Город Четвероугольный

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This page is a translated version of the page City Foursquare and the translation is 26% complete.
The angel showing John the New Jerusalem, with the Lamb of God at its center, from the Bamberg Apocalypse

Новый Иерусалим; архетип эфирных городов света золотого века, существующих даже сейчас на эфирном плане (на Небесах) и ждущих снижения в физическое проявление (на Земле). Иоанн Богослов видел сошествие Града Святого в образе безупречной геометрии того, чему суждено быть и что есть сейчас в невидимых царствах света: «И я Иоанн увидел святый город Иерусалим, новый, сходящий от Бога с неба».[1] И чтобы это видение и пророчество исполнились, Иисус учил нас молиться властью изреченного Слова: «Да приидет Царствие твое... и на земле, как на небе».

Невознесенные души могут призвать мандалу Города Четвероугольного для исполнения Христосознания как вверху, так и внизу. Город Четвероугольный содержит светокопию солнечной (душевной) самоидентичности 144 000 архетипов сынов и дочерей Бога, необходимых для фокусирования Божественной Целостности Его сознания в данную эпоху. Свет города исходит от Я ЕСМЬ Присутствия; свет Агнца, Космического Христа, - от Я Христа. Драгоценные камни являются 144 фокусами и частотами Света, закрепленными в чакрах Космического Христа.

Cyclopea spoke of the City Foursquare in a dictation on July 5, 1970:

I am this night painting before you the vision of the Holy City, the magnificent City Foursquare, the divine kingdom that shall come upon earth even as you keep the flame. And whenever you see reports of problems, of crises, of injustices in your newspapers, I am calling by the power of Elohim in the name of Almighty God with the permission of your Holy Christ Selves that that vision of the City Foursquare shall flash forth from your consciousness into the world, into that situation, into the problem areas as a divine matrix of the cosmic cube, that City Foursquare that is the key to each man’s overcoming, the key to the ascension of the very planet itself.

Metaphysically, the four planes of the Matter universe

Говоря метафизически, Город Четвероугольный является мандалой четырех планов и квадрантов Материальной вселенной, четырьмя сторонами Великой Пирамиды Христосознания, сфокусированного в Материальных сферах. Двенадцать врат суть врата сознания Христа, отмечающего линии и степени посвящений (букв. «вхождений»), которые он приготовил для своих учеников. Двенадцать врат являются отворенными дверями в двенадцать качеств Космического Христа, поддерживаемых двенадцатью солнечными иерархиями (эманациями Вселенского Христа) на благо всех, кто наделен всепоглощающей огненной Любовью Духа, всех, кто изволит в милости и благодати войти «во врата Его со славословием, во дворы Его - с хвалою».[2]

The Retreat of the Divine Mother

Main article: Retreat of the Divine Mother

Mother Mary has also spoken of the City Foursquare:

The foundation of thy being and pyramid of Life is indeed one by one the City Foursquare. And the Holy City which John beheld descending out of heaven—that city, beloved, is the citadel of higher consciousness of every man’s being in the vast reaches of the Great Causal Body. Collectively that great City Foursquare is the vastness of the Retreat of the Divine Mother on etheric octaves where the true City of Light is, where the golden age does reign.[3]

North America

The ascended masters have called North America the map of the “City Foursquare,” the Place Prepared and the Promised Land for the reincarnation of the seed of light of Abraham. God and Goddess Meru have said:

We are determined to reverse the tide by a strong and united City Foursquare of United States and Canada. And this larger square, finding its heart in the Inner Retreat, will be the very base and stronghold of the powers of Light and the chelas to move forth and roll back the entire momentum and the effect of the Four Horsemen when they are spent.[4]

Jesus has said:

I am sent by the Father for the quickening now of ten thousand saints in the City Foursquare that I mark as North America.

Blessed hearts, it is to these states and nations of the lost tribes regathered that I come, even as I sent my apostles to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

You have descended from the All that is Real. Now defend the All that is Real. For this place, North America, is a land promised to you long ago which through my heart, called the Sacred Heart by certain of the Christian devotees, has been consecrated unto the path of the ascension....

Blessed hearts, realize of this nation, the United States, of this Dominion of Canada, that each one is passing through serious initiations on the path of Love, the path of the internalization of the Holy Spirit....

Blessed ones, this North America, a place consecrated by Love to the reunion of souls with God, is a place where if the Lightbearers would respond and make the Call, even as I call you this night, there should be established even the white light over a continent to protect it from those calamities of the Four Horsemen, which could indeed appear for want of mediators in the earth.[5]

The Great Central Sun

The highest representatives of the Godhead in the Cosmic Egg are Alpha and Omega, who abide in the City Foursquare in the Great Central Sun. On April 11, 1971, Omega spoke of that City Foursquare:

I come, then, to kindle the flame anew, to give vision and perspective, to give orientation to the divine plan and to resurrect within you the memory of your original vows taken before the altar of the Most High God, the central altar in the City Foursquare, within the cathedral there, where the great organ played the keynote of your God flame as you entered the rings of the crystal fire mist and proceeded forth into the houses of the hierarchies of the sun, descending therefrom through cycles of infinity into cycles of time and space.

When the four lower bodies are in perfect alignment through the power of the Christ within the heart, then the forcefield of the City Foursquare in the Great Central Sun is superimposed upon man’s consciousness.

