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Samuel fue el mensajero de Dios para la liberación de la progenie de [[Special:MyLanguage/Abraham|Abraham]] de la esclavitud de los sacerdotes corruptos, los hijos de Elí, y de los filisteos, que habían matado a los israelitas en la batalla. Tradicionalmente se lo nombra junto con [[Special:MyLanguage/Moses|Moisés]] como un gran intercesor. Cuando la nación afrontó continuas amenazas de los filisteos, él condujo valerosamente al pueblo en un resurgimiento espiritual, exhortándole a que volviera «al S<small>EÑOR</small> con todo su corazón» y a quitar «los dioses ajenos»<ref>1 Samuel 7:3.</ref>. El pueblo se arrepintió y suplicó a Samuel que no dejara de llamar al S<small>EÑOR</small> para que lo salvara. Mientras rezaba y ofrecía sacrificios, una violenta tormenta se desató, permitiendo a los israelitas vencer  sus enemigos. Los filisteos jamás se levantaron de nuevo en los días de Samuel.
Samuel fue el mensajero de Dios para la liberación de la progenie de [[Special:MyLanguage/Abraham|Abraham]] de la esclavitud de los sacerdotes corruptos, los hijos de Elí, y de los filisteos, que habían matado a los israelitas en la batalla. Tradicionalmente se lo nombra junto con [[Special:MyLanguage/Moses|Moisés]] como un gran intercesor. Cuando la nación afrontó continuas amenazas de los filisteos, él condujo valerosamente al pueblo en un resurgimiento espiritual, exhortándole a que volviera «al S<small>EÑOR</small> con todo su corazón» y a quitar «los dioses ajenos»<ref>1 Samuel 7:3.</ref>. El pueblo se arrepintió y suplicó a Samuel que no dejara de llamar al S<small>EÑOR</small> para que lo salvara. Mientras rezaba y ofrecía sacrificios, una violenta tormenta se desató, permitiendo a los israelitas vencer  sus enemigos. Los filisteos jamás se levantaron de nuevo en los días de Samuel.

The prophet spent the rest of his life administering justice throughout the land. When he grew old, he appointed his sons to be judges over Israel; but they were corrupt and the people demanded that Samuel give them “a king to judge us like all the nations.”<ref>I Sam. 8:5.</ref> Deeply grieved, he prayed to the L<small>ORD</small> and received the direction that he must carry out the mandate of the people. The L<small>ORD</small> told him, “They have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them.<ref>I Sam. 8:7.</ref>  
El profeta pasó el resto de su vida administrando justicia por el país. Cuando envejeció, nombró a sus hijos jueces sobre Israel; pero eran corruptos y el pueblo exigió que Samuel les diera «un rey que nos juzgue, como tienen todas las naciones»<ref>1 Samuel 8:5.</ref>. Profundamente apenado, rezó al S<small>EÑOR</small> y recibió la directriz de llevar a cabo la exigencia del pueblo. El S<small>EÑOR</small> le dijo: «No te han desechado a ti, sino a mí me han desechado, para que no reine sobre ellos»<ref>1 Samuel 8:7.</ref>1 Samuel 8:7.</ref>.

Samuel warned the Israelites of the dangers that would befall them through their rulers, but they still clamored for a king. Thus he anointed Saul as their leader and charged him and the people to always obey the voice of the L<small>ORD</small>. But when Saul proved to be an unfaithful servant, Samuel pronounced the L<small>ORD</small>’s judgment upon him for his disobedience and secretly anointed David as king. When the prophet died, he was buried at Ramah; all of Israel mourned his passing.
Samuel warned the Israelites of the dangers that would befall them through their rulers, but they still clamored for a king. Thus he anointed Saul as their leader and charged him and the people to always obey the voice of the L<small>ORD</small>. But when Saul proved to be an unfaithful servant, Samuel pronounced the L<small>ORD</small>’s judgment upon him for his disobedience and secretly anointed David as king. When the prophet died, he was buried at Ramah; all of Israel mourned his passing.

Revision as of 18:51, 28 January 2020

El maestro ascendido Saint Germain

Saint Germain es el chohán del séptimo rayo. Junto con su llama gemela, la maestra ascendida Porcia, Diosa de la Justicia, es el jerarca de la era de Acuario. Es el gran patrocinador de la llama de la libertad, mientras que Porcia es la patrocinadora de la llama de la justicia.

