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<blockquote>You can feel, in the hidden recesses of your heart within, the presence of this ark—an ark of safety, an ark of light, a place to receive the commandments of God, that they themselves, being written there, may speak out from your heart with the authority of the Law from Zion. For did I not correctly apprehend him when he said, “Zion is my holy mount and I will dwell therein forever”?<ref>Ps. 132.</ref> Shall not the joy of Zion, then, run throughout the earth, and the great four rivers themselves in their confluence comment upon the restoration of the consciousness of Eden?<ref>Gautama Buddha, December 31, 1968, “The Ark of the Covenant,” {{POWref|26|14|, April 3, 1983}}</ref></blockquote>
<blockquote>You can feel, in the hidden recesses of your heart within, the presence of this ark—an ark of safety, an ark of light, a place to receive the commandments of God, that they themselves, being written there, may speak out from your heart with the authority of the Law from Zion. For did I not correctly apprehend him when he said, “Zion is my holy mount and I will dwell therein forever”?<ref>Ps. 132.</ref> Shall not the joy of Zion, then, run throughout the earth, and the great four rivers themselves in their confluence comment upon the restoration of the consciousness of Eden?<ref>Gautama Buddha, December 31, 1968, “The Ark of the Covenant,” {{POWref|26|14|, April 3, 1983}}</ref></blockquote>
=== 1970 A golden pyramid with a magnificent capstone ===
<blockquote>This time a strange phenomenon is witnessed, for there are two bearers in white that are accompanying the beloved Sanat Kumara. And they are carrying what appears to be a giant white pyramid. And within this white pyramid, something is enfolded—some object, we are certain.</blockquote>
<blockquote>And we do have the power to penetrate the beautiful white substance that shimmers so delightfully, which is shaped as a great white pyramid. And we could, if we would, go through it and see what it is—before he chose to reveal it. But here is a beautiful example of cosmic graciousness: ''no one'', no one of us would dream of doing it. For we wait as you do for the supreme moment of revelation when all will be revealed.</blockquote>
<blockquote>And now, the two gracious gentlemen in white have placed upon the altar here, in the Great Throne Room of the Teton, this precious pyramid of white. And two beautiful angelic beings are approaching to remove the covering. As they lift it now, what do you think the thoughtform for the year [1970] has become? A natural figure that some of you may have anticipated, for they say that coming events cast their shadows before them—and in this case, it is a golden pyramid with a magnificent white capstone with the eye of God looking every way within it. And the light rays are magnificently pouring out from it!</blockquote>
<blockquote>Your Pyramid Conference symbol, the symbol of the Great Seal of the United States,<ref>The Pyramid Conference (1969 Harvest class) was held October 9–12, 1969, Colorado Springs. The central figure on the reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States is an unfinished pyramid. Suspended above it is the All-Seeing Eye of God centered in the capstone. For Cyclopea’s teaching on “The Mystery of the Capstone” (March 23, 1980) and “The Components of the Capstone” (March 30, 1980), see ''A Prophecy of Karma to Earth and Her Evolutions'' (''Pearls of Wisdom'', vol. 23), pp. 71, 73–74.</ref> has now become a symbol of world building, of personal building—the building of the character of the individual, the building and raising of the Pyramid of Life, the elevation and constructivism of a new era as the decade begins. And all is centered in the magnificent capstone of life, light, and love. The eye of God, then, beholds the affairs of men, and whatsoever they do in secret can be shouted and shall be shouted from the housetops.<ref>Gautama Buddha, December 31, 1960, “A Magnificent Capstone,” {{POWref|26|15|, April 10, 1983}}</ref></blockquote>
=== 1972 A golden clock with the hands pointing to five minutes to twelve ===
<blockquote>As our consciousness is raised on high unto the vibratory level of the Spirit, we behold at last  the beauty of the cosmic cloud, tinged with gold, coming down out of heaven as an unrolling scroll.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Behind the cloud is an unearthly light. A sudden splendor fills the air, as though a bolt of blue lightning had peacefully descended through the waiting air to cleave asunder the pathway of space from infinity into the time constant. And with the moving of the belt of time, the hand of God delivers unto us the mighty scroll containing the thoughtform for this year [1972].</blockquote>
<blockquote>It is the face of a golden clock with the hands pointing to five minutes to twelve. And at the point of twelve, a beautiful [[Maltese cross]] springs forth, embellished with thirty-six magnificent amethysts within each arm of the cross. And the cross is symbolical—symbolical of the perfection of the Presence bringing unto mankind’s attention the fact that the time is short.</blockquote>
<blockquote>The fact that the face of the clock is golden and the hours are likewise golden, the fact that at the apex of twelve stands the transmuting, perfectly balanced cross of the cosmic law, the Maltese cross (which is symbolical of the perfectionment of [[Saint Germain]], the God of Freedom to the Earth), containing the thirty-six symbolical jewels in each arm (the number 144 revealing the archetypes of perfection), should speak to all hearts, showing them their appointed sphere and their appointed opportunity, which is the dedication of themselves unto the Sun behind the sun.</blockquote>
<blockquote>For in reality, the golden face of the clock is the face of the sun. And all should understand that the rays of the fiery orb itself, which beautifully inhabits the universe, are tangible ones, affecting the magnetic flux of the Earth and of all planetary orbs, assisting the boat of the planet Earth to float through the ocean of space in palatial splendor, a godchild from the heart of God.<ref>Gautama Buddha, January 1, 1972, “Five Minutes to Twelve,” {{POWref|26|21|, May 22, 1983}}</ref></blockquote>

=== 1975 A multifaceted jewel focusing the flame of the mind of God ===
=== 1975 A multifaceted jewel focusing the flame of the mind of God ===

Revision as of 21:40, 25 October 2019

Twice a year—at winter and summer solstice—the Lords of Karma convene in the council chambers of the Royal Teton Retreat to act upon the petitions of sons and daughters of God and to deliver the cosmic dispensations that come forth from the heart of Alpha and Omega in the Great Central Sun—allotments of energy for the enlightenment and progress of humanity. Each New Year’s Eve, the thoughtform for the year is released from the Silent Watcher of this solar system to the Lord of the World, Gautama Buddha, who in turn releases it to earth’s unascended evolutions from the Royal Teton Retreat. The thoughtform contains the keys to the outpicturing of the will of God for the planet for the coming twelve-month cycle.

