Freedom's Star

Saint Germain has said:
I would take you, then, to a place I call Freedom’s Star. It is the point of the etheric matrix and actual etheric manifestation of the perfection that planet Earth ought to become and must one day be.
Freedom’s Star is a home of light that already exists. A few of you have journeyed there with me at inner levels. But this night, in my love, in our friendship and in consequence of those things which we have determined to do, I take one and all in the basket of the giant balloon of my causal body to that place that is a place of respite and retreat for me and the legions of freedom—Freedom’s Star that earth shall become. And this etheric place, when earth has risen to its vibration, will become congruent with the planet. Much as when your soul rises to the level of your own Christ Self, the two will become one.[1]
Lanello has said:
For earth’s destiny [in this solar system] is to be Freedom’s Star and Freedom’s Star is the star of the Seventh Ray and the Seventh Age.[2]