Saint Germain es conocido como diplomático, y expresa las cualidades divinas de la dignidad, la elegancia, el refinamiento, la compostura y la verdadera habilidad política a través de todos quienes invoquen el séptimo rayo. Es miembro de la Casa de Rakoczy, fundada por el Gran Director Divino, en cuya mansión de Transilvania se encuentra amparada actualmente la llama violeta de la libertad.

El nombre Saint Germain proviene del latín Sanctus Germanus, que significa sencillamente «hermano santo».

Su mision

Cada ciclo de dos mil años cae en uno de los siete rayos. Jesús, como chohán del sexto rayo, ocupó el cargo de jerarca de la era durante los últimos dos mil años. El 1 de mayo de 1954 Saint Germain y Porcia fueron coronados directores del próximo ciclo del séptimo rayo. Libertad y justicia son el yin y el yang del séptimo rayo de Acuario y junto con la misericordia, proveen la base para los demás atributos de Dios que han de ser exteriorizados en esta séptima dispensación.

Saint Germain y Porcia entregan al pueblo de Dios la dispensación para la séptima era y el séptimo rayo –el rayo violeta de la libertad, la justicia, la misericordia, la alquimia y el ritual sagrado–, una nueva oleada de vida, una nueva civilización, una nueva energía.

Como chohán, o señor, del séptimo rayo, Saint Germain inicia a nuestras almas en la ciencia y el ritual de la transformación mediante la llama violeta. Es el séptimo ángel profetizado en Apocalipsis 10:7, que viene a patrocinar la terminación del misterio de Dios «como ha declarado a sus siervos los profetas».

Saint Germain dice:

Soy un ser ascendido, pero no siempre ha sido así. Durante muchas, no una ni dos, sino muchas encarnaciones, he caminado por la Tierra como ahora lo hacéis vosotros, confinados a un cuerpo mortal y a las limitaciones de la existencia dimensional. Estuve en Lemuria y estuve en la Atlántida. He visto civilizaciones levantarse y caer. He visto las ondulaciones de conciencia cuando la humanidad ha pasado cíclicamente de eras de oro a sociedades primitivas. He visto las opciones, y he visto a la humanidad tomar decisiones equivocadas y desperdiciar las energías de cien mil años de avance científico e incluso grados de conciencia cósmica que trascienden lo que los miembros de las religiones más avanzadas del momento han logrado.

Sí, he visto las opciones, y he elegido. Mediante elecciones correctas el hombre y la mujer establecen sus posiciones en la jerarquía. Al elegir ser libre en la magnífica voluntad de Dios, conseguí mi libertad de la ronda mortal de las encarnaciones y las justificaciones de una existencia fuera del Uno. Conseguí mi libertad con esa llama, esa nota clave del ciclo de Acuario cuya pista han seguido los alquimistas de antaño, ese elixir morado que los santos tienen…

Vosotros sois mortales. Yo soy inmortal. La única diferencia entre nosotros es que yo he elegido ser libre y vosotros aún tenéis que tomar esa decisión. Tenemos el mismo potencial, los mismos recursos, la misma conexión con el Uno. Yo he tomado lo mío para forjar una identidad Divina. Porque hace mucho, la voz queda del interior pronunció el fíat de Alfa y del Dios vivo: “Hijos del Uno, forjad vuestra identidad Divina”. Y en la quietud de la noche, oí la llamada y respondí: «¡Lo haré!». Y cuando dije «lo haré», todo el cosmos devolvió el eco: «¡Lo haré!». La voluntad de ser convoca la enormidad del potencial del ser…

Soy Saint Germain, y he venido a reclamar vuestra alma y los fuegos de vuestro corazón para la victoria de la era de Acuario. He establecido el patrón de la iniciación de vuestra alma… Estoy en el sendero de la libertad. Tomad ese sendero y ahí me encontraréis. Soy vuestro instructor, si me queréis»[1].