Thoughtforms for different years

1962 A golden “spinning wheel”

The thoughtform for the year, which beloved Gautama described so well in his New Year’s address, is a golden “spinning wheel” releasing a golden thread of pure radiant energy to each lifestream to manifest as his apportioned substance. The nine spokes of the wheel are indicative of the seven members of the Karmic Board, and includes also beloved Gautama Lord of the World and blessed Saint Germain who are spokesmen for the Great White Brotherhood throughout the golden age. This golden thread, symbolical of each man esteeming his life energy as obedient substance, subjective with joy to God’s will, shall be used in the golden age to weave garments of immortality to endure as Christ accomplishment in a living memorial to God’s honor flame![1]

1963 Three overlapping stars

The thoughtform for the year, beloved ones, is quite simple and yet beautiful. The thoughtform for this year, beloved ones, consists of three overlapping stars. These stars, beloved ones, are six-pointed stars. The star in the background is blue, representing the will of God; the next star is yellow, or golden, representing the illumination of God; and the smaller star is the pink star, representing the love of God. This is a part of the thoughtform.

And superimposed upon the thoughtform, radiating from the very center, are two secret rays. Directed downward in golden color, they form an inverted V. Upward, the two secret rays are directed; and therefore a cross, such as the Roman numeral X, is formed. To the right, two more secret rays go forth—and to the left. And therefore, there is superimposed upon this beautiful three-part star, composing three stars in one symbol, four Vs representing the cardinal points of the compass—the North, the East, the West, and the South.

The meaning of this symbol is quite clear: that it is in the balance of the will of God, the love of God, and the wisdom of God that mankind shall attain their victory, and that this balance is sent the world around by the Brotherhood to bring the victory of immortal love, wisdom, and intelligence into the hearts of men, that those waiting hearts may receive the fullness of that for which they have called.[2]

1964 A golden anvil

At our meeting in the Grand Teton this year and the occasion of the glorious visit of the Seven Holy Kumaras, the thoughtform for the year was released as a golden anvil. Wherever this thoughtform is used it is our suggestion that the brightest possible gold be employed in creating it. We also suggest that the word freedom be placed above it, denoting that mankind’s chains may be broken upon an anvil of freedom and as a reminder that once every form of tyranny and slavery have been abolished, responsibility does not thereupon cease; on the contrary, that all must strive together in the great smithy forge of life through their own intelligently directed efforts and through the great God-design to hammer out upon the great anvil of freedom, which is truly a golden anvil of illumined action, every necessary armor of righteousness, every necessary adornment and utensil of service, every right idea, and every right action.

The possibilities in this thoughtform seem endless but it is our desire, especially in view of the fact that it will be some time before the words of our New Year’s Eve address are released in print, that we, through the expression of this Pearl of Wisdom, shall bring to your attention this mighty thoughtform. The year has begun with a special impetus of beloved Mother Mary who is serving with El Morya to bring forth a beautiful manifestation of the virgin good will of God in a cosmic and universal action for the freedom of both the individual and the earth.

Long ago a gaunt figure, surveying the battlefields of Gettysburg, uttered these well-remembered words—“The world will little note nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here.” Beloved ones, may I from Shamballa remind you of the forerunners of progress who have dedicated themselves to the service of mankind and the holy cause of Godliness. Let everyone who would decipher the keynote for this year see it as an anvil of service, a golden anvil, whereupon mighty benefactions shall be fashioned for the good of the world and the freedom of all men. As we move forward toward peace with caution exercised on every hand and faith in God in whom we trust, let all persevere so the divine intent shall gleam more brightly.[3]

1965 A golden scroll with the words “PEACE With Honor”

And now behold, I see a golden scroll descending from God out of heaven and upon it there is one word and the word is PEACE, and this is also written in gold. And now the hand of an angel adds two very small words beneath—With Honor. And I see the cosmic honor flame of God blazing from afar as a candle in the dark that passes through the universe and causes life to start, to regenerate, to purify, to be all that he is and all that I am and all that you are in the great divine reality of your being.[4]

1966 A hand holding a golden key with the word LOVE

The thoughtform for the year is a hand—a right hand from above, holding a golden key with three notches in the key and on the side of the key, the letters L-O-V-E—LOVE.

From on high, God’s hand holds the key, which is Love, by which all doors may open to every devotee of the Most High. Love is the key that opens every door, and if the doors of the hearts of men are to respond to God, it must be by a great outpouring of divine love this year. And this is the attitude of wisdom. Let him who has an ear to hear, hear what the Spirit saith unto all men.[5]

Love seeks not herself, but to bestow upon the beloved every gracious gift.[6] And the simplicity of love in the childlike way is the key to mankind’s victory—to mankind’s victory that can open every door.

Therefore, the three notches are defined as making this key capable of opening the doors below in the realm of the material, the doors of mind, and the doors of memory to all that Love can bestow and all that Love is and all that God would make mankind to be.

These simple statements are charged with the essence of man’s freedom. Without these statements in action, mankind can but come to naught; and with these statements in action, Love then becomes the key that bestows the grace of heaven upon earth in every age.[7]

1967 A golden replica of the Earth

The thoughtform for the year is a beautiful golden replica of the planetary body Earth. And through the axis thereof and actually manifesting on the outer periphery of that Earth is the stalk of a beautiful golden calla lily—the calla lily rising up to what is known as the North Pole and extending its influences not only over the Earth and its people but over the immediate area of outer space surrounding your world, the area that has been penetrated by numerous vehicles which the mankind of Earth have sent to outer space as a probe and experiment for interplanetary travel.

We ask that this holy image of cosmic purity—for above the lily are the golden Old English letters entitled “God-Purity.” The precious calla lily has within it the amrita, the nectar of the holy ones who have attained their victory upon every planet in this system of worlds and are, spiritually speaking, appointed by divine decree to be lords of the individual worlds of the planetary bodies of this system. And therefore, the radiance and momentum of each such a one is within this calla-lily cup, this golden vessel of the temple from on high.

