Page translation
Pages with pending changes
This page has changes not marked for translation.
- What's new (old syntax | no transclusion support)
Pages in translation
The latest version of each of these pages has been marked for translation.
- AUM (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- A Cosmic Being from out the Great Silence (no transclusion support)
- Abraham (no transclusion support)
- Adept (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Adolf Hitler (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Affirmation (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Afra (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Agni yoga (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Ahimsa (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Akasha (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Akashic records (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Akbar the Great (no transclusion support)
- Alchemical marriage (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Alexander Gaylord (no transclusion support)
- Alpha and Omega (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Alphas (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Amaryllis, Goddess of Spring (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Amen Bey (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Angel (no transclusion support)
- Angel Deva of the Jade Temple (no transclusion support)
- Angel of Gethsemane (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Angel of Listening Grace (no transclusion support)
- Angel of Peace (no transclusion support)
- Angel of the Agony (no transclusion support)
- Angel of the Cosmic Cross of White Fire (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Angel of the LORD (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Angel of the Resurrection (no transclusion support)
- Angel of the Revelation of John the Divine (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Angel who rolled away the stone (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Animal (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Animal magnetism
- Antahkarana (no transclusion support)
- Antichrist (no transclusion support)
- Apollo and Lumina (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Apollo and Lumina's retreat (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Arabian Retreat (no transclusion support)
- Archangel (no transclusion support)
- Archangel Raphael (no transclusion support)
- Archangel Uzziel and his twin flame (no transclusion support)
- Archangels of the five secret rays (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Archeia (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Arcturus and Victoria (no transclusion support)
- Arcturus and Victoria's retreat (no transclusion support)
- Arhat (no transclusion support)
- Aries and Thor (no transclusion support)
- Ascended master (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Ascension (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Ascension Temple and Retreat at Luxor (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Aspirant (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Astral (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Astral ka (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Astral plane (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Atlantis (no transclusion support)
- Aton (no transclusion support)
- Aura (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Avatar (no transclusion support)
- Babaji
- Baptism (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Beelzebub
- Belial
- Bhajan (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Bhakti yoga (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Bodhisattva (no transclusion support)
- Bodies of man (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Body elemental (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Brahma (no transclusion support)
- Brahman (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Brotherhood of Mount Shasta (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Brotherhood of the Black Raven
- Brothers and Sisters of the Golden Robe (no transclusion support)
- Buddha (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Buddha of the Ruby Ray (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Call (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Call to the Fire Breath (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Cardinal Bonzano (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Carnal mind (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Casimir Poseidon (no transclusion support)
- Cassiopea (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Cathedral of Nature (no transclusion support)
- Cathedral of the Violet Flame (no transclusion support)
- Causal body (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Cave of Light (no transclusion support)
- Cave of Symbols (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Celeste (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Central sun (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Cha Ara (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Chakra (no transclusion support)
- Chamuel and Charity (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Chananda (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Chant (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Charity, the Cosmic Being (no transclusion support)
- Chart of Your Divine Self (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Chela (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Cherub (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Chohan (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Christ (no transclusion support)
- Christ Self (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Christ consciousness (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Christopher Columbus (no transclusion support)
- Château de Liberté (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- City Foursquare (no transclusion support)
- Clara Louise
- Communism
- Confucius (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Cosmic Christ
- Cosmic Christ and Planetary Buddha
- Cosmic Christs from other systems of worlds
- Cosmic Egg (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Cosmic Mirror (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Cosmic Virgin (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Cosmic being (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Cosmic clock (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Cosmic consciousness (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Cosmic hierarchy (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Cosmic law (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Cosmos (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Crotona (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Cuzco (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Cyclopea and Virginia (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Cyclopea and Virginia's retreat (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Daniel and Nada Rayborn (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Darjeeling Council (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Dark Cycle (no transclusion support)
- Dark night (no transclusion support)
- David Lloyd (no transclusion support)
- Deathless solar body (no transclusion support)
- Decree (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Democracy (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Deva (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Dialectical materialism
- Diamond heart (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Dictation (no transclusion support)
- Discipleship (no transclusion support)
- Divine Ego (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Divine Monad