Gobernante de una civilización de oro

Artículo principal: Civilización de oro en el desierto del Sáhara

Hace más de cincuenta mil años, Saint Germain fue el gobernante de una civilización de oro en un país fértil, que se encontraba donde actualmente tenemos el desierto del Sáhara. Como rey emperador, Saint Germain era un maestro de la antigua sabiduría y del conocimiento de las esferas de la Materia, y su pueblo lo consideraba como el estándar de su propia Divinidad emergente. Su imperio alcanzó un nivel de belleza, simetría y perfección que no ha sido superado en la octava física.

A medida que la gente de esta civilización se fue interesando más por los placeres de los sentidos que por el mayor plan creativo del Gran Yo Divino, un consejo cósmico ordenó al gobernante que se retirara de su imperio; desde entonces, su gurú sería su karma. El rey celebró un gran banquete para sus consejeros y funcionarios públicos. Cada uno de sus 576 invitados recibió una copa de cristal llena de un elixir que era «pura esencia electrónica».

Ese elixir fue el regalo que Saint Germain les dio para la protección del alma, de forma que cuando volviera su oportunidad en la era de Acuario de volver a producir esa civilización de oro, recordaran a su Presencia YO SOY y se convirtieran en un signo para todo el mundo de que Dios puede habitar con su pueblo, y lo hará, cuando este haga de su mente, corazón y alma una habitación adecuada para su Espíritu.

Durante el banquete un maestro cósmico, que se identificó sólo con la palabra Victoria en su frente, se dirigió a la asamblea. Avisó a las personas de la crisis que ellas mismas habían producido por su falta de fe, las reprendió por haber descuidado a su Gran Fuente Divina y profetizó que el imperio llegaría a estar bajo el gobierno de un príncipe visitante, que buscaría el matrimonio con la hija del rey. El rey y su familia se retiraron siete días después a la ciudad etérica de oro que era la contraparte de la civilización. El príncipe llegó al día siguiente y asumió el control sin oposición alguna.[2]

High priest on Atlantis

Como sumo sacerdote del Templo de la Llama Violeta en la zona continental de la Atlántida, hace trece mil años, Saint Germain sostuvo mediante sus invocaciones y su cuerpo causal un pilar de fuego, una verdadera fuente de llama violeta cantarina que atraía gente de cerca y de lejos que llegaba para liberarse de todas las condiciones que esclavizan el cuerpo, la mente y el alma. Lo lograban con su propio esfuerzo, ofreciendo invocaciones y con la práctica de los rituales del fuego sagrado del séptimo rayo.

Quienes oficiaban ante el altar del Templo de la Llama Violeta eran instruidos en el sacerdocio universal de la Orden de Melquisedec, en el retiro del Señor Zadquiel, el Templo de la Purificación, que se erigía donde hoy está la isla de Cuba. Este sacerdocio combina la religión perfecta y la ciencia perfecta. Ahí fue donde tanto Saint Germain como Jesús recibieron la unción, de la que habló el propio Zadquiel: «Tú eres sacerdote para siempre según el orden de Melquisedec»[3].

Antes del hundimiento de la Atlántida, cuando Noé aún construía su arca y advertía a la gente del gran Diluvio que se avecinaba, el Gran Director Divino llamó a Saint Germain y a unos pocos sacerdotes fieles para que transportaran la llama de la libertad desde el Templo de la Purificación a un lugar seguro, en las colinas de los Cárpatos, en Transilvania. Allí continuaron con el sagrado ritual de expansión de los fuegos de la libertad aun cuando el karma de la humanidad estaba siendo exigido por decreto divino.

En posteriores encarnaciones Saint Germain y sus seguidores, bajo la guía del Gran Director Divino, redescubrieron la llama y continuaron protegiendo el santuario. Más tarde, el Gran Director Divino, ayudado por su discípulo, estableció un retiro en el sitio de la llama y fundó la Casa de Rakoczy, la casa real de Hungría.

File:Unción de David por Samuel, de Antonio González Velázquez (Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando).JPG
Samuel ungiendo a David, por Velázquez

El profeta Samuel

En el siglo xi a.C. Saint Germain estuvo encarnado como el profeta Samuel. Fue un líder religioso sobresaliente en una época de gran apostasía, sirviendo como el último de los jueces de Israel y el primero de sus profetas. En aquellos tiempos los jueces no se limitaban a arbitrar disputas; eran líderes carismáticos de quienes se creía que tenían acceso directo a Dios y que podían convocar a las tribus de Israel contra los opresores.