And purity, even God-purity, is the salvation of the Earth throughout the twelve-month cycle to come. And it is the means of the purification of the temple of each individual’s world and the universal purification of all upon this planetary body to whom renewed hope then is given that purity and purification are possibilities to every man.[8]

1968 A golden sun with the word UNO

The pages have delivered to us the veil, and the veil is being withdrawn from the descending thoughtform of the year [1968]. It is simple and beautiful and complete, and I reverence it.

It is simply a golden sun with the word UNO engraven upon it out of golden substance and filling it from zenith unto the base—UNO, flowing out, with the U cupped as a gentle cup and tilted slightly to the right, coming down in a circular fashion toward the bottom, and then an N rising up to the top, and to the far right an O. UNO—unity in the heart of the sun.

There is no complication here. How can men find fault with it or speak of it disparagingly? For it speaks of the hour when creation was one and of the hour when it shall be again.[9]

1969 The Ark of the Covenant

The chalice descends, and in it is the thoughtform for the year [1969]. It is the Ark of the Covenant. It is simple. It was formed long ago. And now we see it in its preserved and beauteous state, inlaid with gold and having upon its top the covering cherubim.

We see the light of the Ark of the Covenant in all of its blazing brilliance, the Shekinah glory. And this ancient symbol of Israel and of the promise speaks to men of their rights to make a covenant with God and to know that this Divine One will also place the Tablets of the Law within the ark of their heart. Is it not written, “I will write my laws in your hearts and minds, in your hearts and minds will I write them, saith the Lord”?[10]

Let no one be disappointed at this thoughtform. For the Lords that have delivered it unto us have great faith that, although it is a symbol old, it is a symbol of particular meaning for this year of peril. For do not men now more than ever need to make a covenant with God? And if that covenant be with your own beloved I AM Presence, is it not then sealed in the wholeness of truth and the faith that you bear in your heart? Does it not relate to the identity of each one of you? Does it not bring you joy to know that in your heart this thoughtform can itself lodge and bring you peace?

You can feel, in the hidden recesses of your heart within, the presence of this ark—an ark of safety, an ark of light, a place to receive the commandments of God, that they themselves, being written there, may speak out from your heart with the authority of the Law from Zion. For did I not correctly apprehend him when he said, “Zion is my holy mount and I will dwell therein forever”?[11] Shall not the joy of Zion, then, run throughout the earth, and the great four rivers themselves in their confluence comment upon the restoration of the consciousness of Eden?[12]

1970 A golden pyramid with a magnificent capstone

This time a strange phenomenon is witnessed, for there are two bearers in white that are accompanying the beloved Sanat Kumara. And they are carrying what appears to be a giant white pyramid. And within this white pyramid, something is enfolded—some object, we are certain.

And we do have the power to penetrate the beautiful white substance that shimmers so delightfully, which is shaped as a great white pyramid. And we could, if we would, go through it and see what it is—before he chose to reveal it. But here is a beautiful example of cosmic graciousness: no one, no one of us would dream of doing it. For we wait as you do for the supreme moment of revelation when all will be revealed.

And now, the two gracious gentlemen in white have placed upon the altar here, in the Great Throne Room of the Teton, this precious pyramid of white. And two beautiful angelic beings are approaching to remove the covering. As they lift it now, what do you think the thoughtform for the year [1970] has become? A natural figure that some of you may have anticipated, for they say that coming events cast their shadows before them—and in this case, it is a golden pyramid with a magnificent white capstone with the eye of God looking every way within it. And the light rays are magnificently pouring out from it!

Your Pyramid Conference symbol, the symbol of the Great Seal of the United States,[13] has now become a symbol of world building, of personal building—the building of the character of the individual, the building and raising of the Pyramid of Life, the elevation and constructivism of a new era as the decade begins. And all is centered in the magnificent capstone of life, light, and love. The eye of God, then, beholds the affairs of men, and whatsoever they do in secret can be shouted and shall be shouted from the housetops.[14]

1972 A golden clock with the hands pointing to five minutes to twelve

As our consciousness is raised on high unto the vibratory level of the Spirit, we behold at last the beauty of the cosmic cloud, tinged with gold, coming down out of heaven as an unrolling scroll.

Behind the cloud is an unearthly light. A sudden splendor fills the air, as though a bolt of blue lightning had peacefully descended through the waiting air to cleave asunder the pathway of space from infinity into the time constant. And with the moving of the belt of time, the hand of God delivers unto us the mighty scroll containing the thoughtform for this year [1972].

It is the face of a golden clock with the hands pointing to five minutes to twelve. And at the point of twelve, a beautiful Maltese cross springs forth, embellished with thirty-six magnificent amethysts within each arm of the cross. And the cross is symbolical—symbolical of the perfection of the Presence bringing unto mankind’s attention the fact that the time is short.

The fact that the face of the clock is golden and the hours are likewise golden, the fact that at the apex of twelve stands the transmuting, perfectly balanced cross of the cosmic law, the Maltese cross (which is symbolical of the perfectionment of Saint Germain, the God of Freedom to the Earth), containing the thirty-six symbolical jewels in each arm (the number 144 revealing the archetypes of perfection), should speak to all hearts, showing them their appointed sphere and their appointed opportunity, which is the dedication of themselves unto the Sun behind the sun.

For in reality, the golden face of the clock is the face of the sun. And all should understand that the rays of the fiery orb itself, which beautifully inhabits the universe, are tangible ones, affecting the magnetic flux of the Earth and of all planetary orbs, assisting the boat of the planet Earth to float through the ocean of space in palatial splendor, a godchild from the heart of God.[15]

1975 A multifaceted jewel focusing the flame of the mind of God

Now comes the sphere sealed with the light of the Ancient of Days, sealed with the kiss of Sanat Kumara. And as the golden ball of the year descends into this forcefield, there is a bursting of the ball, and into the cup of consciousness descends the thoughtform for the year 1975—a multifaceted jewel focusing the flame of the mind of God, a gem that is not of this world; nor does it bear resemblance to the crystals of this plane. In the center of the jewel is that flame of the mind of God.

And this is the jewel that is worn around the neck of the Cosmic Virgin, the Virgin One passing through the stars, the stars passing through the body of the Mother. And so we behold the Divine Mother keeping the flame of the mind of God for the children of God.

This jewel is anchored in the etheric plane of the planet at the retreat at Shamballa. And the fire of God’s mind focused therein will be for the quickening of the consciousness of mankind in the way of truth and the restoration of balance, of vision infusing the mind with that love that enables life to impart a gnosis of the Logos.