- Divine plan (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Djwal Kul (no transclusion support)
- Djwal Kul's Retreat in Tibet (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Durga (no transclusion support)
- Dweller-on-the-threshold (no transclusion support)
- Eclipse (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Eightfold Path (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- El Morya (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- El Morya's dispensation (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- El Morya’s Day (no transclusion support)
- El Morya’s Retreat in El Capitan, Yosemite Valley (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Electronic Presence (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Electronic belt (no transclusion support)
- Elementals (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Elizabeth Clare Prophet
- Elohim (no transclusion support)
- Elohim of the five secret rays (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Emotional body (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Energy veil
- English language (no transclusion support)
- Enoch (no transclusion support)
- Eriel (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Eriel's retreat in Arizona (no transclusion support)
- Ernon, Rai of Suern (no transclusion support)
- Etheric (no transclusion support)
- Etheric body (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Etheric cities (no transclusion support)
- Etheric plane (no transclusion support)
- Etheric retreat (no transclusion support)
- Evil (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Evil One (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Faith, Hope and Charity (no transclusion support)
- Fallen angel (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- False gurus (no transclusion support)
- False hierarchy
- Father-Mother God
- Fearlessness flame (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Fiat (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Final exams
- Five Dhyani Buddhas (no transclusion support)
- Flaming Yod (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Fohat (no transclusion support)
- Fortuna (no transclusion support)
- Four and twenty elders (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Four lower bodies
- Fourteen ascended masters who govern the destiny of America (no transclusion support)
- Free will (no transclusion support)
- Fun Wey (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Gabriel and Hope (no transclusion support)
- Gabriel and Hope's retreat (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Garabandal (no transclusion support)
- Garden of Eden (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Garden of Eden (the mystery school of Lord Maitreya) (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Gautama Buddha (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Goal-fitting (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- God (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- God-government (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- God Harmony (no transclusion support)
- God Tabor (no transclusion support)
- God and Goddess Meru (no transclusion support)
- God consciousness (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- God flame (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- God of Gold (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- God of Nature (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- God of the Swiss Alps (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Goddess of Freedom (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Goddess of Liberty (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Goddess of Light (no transclusion support)
- Goddess of Peace (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Goddess of Purity (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Goddess of Purity's retreat over Madagascar (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Goddess of Purity's retreat over San Francisco (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Godfre (no transclusion support)
- Gold (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Golden age (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Golden age of Jesus Christ on Atlantis (no transclusion support)
- Golden age of the first three root races (no transclusion support)
- Great Central Sun (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Great Divine Director (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Great White Brotherhood (no transclusion support)
- Group soul (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Guru-chela relationship (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Guru Ma
- Guy W. Ballard (no transclusion support)
- Hail Mary (no transclusion support)
- Hatha yoga
- Healing thoughtform (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Helena P. Blavatsky
- Helios and Vesta (no transclusion support)
- Hercules and Amazonia (no transclusion support)
- Hercules and Amazonia's retreat (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Hermes Trismegistus (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Heros and Amora (no transclusion support)
- Heros and Amora's retreat (no transclusion support)
- Hierarchies of the Pleiades (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Hierarchs of the four elements
- Higher Self (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Hilarion (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Himalaya (no transclusion support)
- Holy Communion (no transclusion support)
- Holy Spirit (no transclusion support)
- Human consciousness (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Human ego (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Human monad (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- I AM Lord's Prayer (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- I AM Presence (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Igor (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Ikhnaton and Nefertiti
- Illuminati (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Immaculate concept (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Immortality (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Indian Black Brotherhood
- Initiation (no transclusion support)
- Inner child
- Invocation (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Ishvara (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Isis
- Issa (no transclusion support)
- Jar-El-Um (no transclusion support)
- Jesus (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Jesus' descent into hell (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Jnana yoga (no transclusion support)
- Johannes (no transclusion support)
- John the Baptist (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- John the Beloved (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- John the Beloved's retreat (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Jophiel and Christine (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Jophiel and Christine's retreat (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Justina (no transclusion support)
- Justinius (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- K-17 (no transclusion support)
- Kali (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Karma (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Karma yoga (no transclusion support)
- Karmic Board (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Keeper's Daily Prayer (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Keeper of the Scrolls (no transclusion support)
- Keepers of the Flame Fraternity (no transclusion support)
- King Arthur (no transclusion support)
- Krishna (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Kuan Yin (no transclusion support)