Samuel fue el mensajero de Dios para la liberación de la progenie de Abraham de la esclavitud de los sacerdotes corruptos, los hijos de Elí, y de los filisteos, que habían matado a los israelitas en la batalla. Tradicionalmente se lo nombra junto con Moisés como un gran intercesor. Cuando la nación afrontó continuas amenazas de los filisteos, él condujo valerosamente al pueblo en un resurgimiento espiritual, exhortándole a que volviera «al SEÑOR con todo su corazón» y a quitar «los dioses ajenos»[4]. El pueblo se arrepintió y suplicó a Samuel que no dejara de llamar al SEÑOR para que lo salvara. Mientras rezaba y ofrecía sacrificios, una violenta tormenta se desató, permitiendo a los israelitas vencer sus enemigos. Los filisteos jamás se levantaron de nuevo en los días de Samuel.

El profeta pasó el resto de su vida administrando justicia por el país. Cuando envejeció, nombró a sus hijos jueces sobre Israel; pero eran corruptos y el pueblo exigió que Samuel les diera «un rey que nos juzgue, como tienen todas las naciones»[5]. Profundamente apenado, rezó al SEÑOR y recibió la directriz de llevar a cabo la exigencia del pueblo. El SEÑOR le dijo: «No te han desechado a ti, sino a mí me han desechado, para que no reine sobre ellos»[6]1 Samuel 8:7.</ref>.

Samuel warned the Israelites of the dangers that would befall them through their rulers, but they still clamored for a king. Thus he anointed Saul as their leader and charged him and the people to always obey the voice of the LORD. But when Saul proved to be an unfaithful servant, Samuel pronounced the LORD’s judgment upon him for his disobedience and secretly anointed David as king. When the prophet died, he was buried at Ramah; all of Israel mourned his passing.

Saint Joseph, sleeping, an angel flying over him
The Dream of Saint Joseph, Philippe de Champaigne

Saint Joseph

Saint Germain was also embodied as Saint Joseph, the father of Jesus and husband of Mary. There are few references to him in the New Testament. The Bible traces his lineage back to David. It also recounts how when the angel of the Lord warned him in a dream that Herod planned to kill Jesus, Joseph heeded the warning and took his family to Egypt, returning after Herod’s death. Joseph is said to have been a carpenter and is thought to have passed on before Jesus began his public ministry. In Catholic tradition, Saint Joseph is revered as Patron of the Universal Church, and his feast is celebrated on March 19.

Saint Alban

In the late third century, Saint Germain was embodied as Saint Alban, the first martyr of Britain. Alban lived in England during the persecution of Christians under the Roman emperor Diocletian. He was a pagan who had served in the Roman army and settled in the town of Verulamium, later renamed St. Albans. Alban hid a fugitive Christian priest named Amphibalus, who converted him. When soldiers came to search for him, Alban allowed the priest to escape and disguised himself in the cleric’s garb.

Once his deed was discovered, Alban was scourged and sentenced to death. Legend says that so great a multitude gathered to witness his execution that they could not pass over a narrow bridge that had to be crossed. Alban prayed and the river parted to give passage to the crowd, whereupon his appointed executioner was converted and begged to die in his place. The request was denied and he was beheaded along with Alban.

Teacher of Proclus

Saint Germain worked from inner planes as the Master Teacher behind the Neoplatonists. He inspired the Greek philosopher Proclus (c. A.D. 410–485), the highly honored head of Plato’s Academy at Athens. Under the Master’s tutelage, Proclus based his philosophy upon the principle that there is only one true reality—the “One,” which is God, or the Godhead, the final goal of all life’s efforts. Proclus’s writings extended to almost every department of learning, from philosophy and astronomy to mathematics and grammar. He acknowledged that his enlightenment and philosophy came from above and he believed himself to be one through whom divine revelation reached mankind.


In the fifth century, Saint Germain was embodied as Merlin—alchemist, prophet and counsellor at the court of King Arthur. In a land splintered by warring chieftains and riven by Saxon invaders, Merlin led Arthur through twelve battles (which were actually twelve initiations) to unite the kingdom of Britain. He worked side by side with the king to establish the sacred fellowship of the Round Table. Under the guidance of Merlin and Arthur, Camelot was a mystery school where the knights and ladies pursued the inner unfoldment of the mysteries of the Holy Grail and a path of personal Christhood.