The city of Los Angeles

On March 20, 1975, Jesus consecrated Los Angeles as the New Jerusalem:

I, Jesus, your Lord and your Master, desire to have in this City of the Angels a permanent focus of light where the Vicar of Christ may come to give the word of salvation and to draw those energies—the energies of the light of the angels and the light of the Elohim—into the focal point of the Godhead. For this is that place in the new land and in the new Israel, in these United States. This is the place I have consecrated as the point of the New Jerusalem.

I desire to outpicture here the Holy City and the Retreat of the Resurrection Flame that is over the Holy Land. So in the New World and upon this continent let this city be dedicated unto the fulfillment of the resurrection for and on behalf of all mankind. I desire to come into my Church, where the called of my calling will receive me, and I desire to preach the Word through the Mother of the Flame each Sunday morning for the upliftment of humanity.[6]

Other cities and places on the earth

On February 3, 1985, Archangel Michael spoke of the matrix of the New Jerusalem also descending over other places on the planet:

Concurrently with the descent of the replica of the forcefield of the Court of the Sacred Fire over Los Angeles, there is also the descent of the etheric matrix of the New Jerusalem at this point and in various points on the planet.

We have spoken before of the descent of this blueprint and this manifestation, but the descent must come through the Electronic Presence of the embodied chelas, through the magnet of their hearts, of their own I AM Presence, through their espousal of the will of God and that perfect faith that has trust that God will perform all miracles and save to the uttermost this community of Light to perform its perfect work.

Understand that we may announce many times the descending of the Holy City and you must understand what it is: It is the etheric counterpart of that which is the divine plan for each and every city and center of Light on earth. And ultimately, superimposed upon that which is the divine plan, specific and unique for the city, there is that of the New Jerusalem itself, which is the city of Christ and his saints and which contains the divine and true etheric matrix to which the lost tribes and the Christed ones shall return.

Let us see both manifest in every area—the local divine plan as the etheric city descending (that peculiar to that area) and that of the New Jerusalem itself. Let all realize that if there is to be any Justice on earth in any field of endeavor, it is this matrix that must be invoked and lowered into manifestation. Thus, those citizens of other cities, states, and nations may take this, my release—they may play it and play it as often as they will and write their letters to the Four and Twenty Elders that the very same etheric matrix of the Court of the Sacred Fire might focus over their states and nations.

I do not say what the answer will be. I am an advocate of the call and of the sword of blue flame. I am an advocate of the science of the spoken Word. I am an advocate of the power of the blue-ray chakra and what it can do to re-create the world.[7]

A vision for healing the earth

В 1970 году Элохим Циклопей объявил, что иерархии Плеяд дали диспенсацию для проявления божественной светокопии планеты Земля. Циклопей сказал:

I am this night painting before you the vision of the Holy City, the magnificent City Foursquare, the divine kingdom that shall come upon earth even as you keep the flame. And whenever you see reports of problems, of crises, of injustices in your newspapers, I am calling by the power of the Elohim in the name of Almighty God with the permission of your Holy Christ Selves that that vision of the City Foursquare shall flash forth from your consciousness into the world, into that situation, into the problem areas as a divine matrix of the cosmic cube, that City Foursquare that is the key to each man’s overcoming, the key to the ascension of the very planet itself.

Итак, я говорю: властью Могущественного Победы, властью шестиконечной звезды божественного равновесия как Вверху, так и внизу, властью Всевидящего Ока Бога, проникающего в центр той звезды, я фокусирую этой ночью внутри вашего сознания и закрепляю в вашем третьем глазе видение этого Космического Города Четвероугольного…

Этот фокус является самым мощным образом для проявления Христа и царства Божьего на Земле. Он содержит в себе полную силу Матери Мира и ее божественную матрицу для проявления Христа во всей материальной вселенной.

Let the All-Seeing Eye of God penetrate to ascertain what is occurring in the world, to ascertain the position of the evil forces. And then, let that projection of the cosmic cube be stamped upon them, sealing the place where evil dwells by the power of the Most High God.

Вся иерархия Плеяд поддерживает этот эксперимент по полному преобразованию планетарной сферы силой Всевидящего Ока Бога. Поэтому я даю вам ключ: Призывайте к Плеядам и иерархиям Плеяд. Существуют миллионы Космических Существ со своим космическим окружением, миллионы Космических Христов, которые придут в ответ на вашу молитву, чтобы принести в проявление эту божественную светокопию.[8]


Сен-Жермен, Курс Алхимии: Наука самотрансформации, Написана Марком Л. Профетом и Элизабет Клэр Профет.

Жемчужины мудрости, том 29, номер 16

Элизабет Клэр Профет, 31 марта 1972 г.

  1. Откр. 21:2, 9-27.
  2. Пс. 99 (100):4.
  3. Mother Mary, “Who Will Build My Temple?” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 31, no. 51, August 14, 1988.
  4. God and Goddess Meru, “The Battle of Armageddon in the Classrooms of America,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 31, no. 41, February 24, 1985.
  5. Jesus Christ, "From Temples of Love," Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 30, no. 27, July 5, 1987.
  6. Jesus the Christ, “The Lively Stones of Church Universal and Triumphant,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 62, no. 15, April 15, 2019.
  7. Archangel Michael, “The Summoning: Straight Talk and a Sword from the Hierarch of Banff,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 28, no. 10, March 10, 1985.
  8. Pearls of Wisdom 1978, pp. 390–91.