It is necessary that in this year and in the years to come there be a redemption of the fires of the mind of mankind. And ultimately this focus foretells the day when all mankind shall return to the oneness of the mind of God, which they knew before the descent into carnality. Reaching for the mind of God, every soul upon earth will have a quickening. And those who make the call will have an increase of faculties, of intelligence, of the will to expand the mind to include the facets and dimensions of the cosmic mind.

Now, then, we shall see how this gift of God from on high will increase the capacity of millions to carry the flame of God. How gracious is our LORD! How gracious is Alpha and Omega! How wondrous is opportunity!

I AM privileged to be aware of selfhood as Godhood. I AM called the Enlightened One. And so I say, be enlightened. Be filled with the light of the mind of Buddha. So now, the fires which he has so graciously anchored in my mind I transfer to all who will receive them for the burning, for the consuming, for the clearing of the way. For you see, in this thoughtform for the year, in this jewel (as with any other thoughtform), there is the capacity to multiply again and again that forcefield.

As this jewel is placed in Shamballa, so you may have placed within your own mind—if you will prepare, if you will be purged by the fires of my holy offering—a replica of the jewel of the flame, of the action of cosmic consciousness.

The replica of the jewel, the image fair, is a delicate forcefield, a forcefield that may be broken by misuse. Therefore call and then call again for the reinforcement of the jewel of the mind of God in the center of the head between the third eye and the crown chakra.

So you see how God Almighty, cosmic hierarchies, and cosmic councils are determined that mankind should experience a rebirth through the quickening, the rejuvenation, the cosmic action of the mind of God.[16]

1976 The diamond pin of the Divine Mother

Now the angels of Sanat Kumara, angels from out the Great Central Sun, angels of cosmos are winging their way carrying the scroll, the sacred scroll, on which is written the thoughtform for the year 1976. They place it in my hands and I unroll the sacred scroll. And there is given to Terra in this year a focus of the [Diamond heart|[Diamond Heart]] of Mary, the Diamond Heart of the Divine Mother. And this focus is the diamond pin which the Divine Mother has worn upon her breast for centuries and centuries. It is a diamond pin which you have seen as you have come to the altar of the Divine Mother even thousands and tens of thousands of years ago. In your eye, your very eye, there is a record of this diamond pin which you have seen. And therefore, it is a sign of home, of Mother’s love, of her caress, of her heart. And it will be a sign to all of the children of Terra that the Mother is nigh.

She comes at first veiled, and her children know her by her signs—her voice, her laughter, her joy, her sorrow, her understanding, her silence and her silent glow. But most of all, the children will remember that when they were held in the arms of Mother and they opened their eyes, they saw that diamond pin shining, reflecting the threefold flame of her heart. And as they closed their eyes again to sleep the sleep of love and dream the dream of the One, they were comforted in that matrix of the Diamond Heart of Mother ray.

So it is enshrined for the opening of the heart chakras, for souls to rise to the level of the heart so that I can take them to the level of the crown. Just as the Holy Kumaras and the Ancient of Days released the electrode of the mind of God, so we release this electrode for the stirring of the hearts of a people to the memory of Mother, and they will follow that memory to her teaching. And when they come to her teaching, they will find me there and I will raise them to the enlightenment of Father.

Now, take the lessons of the Buddha and the Mother, and the meditations. Take the mantras, take the songs, take the love, take the truth, take the identity of your Real Self, and make them live. Make them live! Make them live, my children! And you, too, shall live![17]

1977 A golden eagle from the God Star Sirius

And now the angels of the Ancient of Days draw nigh. The angels of the Ancient of Days come forth. And the thoughtform for the year 1977 is upon us. Now there is the opening, the unwrapping of a very large box. The angels have brought and placed before the Buddha the gift of the Christ Mass. They kneel; they remove the wrappings and the ribbon. They remove the lid from the box and they place before me this thoughtform: A golden eagle from the God Star Sirius—the golden eagle that is the archetype of the deliverance of the sons and daughters of God that has ever been the symbol and the signet of Sirius and of the nations sponsored by the Four and Twenty Elders.

It is the golden eagle of America. It is the symbol of redemption. And so the gathering together of the eagles is the great gathering of those who are called and have been called of old for this hour of the victory.

And coming forth from the heart of this eagle is a diamond light. It is a diamond that is turning, and the light of the diamond within that heart is for the reflection of the light of cosmic spheres. Coming forth, then, out of that diamond is the very consciousness of the heart of God. In that heart is the flame of the Trinity that manifests.

Now is the return to honor, to the honor and the ritual of the Court of the Sacred Fire, after which the court of Camelot was molded. And so the mighty eagle that comes from Sirius, the golden focus of the return to the golden age and the age of the standard of gold, shall be in the heart of the earth and in the heart of the people. It shall be hovering without and within this sphere. As I am a thousand million Buddhas everywhere I am, so a thousand million golden eagles come as the multiplication of the gift by the Spirit of the living God descends now, even into your own heart’s chalice.

This is the gift of the thoughtform for the year 1977. It is that the Lord God has decided to place in the hearts of lightbearers that replica of the golden eagle that you might be walking, living emissaries of Sirius, that you might be serious in your calling, that you might bow to the Lords of Flame each day, Sanat Kumara, the Ancient of Days, and the Holy Kumaras and the Four and Twenty Elders and the four angels and the four beasts who are the forcefields of cosmic consciousness in the God Star.

God wills to live on earth, in earth this year in a very peculiar fashion through a very peculiar and precious people. And therefore, God places himself as a golden eagle. And so you see, when you walk the earth, should someone chance to notice that you are wearing a golden eagle in your heart, they will never suspect that it is God. And therefore, the merriment and the joy, the concealing within the eagle of the real and lively living flame of the Almighty One.[18]

1979 A flag of the United States of America in its inner design

Angels from out the Central Sun are descending now with the thoughtform for the year 1979. They deliver to me that symbol which is to be the symbol of light and of the lowering of the light from Alpha and Omega to evolutions of earth in this year. Now with the opening and the unveiling of the emblem, you will come to understand your great tie to the God Star, Sirius, and even the symbol of the eagle.