In some traditions, Merlin is described as a godly sage who studied the stars and whose prophecies were recorded by seventy secretaries. The Prophecies of Merlin, which deals with events extending from Arthur’s time into the distant future, was popular in the Middle Ages.

Statue of Roger Bacon in the Oxford University Museum of Natural History

Roger Bacon

Saint Germain was Roger Bacon (1220–1292), philosopher, Franciscan monk, educational reformer and experimental scientist. In an era in which either theology or logic or both dictated the parameters of science, he promoted the experimental method, declared his belief that the world was round, and castigated the scholars and scientists of his day for their narrow-mindedness. “True knowledge stems not from the authority of others, nor from a blind allegiance to antiquated dogmas,”[7] he said. Bacon eventually left his position as a lecturer at the University of Paris and entered the Franciscan Order of Friars Minor.

In his day Bacon was renowned for his exhaustive investigations into alchemy, optics, mathematics and languages. He is viewed as the forerunner of modern science and a prophet of modern technology. He predicted the hot-air balloon, a flying machine, spectacles, the telescope, the microscope, the elevator, and mechanically propelled ships and carriages, and wrote of them as if he had actually seen them.

His scientific and philosophical world view, his bold attacks on the theologians of his day, and his study of alchemy and astrology led to charges of “heresies and novelties,” for which he was imprisoned for fourteen years by his fellow Franciscans. But to those who followed after him, Bacon was “doctor mirabilis” (“wonderful teacher”), an epithet by which he has been known down the centuries.

Posthumous portrait of Christopher Columbus by Sebastiano del Piombo (1519)

Christopher Columbus

Main article: Christopher Columbus

Saint Germain was also embodied as Christopher Columbus (1451–1506), discoverer of America. Over two centuries before Columbus sailed, Roger Bacon himself had set the stage for Columbus’ voyage to the New World when he stated in his Opus Majus that “the sea between the end of Spain on the west and the beginning of India on the east is navigable in a very few days if the wind is favorable.”[8] Although the statement was incorrect in that the land to the west of Spain was not India, it was instrumental in Columbus’ discovery. He quoted the passage in a 1498 letter to King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella and said that his 1492 voyage had been inspired in part by this visionary statement.

Columbus believed that God had made him to be “the messenger of the new heaven and the new earth of which He spake in the Apocalypse of St. John, after having spoken of it by the mouth of Isaiah.” “In the carrying out of this enterprise of the Indies,”[9] he wrote to King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella in 1502, “neither reason nor mathematics nor maps were any use to me: fully accomplished were the words of Isaiah.” He was referring to the prophecy recorded in Isaiah 11:10–12 that the Lord would “recover the remnant of his people...and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.”[10]

He was certain that he had been divinely selected for his mission. He studied the biblical prophets, writing passages relating to his mission in a book of his own making entitled Las Proficias, or The Prophecies—in its complete form, The Book of Prophecies concerning the Discovery of the Indies and the Recovery of Jerusalem. Although the point is seldom stressed, it is a fact so rooted in history that even Encyclopaedia Britannica says unequivocally that “Columbus discovered America by prophecy rather than by astronomy.”

Francis Bacon, Viscount St Alban, by unknown artist

Francis Bacon

Main article: Francis Bacon

As Francis Bacon (1561–1626), he was philosopher, statesman, essayist and literary master. Bacon, who has been called the greatest mind the West ever produced, is known as the father of inductive reasoning and the scientific method, which to a great degree are responsible for the age of technology in which we now live. He foreknew that only applied science could free the masses from human misery and the drudgery of sheer survival in order that they might seek a higher spirituality they once knew.

“The Great Instauration” (meaning the great restoration after decay, lapse or dilapidation) was his formula to change “the whole wide world.” He first conceived of the concept as a boy, and when he later crystallized it in his 1607 book by the same name, it launched the English Renaissance.

