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== Sjá einnig ==
== Sjá einnig ==

[[Spoken Word]]
[[Hið talaða Orð]]

== Sources ==
== Sources ==


Revision as of 21:30, 1 May 2024

Other languages:
Hluti af greinasafni um
Vísindi hins
talaða Orðs

Hið talaða Orð

   Ýmsar gerðir hins talaða Orðs   

   Austrænir hættir   
Bija mantra
Gullna mantran
Om mani padme hum

   Vestrænir hættir   
Heil sé þér María

   Sérstakir helgisiðir   
Ljóshringur Maríu guðsmóður
Fjórtán rósakransbænir
Rósakransbæn Mikaels erkiengils
Helgihald uppstigningarlogans
Kristal rósakransbæn Kuan Yins

   Skyld efnisatriði   
Fjólublái loginn
Möntrufyrirmæli fjólubláa logans
Jafnvægi á milli fjólublárra og blárra möntrufyrirmæla
Öndunaræfingar Djwal Kúls

n. a demand, a claim, a request or command to come or be present; an instance of asking for something; the act of summoning the Lord, or the Lord’s summoning of his offspring. “And the LORD God called unto Adam and said unto him, Where art thou?” (Gen. 3:9) “Out of Egypt have I called my son!” (Matt. 2:15)

To call: vb. to speak in a loud or distinct voice so as to be heard at a distance; to recall from death or the astral plane, e.g., “Lazarus, come forth!”; to utter in a loud or distinct voice; to announce or read loudly or authoritatively.

The call is the most direct means of communication between man and God, and God and man, frequently used in an emergency; e.g., O God, help me! Archangel Michael, take command!

The byword of the initiate is “The call compels the answer.” “He shall call upon me and I will answer him.” (Ps. 91:15) “They called upon the Lord, and he answered them.” (Ps. 99:6)

Sjá einnig

Hið talaða Orð


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Science of the Spoken Word.