It is a flag of the United States of America and you see it now in its inner design. You see the stripes, and the red ones have become the gold of the blood of Christ that is the liquid consciousness of Spirit. And you see the white as the energy of Omega, Mother, purity, path of initiation and ascension. The thirteen stripes in gold and white now are the understanding of your wholeness in Alpha and Omega and the path ahead of your initiation in purity by enlightenment. Only those who are enlightened by the light of Alpha can be wholly pure in Omega.

These thirteen bands are thirteen rays of the return of the twelve tribes and the thirteenth tribe of the priesthood. That priesthood has become the Order of Melchizedek manifesting the Christ consciousness in the center of the circle.

As you gaze upon the white stars, you will see that each star is the sign of the coming of a great avatar into your midst—fifty of these avatars destined to be born in this year if you will allow it. The LORD God has said to me, I will allow it. I will find the home of light and the parents for these souls. Their starry bodies will be magnets of the Central Sun—magnifying the divine plan, the teaching, the love, the compassion, the mercy, the forgiveness—each one a freedom star, each one a messenger unto the fifty states. The white upon the blue is the T’ai Chi, Alpha/Omega, Spirit becoming Matter, Matter becoming Spirit.

And now in cosmic spheres, you see in another level of that emblem a mighty eagle. And as you look closely you see the formation of angels of Surya coming to earth to reinforce your ranks.

The Great White Brotherhood, in the name of the I AM THAT I AM, raises the Old Glory unto the new glory of the New Jerusalem, founded in this nation, sealed within the heart of our messenger and our chelas. Long may it wave. And may it be the emblem that is the sign and the standard for the rallying of the forces of light.

It is returned to you after hundreds of thousands of years. For this, the original standard, is that with which souls of light went forth to claim an earth and an evolution for the victory and to one day come to these shores known as the Promised Land. For here in America, you were told by Alpha and Omega, every promise of God to your soul would be fulfilled if your free will would confirm that promise. And so America has been a land of hope and of dreams and of opportunity and of fulfillment for many.[19]

1983 The bluebird of happiness bearing the message of the Christ incarnate

A mighty angel of the LORD delivers to me a scroll. And upon it, performed in the magnificent artwork of a cosmic being, assisted by beloved Paul the Venetian, there is the image, as above so below, of a bird of happiness, a bird of paradise. It is intensely blue. The breast of the bird, much like the breast of a robin, is a ruby and rose. And beyond the breast, translucent, one sees the skillful designing of a threefold flame. It is like the bluebird of happiness. It is like the robin in spring that brings hope of a new season and a new life. But it is an etheric bird that combines the qualities of both and more, for it sings the most beautiful song of heaven.

This thoughtform of the bird is a representation of Alpha himself, as Alpha would come closer to earth this year by releasing millions of these birds out of the etheric octave and into the physical.

The threefold flame of the heart is the sign that the bird bears the message of Christ incarnate to every child of God. And the threefold flame is the point of Alpha—Alpha’s spirit coming to the earth to comfort the people.

The bird is reminiscent of the doves that did not return after the Flood and of the rainbow of promise of a new day.[20] The bird reminds one of the messengers of God of past ages and of all the archetypal virtues that the birds bring, such as the eagle from Sirius.

Last but not least, this bird with the image of the threefold flame behind the ruby breast is a sign to elemental life that the hour is indeed coming when, because the sons of God all give devotion to that flame, the elementals may also gain a point of the Trinity and earn their immortality. The bird brings remembrance of blessed Jesus and the sign of his coming, and of beloved Saint Francis, and the cross that is formed in the air.[21] The bird is a sign of hope that the souls of light may also fly, and follow the currents to a place prepared.

This bluebird, with the rose and fiery ruby, has the yellow beak and little feet, completing a threefold flame. And the eyes that see so much is the eye of the watch bird, watching you. The eyes, therefore, change as they respond to the auras of the people. And as one meditates upon these eyes, one sees, also, and remembers, that the eye of the Virgin of Guadalupe contains all inside a message in itself and a confirmation of her appearance to Juan Diego. Therefore, beloved, in the eye of the bird can been seen a mirror of nature, of heaven, of the soul, and even of the auras of the seed of the wicked.

These birds throughout the world, who will speak to the souls of God’s people, will warn, will comfort, will teach as a sign and a presence of their own Christ Self and the Buddhas. It is Alpha’s gift, and our Father does release now these birds from his heart. Millions fly through his cosmic heart and come—wise and almost as angels, thoughtforms of the mind of God. And what is so rare, beloved, is that Alpha in his own heart contains many millions of qualities.

No two of these birds are alike. Millions of birds, each carrying a virtue—not as cut out of the same mold or cookie cutter, as you would say of mechanization man, but each one uniquely embracing a portion of Alpha’s flame. Thus, the thoughtform for the year 1983 is the single bird, as God is One. But in manifestation, they are millions. Thus you may also understand, as the birds land on your shoulder, that you are also one, and worthy, and facets of the song of Alpha and Omega and the lullaby that the Cosmic Mother sings—one bird, and the many out of one, and the one out of many.

And when in the round of cycles these birds return to the heart of Alpha, they shall approach in a mighty V. But when they enter his heart, it shall be one bird entering the heart of Alpha. For all shall return to the mystical body of the One, the thoughtform itself. And it is true of elemental life, if you can understand the nature of the group soul.[22]

1984 Kuan Yin’s scroll to the children of the Sun

The angel of Sanat Kumara does deliver to me the scroll, the scroll of the thoughtform for the year 1984. [pause]

As I open the scroll, I see before me a rendering of the Lady Kuan Yin. And in her grace, she is portrayed with a scroll in her right hand tied with that violet ribbon. And the scroll is symbolically the one that becomes the many, one for each child of the sun on earth, that in some hour of this year 1984 shall be delivered to the heart and the soul in the etheric octave of the child of the sun.

Each and every child of the sun on earth shall receive this scroll. The scroll contains the life record since the first incarnation in Mater. It does contain the debit and credit side of the ledger. It does contain a list of that which must be balanced, which must be paid, and that which is, as it were, money in the bank of the causal body as light that has ascended to heaven on account. It shows the karma remaining, that which is to be balanced, the dharma to be fulfilled, and does mark the projected hour and designated time of that one’s fulfillment of courses of incarnations to the moment of the ascension in the light.

