arch of being.
You see, there are certain fine points of Cosmic Law that in a relative sense are not as important as this one. Man can deny some specifics without suffering too much damage, but to deny the truth of the continuity of his own being—its span of previous existence and its future glorious destiny—is to cut himself off from the basic premise of life.[15]
La transmigración de las almas
Dejemos claro que no respaldamos la doctrina de la transmigración de las almas en lo que respecta a la migración del alma hacia el cuerpo de un animal. Porque los hombres no son animales ni han evolucionado de la conciencia de la vida animal.
Tal como Dios reside en todas las formas de vida, el hombre que logra la autopercepción Divina puede ser consciente de la vida en y como una ameba, un pez nadando en el mar, un pájaro remontándose en los vientos o los rebaños sobre los montes. No es necesario que el alma sea reducida a residir a una forma animal para que pueda apreciar ese estado de evolución.
El hombre puede extender su conciencia Divina hacia cualquier parte de la vida, pero sigue siendo la expresión de la totalidad. Su alma no tiene necesidad de encarnar en formas animales para adquirir experiencias. Desde el principio, el hombre estuvo destinado a ser la plenitud del Dios vivo en manifestación.
«Padre nuestro, que estás en el cielo [los planos del Espíritu], santificado sea tu nombre, YO SOY [la llama en los planos de la Materia]». El hombre es quien consagra la llama de Dios encendida en su templo corporal por el Espíritu Santo del Dios Padre-Madre. Esa llama no está enclaustrada en la vida animal. Por tanto, el alma del hombre, destinada a expandir la conciencia del SEÑOR a través de la llama, no podría cumplir su razón de ser en una forma animal.
La creencia en que el alma del hombre encarna en formas animales y evoluciona a través de ellas está basada en una evaluación incorrecta de la vida humana y animal. La llama trina es la identidad del hombre. El campo energético de sus cuatro cuerpos inferiores, restablecido en cada encarnación sucesiva, es la plataforma provista para su maestría del alma sobre esa llama.
Esos cuerpos y el alma que los habita están moldeados a imagen del Ser Crístico y solo aquello que aparece según esa imagen merece ser el cáliz de la llama en la octava física. Los animales son manifestaciones incompletas del Cristo. No son dignos de albergar la llama, por consiguiente, no son dignos de proporcionar un tabernáculo para el alma.
Breaking the chain of reincarnation
How do we stop the chain of rebirth? The saints and sages of the Eastern religions have answered that question in many different ways.
The Jains believe that you can destroy karma through purification, penance and austerity. Hindu theologians teach that you achieve liberation from the round of rebirth through the realization that the individual soul is one with the Absolute or Ultimate Reality, called Brahman. Hindu texts advocate the practice of different “yogas” as ways to gain knowledge of union with Brahman. Hinduism teaches that surrender to God, the dissolution of bad karma, and the creation of good karma can help free the individual from the bondage of karma and rebirth.
Gautama Buddha taught that in order to be liberated from the cycle of rebirth (called samsara) you must extinguish craving, or desire. He said inordinate desire is what causes all suffering and negative karma and results in rebirth.
Transmutation of the life record
It should be clear to everyone who aspires to be free from the karmic wheel, from the round of reembodiment, that he must first transmute his life record together with the cause, effect, record and even the memory of every wrong act.
Man does not escape his personal karma through the transition called death, although he loses his form and he may temporarily lose his identity. For where man goes, there goes his life record. The life record must be purified before he can attain the highest yoga (union with God), and conversely, the practice of the highest yoga will teach him how to purify his life record.
Enter Saint Germain and Portia with their dispensation of the violet flame for the Aquarian age. The violet flame cuts across the electronic belt and may begin to penetrate, dissolve, transmute and balance that energy and send it back to your Causal Body transmuted even if you never meet the people you owe karma to, even if you’re born at the wrong time and the wrong century as many people think they are. They go back and relive previous centuries in fantasy, in plays and so forth.
The violet flame is the universal solvent in the sense that it solves a universal problem—and the universal problem is having all of these leftover loose ends of ancient and recent karma to tie up, and having the opportunity at the end of this age of Pisces and the beginning of the age of Aquarius to make our ascension.
Véase también
Para más información
Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Reencarnacion: El eslabon perdido del Cristianismo.
Mark L. Prophet y Elizabeth Clare Prophet, El sendero de la autotransformación, Segundo capítulo, «Reencarnación».
Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Conexiones con otras vidas: Karma y reencarnación.
Mark L. Prophet y Elizabeth Clare Prophet, El sendero de la autotransformación, Segundo capítulo, «Reencarnación».
Mark L. Prophet y Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Los Maestros y el sendero espiritual, págs. 32–39.
Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Reencarnacion: El eslabon perdido del Cristianismo
- ↑ Matt. 17: 10-13.
- ↑ Book of Thomas 4:7, 18, 17, in Marvin W. Meyer, trans., The Secret Teachings of Jesus: Four Gnostic Gospels (1984; reprint, New York: Random house, Vintage Books, 1986), pp. 44, 45 (emphasis added).
- ↑ Book of Thomas 9:5, in Meyer, The Secret Teachings of Jesus, p. 50 (emphasis added).
- ↑ Secret Book of John 14:3, in Meyer, The Secret Teachings of Jesus, p. 81.
- ↑ Secret Book of John 14:15, 17, in Meyer, The Secret Teachings of Jesus, p. 82.
- ↑ Secret Book of John 14:20, in Meyer, The Secret Teachings of Jesus, p. 82.
- ↑ Violet MacDermont, trans., Pistis Sophia, 144, 146, Nag Hammadi Studies 9 (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1978), 749, 753, 757, 759.
- ↑ Pistis Sophia 145, MacDermont, pp. 753, 755.
- ↑ Job 3:25.
- ↑ 1 Cor. 6:19.
- ↑ 1 Cor. 15:31; Eph. 4:22–24.
- ↑ 1 Cor. 15:41; Luke 19:12–27.
- ↑ Prov. 22:6.
- ↑ Jesus and Kuthumi, in Keepers of the Flame Lessons no. 18, pp. 7–12.
- ↑ Saint Germain, “A Trilogy on the Threefold Flame of Life,” in Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Saint Germain On Alchemy: Formulas for Self-Transformation (Corwin Springs, Mont.: Summit University Press, 1993), pp. 287, 290.