Over the years Bacon gathered around himself a group of writers who were responsible for almost all of the Elizabethan literature. Some of these were part of a “secret society” he called “The Knights of the Helmet,” which had as its goal the advancement of learning by expanding the English language and creating a new literature written not in Latin but in words that Englishmen could understand. Bacon also organized the translation of the King James Version of the Bible, determined that the common people should have the benefit of reading God’s Word for themselves.

Ciphers discovered in the 1890s in the original printings of the Shakespearean plays and in the works of Bacon and other Elizabethan authors reveal that Bacon wrote Shakespeare’s plays and that he was the son of Queen Elizabeth and Lord Leicester. His mother, however, fearful of an untimely loss of power, refused to acknowledge him as her heir.

Toward the end of his life Bacon was persecuted and went unrecognized for his manifold talents. He is said to have died in 1626, but some have claimed that he secretly lived in Europe for a time after that. Triumphing over circumstances that would have destroyed lesser men, his soul entered the ritual of the ascension from the Rakoczy Mansion, retreat of the Great Divine Director, on May 1, 1684.

Le Comte de Saint Germain

The Wonderman of Europe

Main article: Wonderman of Europe

Desiring above all else to liberate God’s people, Saint Germain sought and was granted a dispensation from the Lords of Karma to return to earth in a physical body. He appeared as “le Comte de Saint Germain,” a “miraculous” gentleman who dazzled the courts of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Europe, where they called him “The Wonderman.”

He was an alchemist, scholar, linguist, poet, musician, artist, raconteur and diplomat admired throughout the courts of Europe for his adeptship. He was known for such feats as removing the flaws in diamonds and other precious stones and composing simultaneously a letter with one hand and poetry with the other. Voltaire described him as the “man who never dies and who knows everything.”[11] The count is mentioned in the letters of Frederick the Great, Voltaire, Horace Walpole and Casanova, and in newspapers of the day.

Working behind the scenes, Saint Germain attempted to effect a smooth transition from monarchy to representative government and to prevent the bloodshed of the French Revolution. But his counsel was ignored. In a final attempt to unite Europe, he backed Napoleon, who misused the master’s power to his own demise.

But even prior to this, Saint Germain had turned his attention to the New World. He became the sponsoring master of the United States of America and of her first president, inspiring the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. He also inspired many of the labor-saving devices of the twentieth century to further his goal of liberating mankind from drudgery that they might devote themselves to the pursuit of God-realization.

Chohan of the Seventh Ray

In the latter part of the eighteenth century, Saint Germain received from the lady master Kuan Yin her office as chohan of the seventh ray—the ray of mercy and forgiveness and of sacred ceremony. And in the twentieth century, Saint Germain stepped forth once again to sponsor an outer activity of the Great White Brotherhood.

In the early 1930s, he contacted his “general in the field,” the reembodied George Washington, whom he trained as a messenger and who, under the pen name of Godfré Ray King, released the foundation of Saint Germain’s instruction for the New Age in the books Unveiled Mysteries, The Magic Presence and The “I AM” Discourses. In the late 1930s, the Goddess of Justice and other cosmic beings came forth from the Great Silence to assist Saint Germain in his work of bringing the teachings of the sacred fire to mankind and ushering in the golden age.

In 1961 Saint Germain contacted his embodied representative, the messenger Mark L. Prophet, and founded the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity in memory of the Ancient of Days and his first pupil, Lord Gautama—and the second, Lord Maitreya. His purpose was to quicken all who had originally come to earth with Sanat Kumara—to restore the memory of their ancient vow and reason for being on earth today: to serve as world teachers and ministering servants in their families, communities and nations at this critical hour of the turning of cycles.

Thus, Saint Germain recalled the original keepers of the flame to hearken to the voice of the Ancient of Days and to answer the call to reconsecrate their lives to the rekindling of the flame of life and the sacred fires of freedom in the souls of God’s people. Saint Germain is the Knight Commander of the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity.

Hierarch of the Aquarian Age

On May 1, 1954, Saint Germain received from Sanat Kumara the scepter of power and from the Master Jesus the crown of authority to direct the consciousness of mankind for this two-thousand-year period. This does not mean that the influence of the ascended master Jesus has receded. Rather, as World Teacher from the ascended level, his instruction and his radiation of the Christ consciousness to all mankind will be even more powerful and all-pervading than before, for it is the nature of the Divine continually to transcend itself. We live in an expanding universe—a universe that expands from the center of each individualized son (sun) of God.