Beloved ones, not only does this come as a dispensation of Alpha and Omega and the Four and Twenty Elders, but it does come from the heart of Sanat Kumara who gave leave to the Lady Kuan Yin to make this promise long, long ago to the children of the sun. It is the promise of a bodhisattva that ere her work should be completed, she should find each one and deliver the Law’s own mandate for the fulfillment of Love’s victory.

Therefore understand, beloved hearts, that finally there is an engram, as some would see it, like a Chinese character. But this is an engram that represents the individual’s personal formula for the victory of love. It is a yantra. It is a mantra. It is a focus of light that can be assimilated and used by each child of the heart of Kuan Yin, each child of the Sun Mother.

Blessed ones, this formula and this engram of light will be internalized by you as you give the mantras of Kuan Yin. May the blessed one be remembered and revered, for the heart of Kuan Yin is the open door to love—and to love and to love.[23]

1989 The Buddha of the Ruby Ray in the heart of the earth

The design of the thoughtform for the year 1989 does reveal, beloved, the planetary body in a transparency of light as the etheric thoughtform is placed over the lower quadrants of Matter. Looking through this sphere, one sees, then, in the very heart of the earth, designed in a dimension larger than life, the Buddha of the Ruby Ray and all of his court and angels and the mighty legions of the Ruby Ray.

Blessed ones, you must see them to know how the quality of profound compassion and love can be combined in their visages with the fierceness and intensity of the delivery of the Ruby Ray sword into the very teeth of Unreality and Evil and abject ignorance of the Law. Thus the thoughtform of the year does reveal that the passage to the New Day is through the very heart of that golden center where the Buddha of the Ruby Ray does hold the balance for earth....

So, beloved, earth is seen—as there is revealed in this thoughtform the Buddha of the Ruby Ray in the heart of the earth—as the springboard for victory that may shoot across this galaxy and many others. For this momentum begun, if truly nourished and upheld, shall not be stopped, for the momentum is the laser beam of the Ruby Ray of God.

Thus, beloved, the transparent, translucent, transformed planetary body as it shimmers in a whiteness and a rainbow color does reveal the ruby of [the Buddha of the Ruby Ray,] the Blood of Christ, the white of the planet, the Body of Christ. Thus in the Alpha and the Omega of the events which shall follow, because you have accepted golden illumination’s flame for attunement [and for] an increased capacity of the Mind of God, we shall see a Victory unparalleled, a promise fulfilled, and all of you who have come with Sanat Kumara and all who have waited to this hour redeemed and fulfilled and truly satisfied in the Law which you have attended for so long.[24]

1990 A device illustrating the transformation through which the earth must pass

Blessed ones, a being of Light from the Central Sun does deliver to me the thoughtform for the year 1990. It is the thoughtform not only for this year but for this decade and some cycles beyond.

This thoughtform, beloved, is truly a cosmic masterpiece! For this being does unveil something that there are not words in the English language to describe. It is a device, shall we say, that does illustrate in three and four dimensions, through a great sphere, every step of transformation through which the earth body and its evolutions must pass in order to come to the New Day when the resurrection flame may once again be the option of the embodied Lightbearers.

Blessed ones, increment by increment of change may be dialed on this great sphere that is a many-dimensional map of the earth body, showing the earth from the very center to extended levels of the atmosphere and beyond into that space that is around the planet. Thus, by using this very complex computer, if you would call it that, you may dial to the present moment, to any month or day of the year of this period and see what the light requires as transmutation, as transfiguration, as change and see how the earth does respond to that step-up and what, then, may be the consequences.

Since the element of free will is at hand, one can see what would be the difference if certain percentages of the lifewaves of earth did embody the flames of God, how this would make the difference in what would transpire or what would be the power of chemicalization and the abruptness or the smoothness [of the process]. Therefore you may dial in the consequences of many choices [and know by a projection into the future exactly what the consequences of humanity’s exercise of free will might be].

This is the type of instrument that one would see in the retreat of Cuzco or in the God Star, Sirius. Now it is placed within the retreat of Cuzco and, as you know, only Ascended Masters frequent this retreat. It is there for the use of the Ascended Masters in guiding the humanity and the evolutions of this planet through their course. But its very presence in the earth means, beloved, that by meditation, by inner attunement, you may gain an inner awareness of these cycles.

Lend yourselves to them, lend your decrees to them and see how you can be instrumental in the very best outcome that can be admitted. It is a thoughtform, beloved, immensely useful to the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and hence to you as chelas of the Ascended Masters.

Powerful angels of Light of Surya transport this instrument to the location prepared for it in Cuzco’s retreat. From time to time you will receive dictations giving you the awareness of where the planet is in this process of transformation.[25]

1991 The sign of fire descending

So the angel does bring to me now the scroll of the thoughtform for the year 1991. As you can well imagine, beloved, it is a scroll on which is painted the heavenly hues of the sacred fire. This is a scroll that moves. All upon it is alive. Flames are in motion. And in each of the thousands and millions of flames portrayed of every hue of the qualification of God there is a noble one of heaven manifest.

By the means of fire, beings of Light shall descend to earth. As long as there is fire and fire increasing, they shall stay....

This thoughtform, then, is the sign of fire descending, not ascending. It is the fire of descending holy ones of God, and even the Dhyani Buddhas come much closer now than they have been before....

Thus, as you look at the scroll, beneath the fire and the descent of heaven's fiery ones you can also see the panorama of that which cannot meet or match that fire. And those who move against that fire for the false belief that theirs is better, they will be in turmoil and in tempest, they will engage in their battles and their wars, they will attempt to draw the Lightbearers in, as they have always done.

But we know, for the thoughtform of the year tells us and your hearts tell us, that the fire upon this mountain will be kept as antidote for all of that. If the earth go through a purging and a purification and a complete alchemicalization, beloved, I say to you, what is that to thee? Follow thou the Buddha of your heart, the Christ who is the shepherd of your soul![26] In the stillness of the sangha above and beneath the earth, the Buddha awaits you.[27]

1992 The Great Tao

The thoughtform of the year, beloved, is also the Great Tao. But within the Tao are the worlds within worlds of turning, all of the points of manifestation in seed form in dots of Light that shall go forth to become worlds in themselves.

