Двадцать Четыре Старца

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Описание Двадцати Четырех Старцев приведено в Книге «Двадцать Четыре Старца|Откровение]]»: «И вокруг престола двадцать четыре престола; а на престолах видел я сидевших двадцать четыре старца, которые облечены были в белые одежды и имели на головах своих золотые венцы».[1] Двадцать Четыре Старца – это двенадцать пар близнецовых пламен, представляющих двенадцать солнечных иерархий в мужской и женской силе мудрости любви Элохим. Этот совет Космических Существ вместе с Санатом Кумарой осуществляет руководство в Суде Священного Огня на Бого-звезде Сириус (место, где располагается Бого-правительство этого сектора нашей галактики), являясь инструментом суда Бога Всемогущего.

In approximately 2000 B.C. we entered the age of Aries. Two thousand years ago we entered the age of Pisces. And now we are entering the age of Aquarius. Passing through each of the twelve signs of the zodiac, there is a dispensation from the Great Central Sun whereby the four and twenty elders and the four cosmic forces impart to the evolutions of the planet a new awareness of self in relationship to a new awareness of God.

On July 4, 1976, the Goddess of Liberty announced:

I come from the God Star, Sirius, this night. I come where the deliberations of the four and twenty elders concerning all manifestations of earth are underway. And one and all, I hear them say: “God has decided to save the earth.”... And when you ask how and why and where and who, the answer is: “Through you.”[2]

Cyclopea describes the four and twenty elders:

These magnificent beings of light are robed in white and gold, beloved. They come with a message of victory for those who are the victorious ones. And they deliver lessons—lessons indeed and chastenings to those who have not made the use they should have made of stupendous teachings we have released and the light that comes through these teachings.[3]

See also

Karmic Board

Solar Logoi


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Four and Twenty Elders.”

  1. Откр. 4:4. См. также Откр. 4:10, 11; 5:5–14; 7:11–17; 11:15–18; 14:1–3; 19:4.
  2. Goddess of Liberty, “God Has Decided to Save the Earth,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 44, no. 39, September 30, 2001.
  3. Cyclopea, “Only God-Free Being Is Real,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 38, no. 14, March 26, 1995.