This dispensation means that we are now entering a two-thousand-year period when, by invoking into our beings and worlds the violet transmuting flame, the God-energy that the human race has misqualified for thousands of years may now be purified and all mankind cut free from fear, lack, sin, sickness and death, and all may now walk in the light as God-free beings.

At this dawn of the age of Aquarius, Saint Germain has gone before the Lords of Karma and received the opportunity to release the knowledge of the violet flame outside of the inner retreats of the Great White Brotherhood, outside of the mystery schools. Saint Germain tells us of the benefits of invoking the violet flame:

In some of you a hearty amount of karma has been balanced, in others hardness of heart has truly melted around the heart chakra. There has come a new love and a new softening, a new compassion, a new sensitivity to life, a new freedom and a new joy in pursuing that freedom. There has come about a holiness as you have contacted through my flame the priesthood of the Order of Melchizedek. There has come a melting and dissolving of certain momentums of ignorance and mental density and a turning toward a dietary path more conducive to your own God-mastery.

The violet flame has assisted in relationships within families. It has served to liberate some to balance old karmas and old hurts and to set individuals on their courses according to their vibration. It must be remembered that the violet flame does contain the flame of God-justice, and God-justice, of course, does contain the flame of the judgment; and thus the violet flame always comes as a two-edged sword to separate the Real from the unreal....

Blessed ones, it is impossible to enumerate exhaustively all of the benefits of the violet flame but there is indeed an alchemy that does take place within the personality. The violet flame goes after the schisms that cause psychological problems that go back to early childhood and previous incarnations and that have established such deep grooves within the consciousness that, in fact, they have been difficult to shake lifetime after lifetime.[12]


Main article: Alchemy

Saint Germain teaches the science of alchemy in his book Saint Germain On Alchemy. He uses the amethyst—the stone of the alchemist, the stone of the Aquarian age and the violet flame. The waltzes of Strauss carry the vibration of the violet flame and will help to put you in tune with him. He has also told us that the “Rakoczy March,” by Franz Liszt, carries the flame of his heart and the formula of the violet flame.


Main article: Royal Teton Retreat

Main article: Cave of Symbols

Saint Germain maintains a focus in the golden etheric city over the Sahara Desert. He also teaches classes at the Royal Teton Retreat as well as his own physical/etheric retreat, the Cave of Symbols, in Table Mountain, Wyoming. In addition, he works out of the Great Divine Director’s focuses—the Cave of Light in India and the Rakoczy Mansion in Transylvania, where he presides as hierarch. More recently he has established a base in South America at the retreat of the God and Goddess Meru.

His electronic pattern is the Maltese cross; his fragrance, that of violets.

See also



Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Saint Germain.”

  1. Saint Germain, “I Have Chosen to Be Free (He elegido ser libre)”, Perlas de Sabiduría, vol. 18, núm. 30, 27 de julio de 1975.
  2. Para más información sobre esta antigua era de oro, véase Godfré Ray King, Unveiled Mysteries (Misterios desvelados) (Chicago: Saint Germain Pres, 1934), págs. 33-71.
  3. Génesis 14:18, 19; Salmos 110:4; Hebreos 5:6, 10; 6:20; 7.
  4. 1 Samuel 7:3.
  5. 1 Samuel 8:5.
  6. 1 Samuel 8:7.
  7. Henry Thomas and Dana Lee Thomas, Living Biographies of Great Scientists (Garden City, N.Y.: Nelson Doubleday, 1941), p. 15.
  8. David Wallechinsky, Amy Wallace and Irving Wallace, The Book of Predictions (New York: William Morrow and Co., 1980), p. 346.
  9. Clements R. Markham, Life of Christopher Columbus (London: George Philip and Son, 1892), pp. 207–8.
  10. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 15th ed., s.v. “Columbus, Christopher.”
  11. Voltaire, Œuvres, Lettre cxviii, ed. Beuchot, lviii, p. 360, quoted in Isabel Cooper-Oakley, The Count of Saint Germain (Blauvelt, N.Y.: Rudolf Steiner Publications, 1970), p. 96.
  12. Saint Germain, “Keep My Purple Heart,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 31, no. 72.