Thus, the manifestation of balance of cosmic forces is the key to the victory in this year and decade and age. When you hold in your heart and body this balance of Light within Light, then know that the power of God that can manifest in you can work wonders beyond your sense of self....

Balance is represented this year in the thoughtform of the scales as well as that of the Great Tao and other symbols that convey to levels of the mind keys to the unconscious that tell the soul that this is truly the year for Divine Justice in every way.[28]

1993 The All-Seeing Eye of God

And now there is handed to me the scroll of the thoughtform of the year 1993, as you calculate the cycles. So this thoughtform, beloved, is unmistakable and clear. This single thoughtform is being multiplied a billion times everywhere! You will not turn a foot in time or space without this thoughtform being present.

It is the All-Seeing Eye of God, beloved—the most needed faculty of Divine Love on the part of every person and those who have not yet personhood but must win it through their own Christ Self and Inner Buddha.

I AM the Lord of the World. Therefore I have something to say this night to the evolutions of earth. The [thoughtform of the] All-Seeing Eye of God is given that you might see, that you might open your eyes, that you might look through the single eye of God and know what is real and what is unreal, what is the illusion that leads you astray and what is the path that is real and necessary for your fulfillment.[29]

1994 A composite map of light and darkness

And so we gather here and the Keeper of the Scrolls does come bearing the thoughtform for the year 1994. The year shows increasing complexity of challenges, almost—and note I say almost—defying solution. The solution, of course, is always in the universal solvent of the violet flame and the secret rays of Cosmos and the unique vibration of the white fire core of each of the seven rays.

So, then, with the complexification of life and karma and the coming to the surface of consciousness of more and more tangled threads and knotty knots that must be undone, presenting challenges that most consider or shall consider (when they come upon them) too difficult to resolve, I therefore give to you a complex thoughtform for the year:

This thoughtform can be reduced to a single map. But behind that single map showing the karma and the karmic potential of the earth and the Light and the Light potential of the earth, there are many, many maps.

Thus I am here and in the Royal Teton Retreat simultaneously. I am in a room called the great map room. And therefore we with the Lords of Karma, the Dhyani Buddhas and other councils gather to examine the maps that show the records of Light and Darkness, of wars of infamy and wars of light and liberation....

Thus there is the great map that is the thoughtform for the year. It is made up of a composite map of Light and a composite map of Darkness, which when superimposed one upon the other make up the single thoughtform for the year 1994.[30]

1995 The manifest presence of the Great Central Sun

The thoughtform for the year 1995 is the manifest presence of the Great Central Sun. And within the sphere of the Sun you can see your Father-Mother God, beloved Alpha, beloved Omega, who represent the beginning and the ending of your cycles of going out from and coming in to the heart of the Sun.[31]

This manifestation of the Great Central Sun is brought to you as a dispensation to assist your passage in the dark night through which earth and her evolutions must pass. And as the darkness becomes darker because of descending karma, so you will have before you the vision of the Great Central Sun. It is brighter, far brighter than the sun of your solar system. It is a spiritual sun as well as a physical sun.

Therefore, by meditating upon the specific point of a physical central sun, which you often associate with the God Star, Sirius, you may also look to the Sun behind the sun, that spiritual, unknowable Sun-center. And you may meditate upon Ein Sof, the unknowable, indescribable God.

I say, face the Sun of your I AM Presence daily. Face the sun of Helios and Vesta and recognize that all sons and daughters of God in all planes of being throughout the Matter cosmos have the possibility of meditating upon the Great Central Sun through the Sun of their I AM Presence and the sun of Helios and Vesta.

This meditation can produce in you a feeling of intense heat or a glow over the third-eye chakra and surrounding the head as a halo. With concentrated visualization daily, you can establish such a strong heart tie to the Great Central Sun as to make you almost oblivious to the darkness of the earth. You must always put this darkness behind you. And when you invoke your tube of light, visualize the rays of the Great Central Sun streaming down upon you within and without.[32]

In 1995 a large white cross with a circle at the nexus of the two bars was positioned outside King Arthur’s Court overlooking the Yellowstone River. Lit from below at night, the cross could be seen from the highway and surrounding area.

1996 The cosmic cross of white fire

The thoughtform for the year, beloved, must be delivered after the midnight hour of the previous year. This is a matter of astrology. When that thoughtform is released, sometime after the clock strikes twelve, there is, then, that moment when it actually comes into an etheric-physical manifestation. Therefore I did not deliver it earlier.

Blessed ones, the messenger’s communion with me, and I with her, though her not aware of my presence, brought about the manifestation of the thoughtform for the year, which you all have seen. It is the cosmic cross of white fire with a circle at the nexus of the two bars. This is a magnificent thoughtform. And it is the co-workers here at the ranch who created it and made it physical. They even draped the trees with the lights of the causal body going out from the center beneath the cross. That circle, beloved, is the circle of oneness of Alpha and Omega with all those who bear and wear the sign of that cross, the cosmic cross of white fire.

As you know, the staff have given to the messenger, for the fourteenth anniversary of the marriage of Edward and Elizabeth, a cross of white fire. Meditating on this cross, she realized that all could have recourse to healing through the diamonds of that cross.

And so you see, beloved, that cross became the gigantic cross and now the cosmic cross of white fire that you might call upon. The messenger has stated that she would always wear this [diamond] cross on her person so that if you have a sudden need you may call to the causal body of the messenger and to that cross and know a tie to the higher causal bodies of the messengers and twin flames ascended.

Now, beloved, remember the Tao. Remember the T’ai Chi. Remember the vertical bar signifying your ascent to God and the horizontal bar signifying the work you have remaining to do on planet earth.

So I have delivered this to you, beloved. And I have purposely not told you at what hour this came into being. Thus it will have an unknown astrology, and yet the thoughtform shall be your banner and your battle cry.[33]

The United States Marine Corps War Memorial, frequently referred to as the Iwo Jima Memorial, depicts one of the most famous incidents of World War II. The monument is in tribute to the 6,821 Americans who gave their lives in the battle for Iwo Jima, Japan—a key to the successful conclusion of the Pacific campaign. The sculpture is the largest cast-bronze statue in the world; hundreds of artisans worked eight years to complete it.