- Kundalini
- Kuthumi (no transclusion support)
- Kuthumi's Retreat at Shigatse, Tibet (no transclusion support)
- Lady Kristine (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Lake of fire (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Lakshmi (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Lanello
- Lanello's retreat on the Rhine (no transclusion support)
- Lanto (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Lanto's Prayer (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Lao Tzu
- Law of correspondence (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Law of cycles (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Law of forgiveness (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Law of the One (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Lemuria
- Leonora (no transclusion support)
- Leto (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Lifestream (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Light (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Lightbearer (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Lila
- Lilith (unseen satellite of the earth) (no transclusion support)
- Listening Angel (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Lord Ling (no transclusion support)
- Lord Maitreya (no transclusion support)
- Lord of the World (no transclusion support)
- Lost years of Jesus
- Lotus (no transclusion support)
- Lucifer (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Ludwig van Beethoven (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Macrocosm (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Magda (no transclusion support)
- Maha Chohan (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Mahasamadhi
- Mahatma (no transclusion support)
- Main Page (no transclusion support)
- Maitreya's Mystery School (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Maitreya's retreat over Tientsin, China (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Man (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Manchild (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Manjushri (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Mantle (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Mantra (no transclusion support)
- Manu (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Maria (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Maria Montessori (no transclusion support)
- Marijuana (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Mark L. Prophet
- Mary, the mother of Jesus (no transclusion support)
- Mary Baker Eddy (no transclusion support)
- Mass consciousness (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Master of Paris (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Master of Paris' retreats (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Mater (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Maximus (no transclusion support)
- Maya
- Melchior (no transclusion support)
- Melchizedek (no transclusion support)
- Mental body (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Mercury (the planet) (no transclusion support)
- Messenger (no transclusion support)
- Meta (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Meta's Healing Retreat over New England (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Micah (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Michael and Faith (no transclusion support)
- Microcosm (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Middle East
- Mighty Angel Clothed with a Cloud (no transclusion support)
- Mighty Blue Eagle (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Mighty Cosmos (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Mighty Victory (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Milarepa (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Misqualification (of energy) (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Monad
- Mother (no transclusion support)
- Mother Mary's Circle of Light (no transclusion support)
- Mother Teresa
- Mother of the Flame (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Mother of the World (no transclusion support)
- Muses (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Mystery school (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Nada (no transclusion support)
- Nephilim (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Neptune and Luara (no transclusion support)
- Nicholas Roerich (no transclusion support)
- Occult (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Omri-Tas (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Omri-Tas and Saint Germain’s Day (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Order of Francis and Clare (no transclusion support)
- Order of the Child (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Order of the Diamond Heart (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Order of the Emerald Cross (no transclusion support)
- Order of the Golden Lily (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Order of the Good Samaritan (no transclusion support)
- Original sin (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Orion, the Old Man of the Hills (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Orion’s retreat (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Oromasis and Diana (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Oromasis and Diana's retreat (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Our Lady of Guadalupe (no transclusion support)
- Our Lady of Knock (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Padma Sambhava (no transclusion support)
- Padre Pio
- Palace of Light (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Palace of White Marble (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Pallas Athena (no transclusion support)
- Parvati (no transclusion support)
- Path (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Paul the Venetian (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Peace and Aloha (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Pearls of Wisdom (no transclusion support)
- Pentecost (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Permanent atom of being (no transclusion support)
- Persian Retreat (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Phylos the Tibetan (no transclusion support)
- Physical body (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Portia (no transclusion support)
- Portia's retreat (no transclusion support)
- Power, wisdom and love (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Prayer (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Progressive revelation (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Psychic (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Purity and Astrea (no transclusion support)
- Purity and Astrea's retreat (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Quarterly conferences (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Queen of Light (no transclusion support)
- Queen of Light's retreat (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Ra Mu (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Raja yoga (no transclusion support)
- Rakoczy Mansion (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Ramakrishna (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Raphael and Mother Mary's retreat (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Ray-O-Light (no transclusion support)
- Rays (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Readings (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Real Image (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Real Self (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Recording angel (no transclusion support)
- Reincarnation (no transclusion support)
- Resurrection
