The Moon

The Ascended Master Kuthumi explains the spiritual significance of the Moon and its cycles:
The moon is the counterpart of the sea, of the great bodies of water which cover 70 percent of the earth’s surface, of the seas that cover the astral plane, and of the water body of man and woman. The moon is the reflector of water as energy in motion in the planet and in the people. She is a giant mirror suspended in the sky revolving around the astral clock of mankind’s misqualifications of the sacred fire.
In the sun is the repository of Spirit’s energy and every good, godly quality rayed forth from the nucleus of the sun atom, from the white-fire core of Helios and Vesta. The feeling body of mankind, the great water body of conscious and unconscious desire, both good and evil, is the repository in man and woman of lunar misqualifications of the light of the Sun behind the sun, the I AM THAT I AM.
Every creation of man and woman which rests as residual desire, as attachment to material substance and the substance of the self, is amplified by the magnetism of the moon. Like the pull of the moon that creates the tides of the sea is the pull of the magnetism of this negative mirror upon the emotional bodies of a planet and a people. Watching the cycles of the moon, the devotees of the sun learn to control, by the action of the God flame, the untransmuted mood momentums of emotional disturbance and the vanity that becomes insanity when mirrored by the moon.
Cycles of the Moon
The twenty-eight-day cycle of the moon[1] follows the flow of the energies of the sun through the four lower bodies of man and woman. Each cycle of seven days is for the nourishing of one of the four lower bodies in the energy of the seven rays. As the light of the sun is released to the earth and her evolutions according to the seven-day cycles, so the light of the Sun behind the sun, the I AM Presence, is also released.
Each quarter of the moon month is divided into seven parts which in turn designate the fiery flow of the rays through the seven chakras in the seven bodies of man and woman. The new moon marks the first day of the lunar month. Although it is not seen, its influence registers in the subconscious mind, the lower etheric body, while the light of the sun is anchored in the higher etheric body.
First quarter
Thus according to the cosmic clock, the first quarter of the moon coincides with the first quadrant of Matter, the etheric plane and the etheric body.
During this quarter, devotees of the light of the eternal Christos will call upon the Elohim and the hierarchies of the sun to release the sacred fire for the transmutation of the influences of the moon upon the subconscious mind and memory. The clearing action of the Christ consciousness is necessary to dispel the mist of the moon perverting the energies of the solar hierarchies of Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. As these cosmic emissaries release the light of God-power, God-love, and God-mastery respectively, the devotee must counteract the counterfeit creation of criticism, condemnation, and judgment, of hatred and the malice of mild dislike, irritation, and irascibleness, and of every form of death, disease, dying, and lying that arise from the frequencies of fear and the decibels of doubt.
Second quarter
The eighth day of the moon month marks the beginning of the second quarter of the twenty-eight-day cycle. The moon is waxing and her influence is magnified in the moods of the mental body. The seven days which mark the testing of the devotee of the Son of God mark the choice whether to be on the plane of the lower mental body subject to the influences of the mass consciousness or to be on the plane of the higher mental body subject to the influences of that mind which was in Christ Jesus.[2] In each of the seven rays the devotee will be tested. Always the question, to be or not to be in the sun or in the moon.
The Moon and Mars
The lunar influences during this period amplify the luciferian consciousness of pride, both spiritual and material; of ambition, both spiritual and material; and the eight a’s of Martian misuse of the light of Alpha in the mental body. Mars was originally the planet of purity, the purity of Mother’s light. By the acceleration of moon misqualification, the fallen ones have created in place of the culture of the Mother a moon mechanization, an astral society and an astral sociology—and all of this through the influence of the Moon Mother who has stolen the discipline of the white light of the disciples and created the Martian militarism as the focus in this white-fire core of the solar system of the perversion of the seven rays and the eighth ray.
Children of the sun, memorize these eight perversions of the Mother light of Mars and watch at the gate of the mental body that the demons of aggression, anger, arrogance, argumentation, accusation, agitation, apathy, and atheism do not enter there. Forbid them by the cosmic honor flame and by the light of the great sun disc! Forbid them lest they enter at the gate! To dispel these despicable moon monsters that invade the mind of man and woman, you must be not only fearless, but fierce in your denunciation of their desecration of the Mother, of the Manchild within, and of the true manas, the members of the mind—true reason, true logic, true discernment and discrimination.
If you call her and if you pray, Mother Omega will send legions of purity from the heart of the Elohim Purity and Astrea to lock their cosmic circles and swords of blue flame around the moon and the influences of the moon in the four lower bodies of Mars, the planet and the people. With a bow to the Mother flame and a vow to the purity thereof, these legions will plunge their swords into the cause and core of all aggression, anger, arrogance, argumentation, accusation, agitation, apathy, and atheism sustained by the influence of the moon and magnified by Mars—not only in the mental quadrant, but in all of the quadrants of Mater.
For you who would defend the light of Mother, for you who would defeat the Great Whore in these systems of worlds, this is a necessary ritual of the law.[3] Because Lucifer and the fallen ones have occupied the plane of the mental body and sown their seeds of an individualism opposed to the individualism of God, of a freedom without honor and without responsibility that wars against the freedom of the sons and daughters of God outlined in the Cosmic Code of Conduct, the testing of the soul in the second quarter of the moon brings the challenge and the confrontation to be or not to be in the mind of God.
Let the violet fire be invoked from your own I AM Presence to transmute, by the action of the Holy Spirit, the residue and the remains of the seeds of the human ego pitted against the Divine Ego, its ungodly rebellion, its stubbornness in sensuality and the sensuality of sin, its disobedience and defiance of the law within, the dense ignorance of the lower mental body, its competition that breeds the deadly seeds of ambition that consume the soul with the puerile passions of jealousy and jealousy’s revenge. All of these qualities and conditions of human desire and desire for ego adornments are magnified by the mirror of the moon.[4]
- ↑ The various cycles of the moon—nodical, anomalistic, sidereal, tropical, and synodic—vary from 27.21 to 29.53 days. The reference throughout the Pearls of Kuthumi to the 28 days is based on the approximate actual time modified by the spiritual and solar calculations of the cosmic clock.
- ↑ Phil. 2:5.
- ↑ Rev. 17:1; 19:2.
- ↑ Kuthumi, “An Exposé of False Teachings” IX,Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 18, no. 9, February 29, 1976.