1997 The Iwo Jima Memorial

The thoughtform for the year 1997 was announced by Sanat Kumara:

Beloved ones, the thoughtform for the year 1997 is none other than the Iwo Jima Memorial. I have chosen this thoughtform, for it shows the unity and oneness of those who have fought and won on foreign soils, especially in the Pacific arena. I have chosen this, beloved, so that you might see that it takes a concerted effort of many to plant the banner of Old Glory, to plant the banner of Sanat Kumara, to plant the banner of Maitreya, to carry the banner and to know one’s strength as you rally round the banner of Sanat Kumara.

Let that memorial be a memory to you that against all odds the United States of America won World War II, World War I. Yes, beloved, the wars were won because people sacrificed, they surrendered, they were selfless and they were not surfeited in their own human consciousness and the things of the world and the things of darkness. Of those who were the winners in those days, many have reincarnated today. Many of them are your own children.

So, beloved, what man has done, man can do. Let us be up and doing, for the hour is far spent and the world awaits the coming of the legions of Sanat Kumara, the Keepers of the Flame and the lightbearers of every continent. So may you all stand and rejoice for the victory of your nations![34]

1998 Mother Mary Nurturing the Children of the World

I AM Lord Gautama and I AM the one who watches over you, and I also bring to you each year the thoughtform for the year. Thus, listen well as I speak of this thoughtform.

This thoughtform comes from the heart of your blessed Mother Mary. It is she who desires to nurture all children of the world. And therefore that thoughtform shall bring to you tremendous Power, Wisdom and Love for the caring of children, millions upon millions of children, and especially those who are without parents.

May you extend your hand toward these little ones. May you bring them to a new awareness of God. May you tutor them. May you help them understand their chakras, the centers of light within their beings. Heal the children of the world, beloved, and you shall heal your own heart as well.[35]


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats

  1. Cuzco, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 5, no. 2, January 12, 1962.
  2. Gautama Buddha, December 31, 1962, “The Three-Star Symbol,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 26, no. 3, January 16, 1983.
  3. Gautama Buddha, December 31, 1963, “The Great Anvil of Freedom,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 7, no. 2, January 10, 1964.
  4. Gautama Buddha, December 31, 1964, “Go Be!” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 26, no. 7, February 13, 1983.
  5. Matt. 13:9, 43; Mark 4:23; 7:16; Rev. 2:7, 11, 17, 29; 3:6, 13, 22; 13:9.
  6. 1 Cor. 13:4, 5.
  7. Gautama Buddha, December 31, 1965, “Love Is the Key,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 26, no. 9, February 27, 1983.
  8. Gautama Buddha, December 31, 1966, “A Star of Hope to the World,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 26, no. 10, March 6, 1983.
  9. Gautama Buddha, December 31, 1967, “UNO,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 26, no. 12, March 20, 1983.
  10. Jer. 31:33; Heb. 8:10.
  11. Ps. 132.
  12. Gautama Buddha, December 31, 1968, “The Ark of the Covenant,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 26, no. 14, April 3, 1983.
  13. The Pyramid Conference (1969 Harvest class) was held October 9–12, 1969, Colorado Springs. The central figure on the reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States is an unfinished pyramid. Suspended above it is the All-Seeing Eye of God centered in the capstone. For Cyclopea’s teaching on “The Mystery of the Capstone” (March 23, 1980) and “The Components of the Capstone” (March 30, 1980), see A Prophecy of Karma to Earth and Her Evolutions (Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 23), pp. 71, 73–74.
  14. Gautama Buddha, December 31, 1960, “A Magnificent Capstone,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 26, no. 15, April 10, 1983.
  15. Gautama Buddha, January 1, 1972, “Five Minutes to Twelve,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 26, no. 21, May 22, 1983.
  16. Gautama Buddha, December 31, 1974, “Release of the Thoughtform for the Year 1975: The Jewel of the Mind of God,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 1, no. 48, December 22, 2018.
  17. Gautama Buddha, December 31, 1975, “Raising the Light of Mother for the Opening of the Crown,” {POWref|55|1|January 1, 2012}}
  18. Gautama Buddha, December 31, 1976, “Release of the Thoughtform for the Year 1977: A Golden Eagle from the God Star Sirius,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 20, no. 24, June 12, 1977.
  19. Gautama Buddha, December 31, 1978, “An Experience Restored in the Third Eye and the Crown Chakra,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 54, no. 2, January 15, 2011.
  20. Gen. 8:8–12, 9:13–17.
  21. The Little Flowers of Saint Francis recoounts that Saint Francis once preached a sermon to a multitude of birds. At the conclusion of the sermon, the saint made the sign of the cross and gave them leave to fly away. As they did so, they formed a cross in the air.
  22. Gautama Buddha, January 1, 1983.
  23. Gautama Buddha, December 31, 1983, “Release of the Thoughtform for the Year 1984: Kuan Yin’s Scroll to the Children of the Sun,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 27, no. 4, January 22, 1984.
  24. Gautama Buddha, December 31, 1988, “1989: A Spectacular Opportunity for Self-Realization,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 32, no. 3, January 8, 1989.
  25. Gautama Buddha, December 31, 1989, “The Resurrection May Not Be Postponed,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 33, no. 2, January 14, 1990.
  26. John 21:22.
  27. Gautama Buddha, December 31, 1990, “The Increase of the Fire of the Heart,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 34, no. 6, February 10, 1991.
  28. Gautama Buddha, December 31, 1991, “A Joyous Year,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 35, no. 7, February 16, 1992.
  29. Gautama Buddha, December 31, 1992, “I Shall Kindle!” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 36, no. 4, January 24, 1993.
  30. Gautama Buddha, December 31, 1993, “A Heart of Challenge,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 37, no. 5, January 30, 1994.
  31. Rev. 1:8; 21:6; 22:13.
  32. Gautama Buddha, December 31, 1994, “Shamballa: Point of Origin, Point of Return,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 38, no. 6, February 5, 1995.
  33. Gautama Buddha, January 1, 1996, “Thoughtform for the Year 1996: The Cosmic Cross of White Fire,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 46, no. 43, October 26, 2003.
  34. Sanat Kumara, December 31, 1996, “A Special Dispensation for All the Youth: A Mantle as a Filigree of Protection,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 44, no. 47, November 25, 2001.
  35. Gautama Buddha and Mother Mary, January 3, 1998, “Mother Mary Nurtures the Children of the World,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 41, no. 10, March 8, 1998.