- Resurrection Temple (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Resurrection flame (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Retreat of the Blue Lotus (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Retreat of the Divine Mother (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Rex and Nada, Bob and Pearl (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Ritual of the Resurrection Flame (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Rock music
- Rocky Mountain retreat for teenagers (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Roger Bacon (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Root race (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Rosary
- Rose Temple (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Rose of Light (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Round Table (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Royal Teton Retreat (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Ruth Hawkins (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Sacred Retreat of the Blue Flame (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Sacred fire (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Sacred labor (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Saint Germain (no transclusion support)
- Saint Joseph (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Saint Patrick (no transclusion support)
- Saint Paul (no transclusion support)
- Samadhi (no transclusion support)
- Samael (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Sanat Kumara and Lady Master Venus (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Sangha
- Sarasvati (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Satan (no transclusion support)
- Satans (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Satsanga
- Secret chamber of the heart (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Seraphim (no transclusion support)
- Serapis Bey (no transclusion support)
- Serpent (fallen angel)
- Serpent (symbol) (no transclusion support)
- Servatus (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Seven holy Kumaras (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Seven rays (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Seventh root race (no transclusion support)
- Shamballa (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Shekinah (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Shiva (no transclusion support)
- Shrine of Glory (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Silent Watcher (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Sin (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Snow King and Snow Queen (no transclusion support)
- Socialism
- Solar Logoi (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Son of man (no transclusion support)
- Sons and daughters of God (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Soul (no transclusion support)
- Soul mate
- Soul travel (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Southern Cross (no transclusion support)
- Spirit (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Spoken Word (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Sponsors of Youth (no transclusion support)
- Sri Magra (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Sun behind the sun (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Sunspots (no transclusion support)
- Surya (no transclusion support)
- Surya Day (no transclusion support)
- Synthetic image (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Tablets of Mem (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Tabor's retreat in the Rocky Mountains (no transclusion support)
- Taiwan (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Tao
- Temple of Comfort (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Temple of Faith and Protection (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Temple of Good Will (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Temple of Illumination (no transclusion support)
- Temple of Mercy (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Temple of Peace (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Temple of Purification (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Temple of Truth (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Temple of the Crystal-Pink Flame (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Temple of the Sun (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Temple of the Sun of Helios and Vesta (no transclusion support)
- The Focus of Illumination (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- The Nameless One from Out the Great Central Sun (no transclusion support)
- The Spirit of Christmas (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- The Spirit of Selflessness (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- The Spirit of the Resurrection (no transclusion support)
- The Summit Lighthouse (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- The Universal (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- The Unknown Master of the Himalayas (no transclusion support)
- The White Goddess (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Theosophia (no transclusion support)
- Thomas Becket (no transclusion support)
- Thomas Moore (no transclusion support)
- Thomas More (no transclusion support)
- Thor (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Three Wise Men (no transclusion support)
- Threefold flame (no transclusion support)
- Thérèse of Lisieux (no transclusion support)
- Transfiguration (no transclusion support)
- Transfiguring Affirmations of Jesus the Christ (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Traveling Protection (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Tree of Life (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Tube of light (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Twelve solar hierarchies (no transclusion support)
- Twelve tribes of Israel
- Twin flame (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Two Men Who Stood by in White Apparel (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Unascended being (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Uriel and Aurora (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Uriel and Aurora's retreat (no transclusion support)
- Utopia (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Vaivasvata Manu (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Vaivasvata Manu's retreat in the Himalayas (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Vajrasattva (Dhyani Buddha) (no transclusion support)
- Venus (the planet) (no transclusion support)
- Vicarious atonement (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Victory's Temple (no transclusion support)
- Violet-flame decrees
- Violet-flame dispensations from Omri-Tas (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Violet Planet (no transclusion support)
- Violet flame (no transclusion support)
- Virgo and Pelleur (no transclusion support)
- Viruses (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Vishnu (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Vulcan, God of Fire (no transclusion support)
- Watchers
- Wesak (no transclusion support)
- Western Shamballa (no transclusion support)
- Winter solstice
- Word (no transclusion support)
- World Teacher (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- World government (no transclusion support)
- Yoga (no transclusion support)
- Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Zarathustra (no transclusion support)
- Zarathustra's retreat (no transclusion support)
- “Watch With Me” Jesus’ Vigil of the Hours (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Template:False hierarchy (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Template:Science of the spoken Word (old syntax | no transclusion support)
- Category:Christian saints
- Category:Embodiments of ascended masters
- Category:Golden ages